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Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 68



Click on the video above to watch Episode 68 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.




Adam: Hi everybody welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 24th of February 2016 and this is episode 68. Keep watching the numbers go up and I want to start saying we’re getting close to a 100 but we’re not quite there yet. We’ll still go. Let’s see, we’re going to go through some announcements after we say hi to everybody. I’m going to put that off for a minute and start off with Chris, he’s the first one on my screen, how is it going Chris? Chris is muted; okay well Chris is being silent today.

Chris: Sorry I’m [inaudible 00:00:32].

Adam: Can’t complain, good to hear from you.

Chris: Hey Hernan, how is it going?

Hernan: Hi guys, hi Adam, hi everyone. It’s really good to be here.

Adam: Marco, what’s up?

Marco: Hello from boring world.

Adam: Shut up.

Hernan: Hey, I’ll be joining you next week.

Adam: God, screw both of you. Bradley, how’s it going man?

Bradley: its good man, I’m glad to be here.

Adam: All right. Let’s do it. We got some quick announcements. We got some info to share with you guys, some cool stuff then we’ll dive into it. Let’s see, I think last week we told everybody but in case my memory is failing me, I have IFTTT 2.0. Definite launch date is the 28th of March. I’ll drop the link if you want to get notified or get more information about that, hop over and sign up.

Chris: Yes it’s about time man.

Adam: We’ve been [inaudible 00:01:28] a lot, I don’t know if we’ve really announced it on Hump Day Hangouts. This is obviously going to be an expanse of the [IFTTT 00:01:36] product. We’re going to have a membership area, there’s going to be updated training. We’ll give you some more details of that later. I’m going to leave that hanging so that you’re tantalized by the prospect. Also if you don’t know how things work, you join the master class, you get IFTTT included just like our master mind members get the master class and IFTTT included. We’re going to be raising the monthly price on the master class soon, if you want to do that now, lock it in and hop in. Now is a good time to do it before we come out with version two of IFTTT SEO. I’m going to put that link in there if you’re interested in that.

Last week unless I was mistaken we had an interview. We were talking about buddy VIP as a tool for testing video marketing. I’m going to let Bradley talk about this a little bit more since he kind of conducted the interview. This is something we did with our master mind. He’s got some information about that and we wanted to share with everybody. It’s a pretty cool product; it’s got some good uses. I’ll just put it over to you Bradley.

Bradley: Let me just go ahead and grab the screen now then. Just one second. This is it, if you dropped the link Adam, its semanticmastery.com/buddy/vip. Guys I did an interview where we had Jeffery Evans the developer last week during master mind. I just cut that part out so that you guys could see what it does. It’s a really cool tool. Those of you who are doing video SEO or even regular SEO but are trying to find out which keywords you can rank for little to no effort.

Really with zero SEO effort. What the tool does is it uses YouTube but essentially what it will do is, you add a bunch of YouTube accounts that you can purchase from Fiverr or there’s a provider on SourceMarket. There’s several providers where you can get YouTube accounts. These are not flushed out YouTube accounts. They’re strictly set up accounts with no profile links, no persona, nothing.

They’re just for test accounts and you add a list of accounts, let’s say 5 or 10 accounts to buddy VIP. What it will do then is you add the keywords that you want to rank for or that you want to test. It’s just for testing purposes. It will go out and find, it will log in to one YouTube account, it will go to the creative comments, the YouTube editor. It will find the creative comments video basically around the keyword that you enter.

Then it will change the title to the keyword plus the location like if you’re doing local for example. Then it will save it because creative comments, you’re allowed to use other people’s videos. It will save it into that YouTube channel and then it will repeat the process for all the keywords that you have listed in your file. It will cycle through so that you’re not doing more than 3, 4, 5 videos per account at any one given time.

Then what it will do is after all the videos have been saved as creative common videos on your own channel, the software will go check Google to see where those videos have ranked, where they’ve landed. You can tell it to go look 3 pages back, 4 pages back, 5 pages back. It will save the video and its ranking position in the CSP file. What’s really cool is that guys, this doesn’t require syndication networks, nothing. This is strictly for testing.

You can quickly identify which keywords you can rank videos for with zero SEO work. Or at least get them to page 2 or whatever and then you can say, “Okay then with a little bit of effort, I can get this to show up on page 1.” It works very, very quickly and it’s simple to use, it’s a simple to use software program, it’s not complicated. I like it a lot because we were doing the same thing with Hangout Millionaire.

Hangout Millionaire is a great app, don’t get me wrong but it takes a lot longer with Hangout Millionaire and there’s the monthly expense with Hangout Millionaire and this is a onetime fee. Those of you that are looking to try to identify keywords that you can rank for very very quickly with little to no work especially videos, this is a great tool. We did an interview with the product developer about 40 minutes roughly. You guys can see that right here.

Obviously there’s a link there and also there’s a coupon if you use the coupon code Bradley at checkout you get 50 bucks off. I don’t know how long that coupon code will last it’s up to Jeffery, how long he allows that to last. I encourage you when you’re done with Hump Day Hangouts, if you have time, if you’re interested at all in something like this. Just check out the webinar and pick it up while the discounts will last.

Hernan: We love this tool so much that’s it not actually a discount but actually paying out of pocket for 50 bucks for you guys.

Bradley: I’m going to pay 50 bucks for each one of you.

Hernan: Have that in mind.

Bradley: All right Adam. Back to you.

Adam: Not much, I wanted to, we’ve been sending out some emails and we’ve mentioned project supremacy. We had a bunch of really cool reviews and people talking about it throughout the master mind, the master class. I’ve seen a bunch of threads about it. It’s a pretty cool tool. I cannot remember whether it was you Hernan or Bradley were you able to talk about using it as far as the market goes? Which is one of the really cool aspects of this.

Bradley: Yeah unfortunately I don’t have it. I was hoping to have time to install it on a test site, a demo site that I could show it today briefly but I didn’t get time to do that. The only function that I’ve used within it so far is the local business markup, the structured data markup part which will add a [Jason LD 00:07:23] markup in the head of the site individually. We’re just filling out fields, so that you don’t have to do the JASON LD coding yourself. It scares a lot of people, I don’t know why; it’s not difficult to do. A lot of people just don’t like to do that, they get nervous about it.

This makes it really easy because there’s just literally text fields and you put in all your data. Name, address, phone number, description, the same as attributes anybody that knows anything about structure data markup. In the JASON LD, the same as attribute is very, very important and that’s where we link to our IFTTT properties. Any social data hubs, Google social data hub partner sites, any semantic hub citations. You can use all of those same as attributes very, very powerful for local.

This Stuff Works

Anybody doing local SEO and trying to rank maps. All of this makes it really, really easy inside that plugin. Also what really cool about is, if you’ve got multi locations, if you’ve got a website, for example a local business that has multiple locations, then on each location page you can override the JASON LD markup and the header by injecting page specific structured data in that page.

That’s really cool for those of you because that’s been a challenge with people that are working on websites that have multiple locations. If you put a site wide script in the header of the site, then it would interfere with the location pages. Having the proper structured data on the location pages. This plugin kinds of makes it a lot easier. It solves that problem in almost an automated fashion. That’s the only part of it that I’ve used. I know the plugin does a hell a lot more. Maybe Hernan could talk about but that’s all I’ve used it for so far and I like it for that.

Hernan: That’s the core; you could call that the core feature. They are showing a ton of results, just by people implementing those markups. Which we already know that they’re powerful. The plugin as you are currently saying Bradley makes it easier to implement. What you could do also is you curate content and to interlink content from within the plugin. It has a really neat keyword research tool. Again it’s a tool that you need to have in mind that it’s a tool so it’s based on criteria of the developer.

I think it allows you to, whether you are doing affiliate or if you’re doing local, it will allow you to give you some, a good panorama of the entire landscape of that local search and whatnot. I think it’s pretty cool and in fact we started with [inaudible 00:09:52] and playing with it a little bit and actually reaching out to the developers because people were starting raving about it on the master mind I think it was. I think that’s a good plugin to check it out, I think it has 3 different licenses and it’s really inexpensive for what it does. I would suggest that you pick it up.

Bradley: Awesome.

Adam: That’s all I got, you guys got anything else?

Bradley: I think that’s it. If we got some questions, we’ll go ahead and jump into those.

Adam: Let’s do it.

Bradley: I’m going to take the screen and here we go. I do want to share 1 more thing though, because this is just a little bit of a tease. We started a subdivision of our main company and our main master mind group. It’s called Mastery PR, it’s an affiliate division that we’re building out for Semantic Mastery anyways. We decided that we’re going to take some of our master mind members that were interested in affiliate marketing and build affiliate businesses all together.

We’re building a foundation, a scalable affiliate business, not some solo act sitting behind their computer in their underwear doing affiliate promotions. That’s fine and dandy, will make you some money yes, but to build a real business that scalable business where you can work on your business instead of in your business, you need to build a foundation. Start thinking about creating processes and working procedures for all of that.

We were doing that Semantic Mastery anyways, for Mastery PR our affiliate division. We decided to go ahead and include those master mind members that were interested in wanting to build an affiliate business as well. Because we have heard that’s come up several times. That there was people wanting to get more into the affiliate side of things.

Again we wanted to say, “Look, if we’re going to develop this division out as kind of a separate company, right now it’s under the Semantic Mastery umbrella but at some point it might end up being its own corporation. A serious affiliate business.” We decided to go ahead and bring in some mastermind members in, those that wanted to learn that. I can’t tell you how exciting it is. This is inside the community that we have for that. This is about 3 week’s old guys and we have so much.

I’m just giving you a quick tease in here. We have so much activity in here it’s ridiculous. If anybody is interested in learning how to build an affiliate business, I highly recommend that you jump in; it’s a small group right now. I highly recommend that you join the mastermind and tell us that you want to be part of Mastery PR affiliate group because you want to learn how to build out an affiliate business. Because there is so much activity in here. I’ve never quite seen the excitement level of a small group like I have in this particular thing. Not that the mastermind isn’t awesome but like this is a very, very focused effort.

It’s about 30 people in here but about 20 of us are really active. I just want to kind of share that because I know that it’s something that I’ve got a lot of passion for right now. We’ve brought on [Zane Miller 00:12:58]. Anybody that knows Zane Miller, he’s a YouTube nerd, a YouTube expert. He likes being called a YouTube nerd by the way. He’s a partner with us in this. The 2 of us teamed up together well, Semantic Mastery and Zane Miller teamed up together to create this Mastery PR group. It’s really exciting.

Contextually Linking Keyword-Location Pages on a Silo Site

I just wanted to share that, hopefully anybody interested in that, now is a good time to jump in and get in on the ground floor. That said, let’s get into the questions. Rob says, “Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions, if building out a SERP Shaker site, local services site with each category having 75 keyword location pages. Is it advisable to contextually link pages in each silo to each other manually in their respective silos only or are they already technically linked to each other by virtue of the drop down menu at the top of each page near the header which displays all the pages?

Well technically they are but those navigation links are given the same amount of weight as contextual links do. You would be better off doing that however I would never recommend you going in and manually linking between 75 pages because, you’ve got so much better things you could be doing with your time. Also a serp shaker, they have that next link or the next and the previous link. When you’re building out a silo, just use that next and previous link setting.

If you’re building out one silo at a time, then it would keep all the contextual links within that silo anyways. Honestly, I wouldn’t do anything manually. I would just do that when you’re building shaker pages. Just set that up with that next and previous link setting. Hernan, they still have that in there right? I haven’t used SERP Shaker in a while.

Hernan: Yeah they do.

Bradley: Okay that’s all I would do. A contextual link is obviously going to be a better link than a navigation link, that always is. Just use the next and the previous and then select the anchor text that you want to use from within the shaker page. You can even spin that; you can create a short code with spun keywords as your anchors that are all related. Have that do that you have a variety between your internal linking, your internal links. Number 2 is I’ve got a branded tier 1 network around my hosted money site above. It is advisable, your sub share site, okay. Is it advisable? I wouldn’t do that but if you want it sure. Is it advisable o syndicate every keyword location page that I publish?

Not at all. [Crosstalk 00:15:36] indicates more generic silo category pages instead of each location page. First of all, you should be syndicating posts really. You could syndicate pages if you use a separate plugin. RSS includes pages, things like that but usually it’s for posts. Because it’s the RSS feed that does the syndication. Pages don’t go into the RSS feeds by default. You’d have to use a plugin that would make that happen. I typically don’t ever syndicate pages. I just syndicate posts. Number 2, I never recommend that you syndicate SERP Shaker pages or posts to a network. Because you’ll get your network accounts terminated. You blast out 75 posts at once; chances are that Tumblr and WordPress are going to terminate your accounts. I don’t recommend that you do that.

Hernan: I once tried to do that with 500,000 Serp Shaker. 500,000 posts and sub shakers and it was over [inaudible 00:16:39]. We actually broke the host.

Bradley: We broke Tumblr, Tumblr shut down for about an hour.

Hernan: It was kind of crazy. Now you’ll get a ton of timeouts and probably you get even your IFTTT network account shut down. Your IFTTT network shutdown because of this, so just have that in mind. If you want though, what you could do is to set your Serp Shaker as pages. Then you can have a blog, a normal blog. Then link from the blog, from the article itself to the silo heads to the categories. That will allow you to use the link inside the IFTTT network to power up your entire structure. I wouldn’t do it that way.

Bradley: Yeah not at all. I would never advise it. In fact I just don’t build networks around those types of sites anyways. Only because at any moment they can be slapped. Because of that, why go through all that trouble? I’m just telling you personally what I do. I use those sites to drive traffic, to identify places that I can rank for by building a more traditional site in which case I’ll go out and build a regular style website targeting the keywords that I know already will rank with little to no work. Because of the Serp Shaker site or the ATM site in my case I use the delete gadget in the ATM. Then I will build out a traditional site targeting those pages then use an IFTTT network for that. Just personally I don’t see the point because those types of sites can be de-indexed or slapped.

It doesn’t happen all the time but sometimes it happens and that’s a real pain if you put a lot of effort into it. That’s why I really don’t do any off page SEO work to those sites at all. That’s it; I just blast out more sites. If I find a site that’s doing well, instead of doing any additional work to it, I build several more sites just like that one. Targeting the same the keywords just on different domains. That I can end up blanketing for those terms. In that way, if one of them gets de-indexed then I’ve still got others. As far as if you’re going to syndicate pages instead of posts, if you were going to do that Rob which I don’t recommend. Then I would just say, go with just the category pages or the silo pages and that’s it.

Thoughts in Using EMD on Today’s SEO

Greg says, “Hi, I want to rank for local dentists. Lead gen and get dental SEO clients, dentists in Palm Springs is top keyword. My domain, I’m concerned that it is too much EMD to listening to many of the Mastery. Should I continue with this domain? Would you strongly urge me to dump it and restart with something like local dentists.com or springdentists.com?” Yeah, I always recommend going with more of a branding-type name Greg. EMD’s are not ideal anymore at all in my opinion. I think you’re way better off going with a pseudo brand.

Even if you have a keyword in there like that looks like you’re still saying, local dentists or spring dentists, that’s okay. That’s only a partial match so it’s not an exact match. That’s still way better than going after an EMD. I like to do something that I can brand, again a pseudo brand that you can call. Something that can be branded or act as a brand.

Because those tend to work better and have more longevity. Due to the EMD issues, it sounds I guess like the link from IFTTT networks would have to be no follow from one of your videos. Would that defeat the purpose and lose much of the link power? Now not necessarily Greg, I mean that’s the problem. If you start building links with the brand name, especially if it’s a lead gen site and you give it an exact match domain. You name it something generic like Palm Springs dentists which would be again your brand name, would also be your keyword, exact match keyword.

Then you’re in trouble. Because have you tried to build brand links with exact name keyword anchors? If you try to build URL anchors, just naked anchors, it’s going to be exact match keyword anchors. That’s why I say it’s better to just give it a pseudo brand. Something that can be brandable. That way, when you’re building brand links, you’re not over optimizing when you’re building URL links, naked links.

You’re not over optimizing. Don’t worry about the whole no follow, follow thing guys. Honestly I do some strategic things with do follow links. I build links regardless of whether they’re follow or no follow. It doesn’t matter to me anymore. Because a natural link profile is going to have both anyways. The domain is small, only 3 links aged 1 year but ranking page 7 for a few times. Well you’ve really got nothing to lose by switching domains.

If you’re on page 7, and all you got is 3 links then you’ve got nothing to lose by switching domains right now. If you’re ranked in page 1, then I would say you realize that either leave it or go ahead and switch domains and redirect the old to the new. You’re probably going to see some dancing; probably you would see some dancing. In this case, since you’re on page 7, what harm would it do to go ahead and switch now? I would go to something more branded. If you have the 3 links that are already pointed to that domain, just do a 301 redirect from that old domain to the new one. Once you get the site cloned over to the new domain.

Hernan: You can use the old domain as a switchbox as well since being EMD. I would follow Bradley’s advise it’s not too late right now to do the 301 and see what happens. Because it’s funny, sometimes you will have an EMD. If you’re over optimizing the content, Google will not rank you. If you switch, the only thing you do is to switch the domain to something more branded. Make a 301 and replace the content. Migrate the entire content, clone the website and the new website will rank better. Just because it’s not so over optimized.

Injecting Text Within Breadcrumbs via Title Tag

Bradley: Yeah I agree. Scott is asking is the use of injecting texts with breadcrumbs be a title tag good? You mean, so like a link title is what you mean. Good or bad SEO practice at the moment. I don’t think it makes any difference Scott. I don’t have any hard data to say whether it does or not. That was something that I tested a while back, not with breadcrumbs specifically but with anchors. Just with regular contextual links. I saw absolutely no difference between links that had link titles and links that didn’t. I saw absolutely no difference. Now that test is probably 2 years old now. It may have changed but I honestly don’t think that there’s any difference. I can’t imagine that making any difference with regular crumbs but I would say test. That would be my first option. Hernan, have you ever had any experience with that?

Hernan: Yeah I think it’s part of the actual optimization that you want to do inside like for internal links. I tend not to worry about that much on internal links because if you check for example the big brands like newspapers et cetera. If all of the sports link internally they will be mostly exact match or a sports section. Or check here for more sports news, those kinds of things. I think it would make sense but I would test it. Also check out what your competitors are doing Scott. How aggressive they are with their internal link building.

This Stuff Works

Bradley: Just test it Scott. I don’t think it’s a big deal either way. When I was doing a lot of PBN linking to my money sites. What I would do is go out to my PBN networks that I was loading links back to my money site within my money site. In particular I did it on one site; it was a plumbing site that I was ranking. I would go link all the links that linked with it to content within a specific silo from my PBNs. I would put a title tag on the link. It would be various LSI keywords. Different core keywords, then on the links that I would build from my PBN network to another silo within the same site.

I would link without putting the link titles in, which I never did before anyways. I just measured the results and I saw absolutely no ranking benefit from having the one with the title tags. Again personally I don’t think it makes a difference. That test is probably at least a year and a half old now. I don’t know it; I have to set up another test to see if it makes any difference now. I know you’re talking about breadcrumbs. I can’t see whether that makes any difference either. Personally that’s just my assumption but I would test it just to be sure.

Power Up a Tier 1’s PA in YouTube Silo Network

Caesar says recently got around to watching YouTube silo training. In that training it said, that you can send GSA and other spam type links to your tier 1 IFTTT networks. Is that still the case or is that dated? No it’s still the case Caesar if you know what you’re doing. If you’re skilled with spam tools and you know how to keep a layer of clean type links that are pointed to your tier 1 network links or properties, then you can certainly do that. if not, then I recommend that you go out to tier 2 or that you use some other sort of web to links or whatever as a first layer.

Hernan: It makes sense if you’re syndicating YouTube videos because you won’t be actually spamming any web property. You won’t be actually spamming a money site. If you have your YouTube silo training nailed down and if you’re syndicating videos with the description and with links like we’re doing on video powerhouse. We’re not actually linking to any money site. We’re keeping the link issues inside YouTube for a reason. You can be a bit more aggressive but I would second Bradley. Just send a ton full of links. This is important, send a handful of contextual links to your tier 1 networks. I would say, no more than a 100 per property, if you have 20, then those would be a 100 per property. Then you can go behind that with spam. With the kitchen sink and with a ton of links. I wouldn’t want to burn them, just to power them up. There’s a fine line between that.

Bradley: I’ll second what Hernan said. If it’s YouTube strictly and you’re not doing blog syndication networks then you can get away with a lot more spam stuff, at least for now. Can be cracked down tomorrow. At least for now, that’s still okay. You’re talking about YouTube silo academy here so I’m assuming that’s what you’re talking about.

What is the Most Effective Way of Using Expired Web 2.0s like Weebly and Tumblr? 

What is the most effective way of using expired web tools like Weeblys and Tumblrs? Those are good if you can get them especially if you can find them with topical relevance. That’s difficult to do, but if you can, those are really good.

In fact, I know some people that are doing a lot of just buying Tumblrs that are aged Tumblrs that have good metrics. Using those as kind of their own little private link networks and doing really, really well with those. There’s still very powerful now. I know Tumblr is now user redirect. Contextual links within Tumblr posts are now redirects but they’re still okay. They still have their SEO benefit. They’ve lost a little bit of it, there’s no question. You can still hack a link in to the Tumblr headers. In the Tumblr description area, you just edit the HTML and you add links there. Those are do follow links without the redirect. You could still do a lot of really cool things with Tumblrs. Weeblies, I haven’t purchased any expired Weeblies so I don’t know about that. You can …

Hernan: They can become powerful too.

Bradley: Aren’t all Weeblies now no follow and no index? I guess it doesn’t matter whether they’re indexed or not.

Hernan: I saw that Bradley. I saw that discussion. I’ve been performing some site operators for my own Weeblies. They are free accounts and they were indexed as well.

Bradley: [Inaudible 00:29:07]. New ones though, so I don’t know if an expired one, when you re-register it if that would constitute a new one or if that would be considered aged and grandfathered into the index.

Hernan: Well we’ll need to see. We’ll still have good results with no index do follow. They are do follow.

Bradley: You can use those for tier 1 properties if you want for supplemental tier 1 properties. Those are good places to use those. I wouldn’t use them as your branded network because chances are that the sub domain for whatever tumblr.com is going to be different. I like to get the brand name in there. You can use them for supplemental, those are great additional syndication points.

Best Method of Ranking Inner Pages in Google

Potential client has a site with a lot of anchor texts for a criminal defense attorney plus city to the homepage of a branded domain. It ranks well for criminal defense plus city. Now he wants to rank for another area of law.

Google has already associated it to San Pedro’s criminal defense hence his domain’s first page ranking for that term. Will it be 10 times harder to rank an inter page for business attorney plus city? No, if so what’s the best method to move forward? Should I suggest creating a separate website? I don’t want to take on an impossible challenge in an already competitive niche. Well that’s going to be a tough niche, all attorney niches I found are very difficult, plus I’ve heard attorneys are a pain in the ass to work with. I’ll plus on that, they certainly are. They think they know everything so they are going to probably want to tell you how to do your work even though they are just attorneys. This is a warm lead and the only reason I’m entertaining this potential client.

If the site is already doing well for an attorney type keyword, I would use an internal page that I would target the other city on that domain. I would not create another website because you are starting from scratch. Especially in the attorney industry or the attorney niche if you have a domain that’s already ranking well for a criminal defense plus whatever city and you want to go rank in a second city or a different attorney term plus the same city then just use the same domain. Build an interpage, you’re much better off because then you’ll be piggybacking off the authority of that site already. Anybody else want to comment on that? Whoops! I closed it and I didn’t even read it.

Hernan: No, I was about to say the same. Since he’s an internal page [inaudible 00:31:27] so you will be because your website is already authoritative on the Google Ad and its relayed there, it’s on the niche. Just use an internal page and optimize that page and you can pretty much rank that internal page way, way faster than anything else.

Bradley: Yeah, and attorney are a pain in the ass or at least all the ones that I have attempted to work with have been so just keep that in mind. Plus it’s usually a dogfight to rank for an attorney keyword. To me it’s just not worth it. I guess if they are paying enough, it is.

Having Multiple Persona Accounts in One Youtube Channel

Marco Konsas, hey guys do you still recommend multiple persona accounts to test the one YouTube channel and if so are the 2 tier or has the tactic become too risky.

No, I’ll still stack as may damn networks as I want to on a YouTube channel, I’ve never seen a negative response, a negative effect from that yet. I used 2 tier networks; they tend to be a bit more powerful or a bit slower. They work a little bit slower to rank videos but the 2 tier networks like I said guys you can take YouTube network and put a tier 1 network around it and then create your 3 tier 2 networks and then you can stack multiple tier 2 networks if you want.

You can put multiple tier 1 networks on the same channel using the same trigger point, the same YouTube channel. You certainly can do that. You can then take multiple tier 2 networks full 2 tier networks and stack them. That’s what I typically do, I usually want to start off with a YouTube channel I will create the YouTube channel and then a full 2 tier networks, so there is the tier 1 and then there is the 3 tier 2 rings.

Once I start with that I’ll start testing key words with that channel and than if I need more power, I just stack a whole other tier 2 network on top, so that’s another tier 1 ring and three more tier 2 rings and then another one, and then another one. We’ve got some that are as much as … I think the most we have right now is 5 tier 2 rings, so that comes to be a total of …. Excuse me 5 full tier 2 networks so that’ll be 20 rings. 20 times 22 properties it’s like 440 syndication sites so it ends up being pretty powerful. You can stack it up way beyond that that’s just pretty much the extent of what I have done because usually by that point it’s strong enough you don’t need any more.

I have not seen a negative effect from as much rings attached to a YouTube channel as you want guys. Here is with the catch with that or the caveat. You need to make sure that you’re only syndicating in the description area of the video, the link. Not the video description. If you have a full video description in YouTube when you upload your video or live stream, or whatever you are not syndicating the description out across your networks. Just syndicate a link back to the video and a link back to the channel or a playlist or both. That’s it. Because what happens is at that point all you’re doing is you’re just publishing Google content all across the web YouTube, right. You are a publisher for Google and that’s why I have not seen any negative effective from that.

Where I have seen negative effect is when I would import the description as part of my recipe I would add the description tag or recipe. The description ingredients I mean into the recipe which would pull in the video description and then it looks spammy and you can get accounts terminated as well money sites de-indexed like if you are using syndication sites. I said money sites but like broadcasting sites. I have sites de-indexed that way and that kind of thing. I recommend you don’t do that, you just stick the YouTube embed, a link to the YouTube video, perhaps a playlist and the YouTube channel and that’s it. All links are going to Google properties.

This Stuff Works

Hernan: Right. We are doing with video powerhouse because that’s the way we tested that it works best so that’s exactly what you get on video powerhouse. You get an embed on a powerful website the syndication network but you also get a link back to the YouTube video and to the playlist and that’s it.

Bradley: Or the channel. Playlist and channel.

Hernan: Yeah.

Bradley: We’ve got another meme, sweet.

Hernan: Let’s talk.

Bradley: Wayne has got some competition it looks like.

Hernan: It looks like it’s his profile picture, that’s interesting.

How to Trigger Tier 2 Blogs for a Youtube Network?

Bradley: It is cool. Jamina says sorry everybody but I have one of these tier network questions. When triggering to your two blogs; blog for Tumblr or WordPress for a YouTube network. Do I use the YouTube RSS from tier 1 network or my tier 2 persona recipe? Can we dig up the help file URL Adam?

Adam: Yeah, I’m already headed over there.

Bradley: Just tag Jomina on it please. This has been answered so many times Jomina, I’m not being … I’m not trying to be crappy with you at all trust me. We’re just going to drop the link where you can go see a full walk through, full explanation like if you watch the explanation in the video or the link that he’s going to drop and you don’t get it after that then ask again, but honestly if you can’t get it by then there is an issue. It’s going to be the blogger Tumblr and WordPress RSS feeds from your tier 1 network that are going to feed your tier 2 networks. Tier 2A is fed by the blogger RSS feed from tier 1, tier 2B is fed from the Tumblr RSS feed from tier 1, tier 2C is fed from the WordPress RSS feed from tier 1. It’s that simple.

Again, when you watch the video that we went over this in great detail because this question comes up so many times and I got tired of answering it so do see the help file that Adam is going to drop. Also do I use tier two blog RSS in the recipe to trigger the rest of the tier 2 properties or I continue using tier 1? No because then it wouldn’t be a tier 2 network, it would be a tier 1 network. When you take your blogger RSS feed from tier 1 to feed your tier 2A network it’s going to … Actually I’m sorry. The tier 1 RSS feed is going to be what triggers all of the rest of the sites within that network in tier 2. Again, that’s all covered in the help file. Am I thinking too much in this, I can’t help it? Yeah, probably. Again, just follow the training and watch the help file it will make more sense.

How to Improve the Ranking of Lead Gen Sites?

César says he’s got 2 lead gen sites stuck on page 2 for the past three months, haven’t put to much work into them from SEO because I am concentrating on client projects but I’d like to try to monetize them somehow, what is the best way you would recommend getting them into three pack to start generating some phone calls or done about 20 citations for both sides, mainly contact concentrating on the listing with the highest [inaudible 00:38:05]. Well César you are going to put to have to put a little bit more effort into it, but make sure you are on.

Chris: I have a really quick answer for him

Bradley: Okay.

Chris: [inaudible 00:38:16] my maps.

Bradley: Yeah, good answer. Good answer. César is in our ROYS right?

Chris: Yes he is.

Bradley: Okay, Cesar there you go, follow the ROYS training. Just use the ROYS training for it. That’s a good point. Make sure your on-page is tight, structure data and some citations and then just doing the ROYS. We took in the case study, the local case study in the ROYS academy I took that from number 27 in maps to number one in maps doing nothing other than ROYS stuff and it’s still number one maps today. I would say that’s definitely the best option.

Checking Twitter Account in Majestic

Brian says how do you check a Twitter account majestic? Brian you copy the URL from the Twitter account, you go to Majestic you paste in and you click search or whatever analyze. It’s going to be the URL. Let me open up a fresh instance and I’ll show you.

Hernan: Yeah you must be looking at the whole domain or something.

Bradley: You can’t do that. You want to look at the URL. You don’t look at the sub domain or the root domain you look at the URL. Let’s just go take a look at say twitter.com/semanticmastery I don’t know how this is but we’re going to go ahead and walk through it anyway. Let’s copy that, we’re going to go right here enter domain URL or search phrase we are going to paste it in, we are going to click search. Done. That’s it. It’s done. That’s how you search it. URL, see that from the drop down you don’t go to root, you don’t go to sub domain you can go to URL or path if you want but just look at the URL that’s it. There you go. Next question.

Reindexing the Homepage of a DeIndexed Site

Ryan, hey Bradley the average site was ranking on page one until your stop dated and set my site to no index, how does your stop date and set it no index? It sounds like quite an issue that yours would have caused if that were the case Ryan. I would be pissed. If that’s the case, everybody’s site would be set to no index right? Seriously, if your stop dated and your site goes to set to no index your stop date wouldn’t that be every single that yours was installed on would also set to no index? You get what I’m saying? How could it do … Honestly Ryan I don’t know how it could do that to just your site, unless it did it to everybody’s site and if that’s the case yours should be out of business. Law class action, lawsuits and everything else. I don’t know what this specific situation is Ryan. I’m not calling you a liar I’m just saying I don’t know how that was possible without it having being done to everybody.

Hernan: Hey Ryan are you blocking Robots? There is a tiny box on the settings in WordPress that can literary fuck you up. Sorry guys, but if you do not untick that box that’s can prevent bots from whatever, whatever index in the site, if you do not untick that you will be in trouble so check it out or double check it like triple check it for real.

Bradley: Assuming that you’re correct and I’m going to take you at your word so you said that somehow it no indexed your site. You says I fixed the problem but it was too late and the site got de-indexed. Since then I’ve got every page re-indexed but the homepage will not re-index. I’ve done some ROYS Twitter SEO methods, submitted the homepage to search console, published blog posts linking them to that page and every post or page I submit gets indexed instantly but no indexing homepage. It’s probably just a fluke Ryan, it will get indexed.

If the rest of the site is indexed the pages, the posts and everything else and every time you publish a site it gets indexed and the homepage just doesn’t have an index. First of all, I would just double check the code of the site make sure there is no reason why that one particular page isn’t being no indexed. For example, if you go to the homepage in the WordPress pages dashboard and go check the yours settings specifically settings for that page. Make sure in the advanced settings that it’s not set to no index for that specific page. Just double check that I’m assuming you probably have but I just have to say that for everyone else listening. If that’s not the case then it’s just literary not the homepage isn’t being indexed but everything else is.

It’s probably just an anomaly that will get corrected over time. I know that sucks, that’s probably not, what you want to hear. I would wait and just wait or contact Google. I would hate to do that because you open yourself up to potentially a world of trouble but that’s something they do have. You can actually get somebody on the phone from Google now. I’ve only done it a couple of times and I was scared to death each time I did it but you can certainly ask somebody to help and say what’s the problem, why is this homepage not being indexed, but I would first check the code on everything, make sure you don’t have any no index setting somewhere for that specific page. That’s what I would do.

This site is actually a three of another site that was ranking more on page 1 as of a month ago, directed for branding purposes. I’m considering undoing the 301s if the site doesn’t re-index soon. What do you think? Thanks? I don’t know. Like I said I think it’s probably just a fluke that will get auto updated but the thing is if you want to do the 301 and then you end up doing it again later that’s a whole lot of activity bouncing back and forth and that could end up causing some serious ranking issues.

Is it Recommended to use the Root Domain Without the “www”?

Greg says, hey Bradley if I ask a second question or if I can I am not [inaudible 00:43:43] you answer my first question with a certain yep dump that domain and restart.” When setting up root/subdomain sites do you use the root domain with the WWW same for subdomain. Use them without no Greg you don’t use www.subdomain.domain.com that would be ugly, long and … No that would be the double subdomain. Don’t do that. If I am using a root domain guys I always use the www. Version of it now. I don’t use just the root domain anymore if I’m, doing sub domain it’s just subdomain.domaincom. You don’t use www.subdomain.domaincom that would be … That’s a mouthful just saying.

Hernan: In fact, you can use whatever. The www. Is socially accepted but you can use 1.yourdomain.com and you can trigger one and then do all sorts of nasty stuff with supplements.

Bradley: Nasty stuff?

Hernan: That’s why you want to use the dub dub version so that you can protect the root.

Is it Needed to Manually Place a Branded Link to My Site in Every Blog Post to Ensure Linking?

Bradley: James says you all are building a branded IFTTTT network for me as we speak. Once it’s built and scheduled all my blog posts to be syndicated. Do I need to manually need to place a brand of link to my site and every blog post to make sure the syndicated post contain a back link or is this automatically created by the social property where the content is posted? No, what you want to do is post the links in the blog posts. You want to do any other linking that you want to other pages on your site you want to make sure that you have a link in your blog post before syndicating because the nature … When the post syndicates is out across the blogging properties which would be like blogger Tumblr, WordPress and potentially if you are using weebly and medium would be included in the new version IFTTT.

You’ll get the full post syndicated which will have the contextual links pointing to the money pages on your site because you build that link into the content body of the post before its syndicated. That link will have been present across all of its syndication points as well. For the sites that don’t post the full post, you are still getting a link back to that post itself which is pushing juice to that post which has an internal link from within the body of the post up to the pages you are trying to rank. You are still funneling juice to the post, which then funnels juice to your pagers via the contextual links in the body of the post.

Part of the reason we use IFTTT well one of the many reasons that we use the IFTT networks is because it automates a lot of your link building by just publishing content to your blog provided that you are using your blog post as your link building methods or vehicle if that makes sense. Create about search property of the content is posted. Some of them … If you’ve got a naked URL and you content body then if you are position the full content body to Facebook or Google+ that marked URL will turn into an actual clickable link too, but if you do an anchor text kink it will not. Just keep that in mind.

Also for the longer blog posters the short automatically shortened or a bridge the post and then include a read more link back to the blog. No, James it depends you have, if you are using a plug-in that will allow the full text post and the RSS feed then no it won’t shorten it. It will post the full post. Play with it; you will see what I setup. Even if all you did, was setup a blogger recipe or a tumbler recipes and just play with a couple of test posts using a test account you will see what I mean. Just play with a couple of text posts using a text account you will see what I mean. Play with a couple of different options, play with how you’re adding your contextual link within the body of your post. Use an anchor text link, use naked links to see how it looks and how it acts on the syndication property. Again that’s something you could do right way. It’s just setup a text Tumbler account for example and a new IFTTT account connect Tumblr to it and then setup an RSS recipe using your money side or a test WordPress site whatever you want and just do a few test posts and watch what happens with the syndication. In that way you get a feel of how it works. You can make better decisions when you are creating your content.

Problems with Using Customers Business Maps Listings with Branded IFTTT Networks

Dan says, is there a problem with using custom business maps listing in conjunction with the account setup in the branded IFTTT networks? I already had a business ranking with business owner and map page and I don’t want to have to start all over if not necessary. Dan then just swop it out. Dan just use … Look if you already a maps listing, a Google local page that’s already branded it’s for business and you order an IFTTT network or build it yourself whatever you can attach that Google+ local page to the network. It’s via buffer, you have to do it via buffer but you just connect that to where your syndicated post from your blog or your money site gets syndicated to the local page instead of to the business page or you can do both.

This Stuff Works

If you want to do both you just have to have a second buffer account and a second IFTTT account to make it work. You can have a business a Google+ business page guys that is a brand page not a local page. A local page is an address, a physical address and you settle some differences there. The local page does not have a links sections where you can add additional links. The local page contains a page; the local page is what is connected via the backend via the back end of Google too to the maps position. By the way, if you look at the free pack guys now it’s not your Google+ local page that is listed there anymore. It used to be this is to be it’s not the case anymore but somehow on the backend in the magic of Google they are connected. My point is the pages that we generally create and what we show in the training is a brand page.

A brand page does not have a map. It does not have a physical location. It does have a link section where you can tie all your properties together. You can syndicate your content to the brand page. You can also syndicate your content to the local page. If you want to take the brand page out of the equation and put the local page into the equation, you can certainly can. All you need to do is login to IFTTT account make sure that you are logged into the Google account where the local page is in the same browser and then click the reauthorize button inside of IFTTT. Excuse me that’s going to be the buffer anyway. You got to do that in the buffer. Be logged in the buffer in your browser in the same browser that you are logged into account with your local page.

Then you are going to say reconnect channel or reconnect page and it will reauthorize with your local page instead of your business page or your brand page, excuse me. Then your IFTTT account is going to syndicate to that buffer account anyway. You don’t have to make any changes there it is just going to be posting now to the local pages instead of your brand page. If you want to do both just set up a second IFTTT Account, set up a second buffer account and connect the buffer account to the other Google Plus page that you have. Now you can be syndicating content to both pages. It doesn’t hurt you to have a brand page and a local guys, it does not hurt you to do that.

If you had to choose between one or the other and you have got a local page I always recommend connecting your local page and syndicating content to that. Why? Because you’ll have constant or regular activity through your blog posting updating that local page. Go take a look at other local businesses, Google Plus pages guys and tell me if they have got regular updates or contents updates on the pages. 98% of them do not. You having regular key word optimize posts being syndicated to your local page is going to give you that edge. It is going to be fresh content that is relevant, that’s topically relevant in its activity and Google is going to reward you for that.

Good Way to Fake GMB Listings

Okay, we are almost out of time. We’ve got a lot of questions today. Mike Simmons says, it looks like you have to start asking questions early like a couple of days before. Yeah Mike that’s why we post this page like a week ahead of time. What is a good way to fake a Google My Business Map Listings? I know the kind of loaded questions. Now, not necessarily Mike. Guys, I have said this 1,000 times, I will say it again. I used a post office. Go get a P O Box and ask to use the street address option. It doesn’t cost anything extra. You fill out one additional form. It doesn’t cost anything extra. You fill out one additional form. Sometimes you have to tell the manager, “Look, I want to use the street address option.”

Then they will let you use the street address of the post office and you get a box number. That works, okay it works. It is the most inexpensive way to do it and it is just flat out works. I down know how long it is going to last guys but it has been that way for a couple of years. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I mean some businesses are service based businesses where customers don’t show up at the location anyways. The business goes to the customer. What difference does it make?

Adam: Yeah, and it is fast. I did this two weeks ago. It took me 10 minutes.

Bradley: There we go. It is the most inexpensive way to get a physical address. You can go to UPS stores and all that shit which I don’t recommend anyways and you can pay $30 a month to rent a mail box. Or you can go pay $60 or $100 a year and get them from the post office.

What is the Best Way to Link Back to the Money Site in a Press Release? 

Kevin says, “Hey, guys what is the best way to link back to the money site in a press release, naked URL or brand anchors?” About Page, in a page you can do both. Don’t ever link to your about page that’s makes no sense whatsoever, Kevin. Link to a post that you are trying to rank or a page or a silo category. Top level category page or silo landing page, silo header whatever you want to call it and to your homepage.

Yes, you can link to a Google Plus profile absolutely or Facebook page anything like that. He says, he’s worried about linking to an inter page. No, because Google understands press releases. It actually is very natural to have press release links to your profile, in your link profile. If you are using brand terms even if you are linking to an inner page guys you can still link with your brand name. You don’t have to link with a key word or link with a naked URL. It is perfectly natural to have 300 press release sites linking to you. Does that make sense? Alright cool, there weren’t a lot of questions. It was a lot of Adam’s chatter.

Adam: Real quick, Mike Simmons if you are on today. I’m curious. I don’t think I have seen you on here before. I’m just curious how you found us. It is always interesting to seeing where people come across us anyways.

Using JSON LD for Targetting Multiple Cities

Bradley: Almost out of time we have got a couple of more. Let’s see. Sandy, come join the mastermind. I’m surprised that you haven’t yet anyways. You have been following us for over a year now. I expected to see you in there by now. Maybe I’ll guilt trip you into joining. Earl says, Bradley you were on the mastermind. You can come back and join again buddy. The price has gone up though fortunately but you are more than welcome to come join. Earl says, “If I have a client that doesn’t have multiple locations but does have separate pages for target cities, will it work to just put Jason LD with the target city on the individual page via project supremacy?

Well, you can but if you don’t have a separate physical address then that will be invalidated structured data. Like that cut, it won’t validate. Now correct me if I’m wrong if you try to use local business structure data markup but you omit the street address and just put in a cities state zip and the other details. I’m pretty sure it won’t validate because it is going to say it has got a missing element. I’m I correct at that? Have we tested that? I’m pretty sure it is going to give you an error in the structure data testing tool.

Hernan: Yeah, only if you double check but I’m, pretty sure that will be the case as well.

Bradley: Yeah, because with structured data you have to have all the required elements for it to be validated or else it will give an error. You can test it though Earl but honestly like I don’t like the spam structure data. I just don’t do it. If I have a physical location in that target city then I’ll put the address but if I don’t I’ll just omit that Jason LD markup for that all together and just go with organic. Okay, we are almost done. Thanks for tips regarding my, okay cool. No problem Bob. That’s what we are here for. God a lot of people are interested in the affiliate group. Guys you got to be part of the mastermind. That’s the prerequisite.

If you want to join, I’ll love to have you guys come join. Like the members that are taking part of that are going to, we are going to build serous affiliate business guys. We are doing it together. We are laying the foundation right now and we are talking about building a real business not where it’s just somebody on their own doing affiliate promotions. There is nothing wrong with that but you can never scale if you are doing it as a solo act. We are talking about building right from the beginning with the team mindset so you can start to work on your business instead of in your business.

Number of Video Embeds To Use in FCS Networker

It might require a lot of work upfront obviously, but you’ll get to a point very quickly where you can scale and have team members in place that will do the work for you. You can focus on the higher level stuff and just counting your money really at that point. Okay, I’m going to answer this one for Keith and then we are done. Keith says, “If we have IFTTT Network in place is it good/harmful to add more syndication of a video through FCS Network or other automated submissions?” “Can you have too many on video embeds?” “Should you drip in your videos?” No Keith, blast away buddy. Blast away. Treat YouTube like a red headed step child and just go nuts.

This Stuff Works

Adam: Which is also a good point? This is how we do stuff with video powerhouse. We get a lot of people asking us. What’s the drip schedule on video powerhouse? There is not drip schedule. Go ahead.

Bradley: Yeah, you get nuts with embeds guys. I always try to do the bare minimum to get something to rank. Instead of me throwing out like 10,000 embeds all at once; I’ll do like 1,000 embeds at a time over the course of a few weeks. Do a 1,000 and then another 1,000 and then another 1,000 until it ranks because that way I’m not using all 10,000 if I don’t have to. If I can get it to rank with 4,000 embeds then I still got 6,000 embed properties that are in reserve in case the video starts to slip again. Does that make sense? I don’t throw it all at once. I try to do it in stages, in rank with the bare minimum. Hernan’s memeing now too. Guilt, guilt, guilt Sandy.

Alright guys we have got to wrap it up. We will see you guys next week. Unless you join the masterminds and then you join master EPR because we are meeting almost daily. Zane is awesome because he comes up with this awesome like internet market type titles and names and stuff all the time. Just like that. I always have to force that kind of crap but it’s called the bullpen. The affiliate bullpen or the Master ERP bullpen because every single day we are meeting, we have got like open office hours where we are available to hash out details on projects that are like affiliate promotions and campaigns that we are working on. He calls it the bullpen. Go ahead Marco.

Marco: They are meeting right now in the affiliate’s bullpen.

Bradley: Yeah, I know they have been meeting since 3 o’clock. That was two hours ago.

Marco: Jesus, that’s awesome.

Bradley: Alright guys we will see you all next week. Thanks for being here. Thanks everyone. See you guys.

Hernan: Bye everyone.

Adam: Bye, bye.

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