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Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 93


Click on the video above to watch Episode 93 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.




Bradley: We are live and since Adam’s not here today, I’ll do the introductions. Hi guys. This is Hump Day Hangouts episode 93. It is August 17, 2016. We’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us today. I’ll go right down the line. Hey Chris. How are you?

Chris: Been good. How are you doing?

Bradley: I’m doing well. It’s hot though here m an. Feels like I’m starting to sweat. I’ve got this stupid curtain up behind me and the air-conditioning doesn’t flow and the curtain- It doesn’t circulate. It’s like 100 degrees in Virginia right now. It’s nasty, it’s hot. Hernan how already you doing?

Hernan: Hey guys. Hey what’s up. It’s the price of success you know. You need to look pretty on camera so you need to ditch the air-conditioning. Hey guys. What’s up?

Bradley: Last but not least. Marco, how are you?

Marco: A lot better than you it seems.

Bradley: Apparently.

Marco: Move to Costa Rica man.

Bradley: Yeah. All right. We’ve only got a couple of announcements today because again Adam’s not here and he’s the king of that. A couple of them. Number one is the Video Marketing Blitz webinar, bonus webinar for anybody that purchased video marketing blitz through the promotion we did with Abs, that’s today. That’s immediately following Hump Day Hangouts. Mastermind Members can all attend regardless of whether you purchased or not. Anybody else ye to have been a purchaser, in order to attend the webinar, there’s a case study in the webinar. I’m actually going to be laying this out during the webinar today but I’m going to do another follow-up webinar, a second one basically for this case study in four to six weeks. There will be a secondary follow-up webinar to the one that we’re doing today. If anybody did not pick up video marketing blitz and you’re interested in it, you can still do it and you would still get the recording sent to you … I mean the replay sent to you after today and then the follow-up webinar in four to six weeks you would also be able to attend that. I will drop this on the events page just in case anybody’s interested.

Video marketing blitz. Then what we’re going to do is, like I said do a follow-up webinar on that because there’s some things I want to do with the case study to take it even further. That’s something that I definitely want to schedule. Excuse me.

The next one is content kingpin. Content Kingpin is our content marketing training program that’s going to be coming out. It’s launching on August 30th, Tuesday August 30th. If anybody’s interested in that, Hernan’s going to drop a link for- if anybody’s interested in promoting it before the launch or for the launch, Hernan’s going to drop a JV page link right on the event page. Go ahead Hernan.

Hernan: I’m dropping it. I’m dropping the link now. If you want to promote we’re launching pretty soon and it’s going to be a pretty bad-ass final so if you guys want to join, I’m dropping the link here.

Bradley: Yeah. That’s in 13 days from today.

Then last but not least, Hernan’s got a post that he did, a guest post on the SEM Rush blog and so we’re going to ask everybody who attends the Hump Day Hangouts to go plus one it, like it, share it, tweet it, do whatever you want, comment on it. Show Hernan some love. This is Hernan’s SEM Rush post. I’m going to drop the link on the event page. Okay. It should be there. Yeah guys. Go show that post some love. Every time he gets to do a guest post for us we all try to support those as much as possible. With that said we can get into questions. Does anybody else have anything? Chris, Hernan, Marco?

Hernan: I’m good. Let’s jump right into it.

Chris: Let’s do it.

Marco: Yeah. Let’s do this man.

This Stuff Works

Bradley: Let’s get into it then. I’m going to grab the screen. Hopefully you guys are seeing this okay.

Marco: Yup. We see a full screen.

How Can I Use IFTTT Networks For Geo-Targetted Traffic?

Bradley: Okay. All right. Cool. Well, we’re going to start at the bottom. Akanner. Akon. I’m not sure I’m pronouncing that right, but he says, “Please I want to be clear about the SEO thing. I’m about to go to CPA. Now most of the companies would prefer traffic from a particular geo-location. How will I be able to use your network to achieve this? Let me know what.” I guess that was the end of the question. That’s a good question. I’m going to let Hernan or Marco talk about that since you guys do more like geo-targeted stuff outside of the US.

Hernan: Yeah. Definitely and there are some- Sorry about the background noise, you guys, by the way. There are some CPA offers that will only work with foreign languages and whatnot. It’s all about optimizing the network and the website to receive foreign traffic. If you’re doing like Spanish traffic as I’m doing. I’m also doing some Scandinavian traffic, so it’s all about the content. You can also use Jason Olea on your website and the posts and whatnot. It’s all about optimizing to gather traffic and rank yourself for those particular keywords. It’s nothing that far away from English, just to have in mind that there’s a bunch of things that we have been talking about, you know for geo-locations in English and in foreign languages. It’s work pretty much the same so have that in mind.

Marco: In case you get some traffic that’s not for that particular geo-location, you can just redirect it, to another offer.

Bradley: You do that on the website via some sort of script, correct?

Marco: Either that or if you have for example volume is a tracking or some other tracking platform you can usually do it there.

Bradley: Okay. The tracking platform would actually determine where the visitor was coming from and redirect to an appropriate offer, right?

Marco: Well, I use the tracking one but you can do it either way.

Bradley: There you go. That’s something that’s out of my realm because I typically just deal with US stuff so I don’t have to worry about it. Thanks guys. I appreciate that.

What To Do When Your IFTTT-Optimized Videos Are Not Ranking Well?

Justin says, “Hey Brad. I made approximately 50 videos and launched them on my branded network with supported IFTTT networks. I’ve been monitoring them for about a month now. Some were doing really well, some were doing so so and others were just not ranking anywhere near the first or second page of Google. A few days ago I noticed that every single video has now fallen out of the top 100. I was gearing up to start monetizing them. I put months of working on them. I’m really bummed. I don’t know what to do. What if they never come back? What do I do in the meantime? As time is of the essence, I haven’t made a single dime yet. Thanks Brad.” Okay.

“P.s. I have not yet started back-linking or boosting anything. These are straight [fanella 06:51]. I took the videos, streamed them to my branded network and then it took me weeks to silo every single video. They were fluctuating but most videos were in the top 100. Now 95% of the videos are nowhere to be found. It’s like it happened overnight which is leading me to believe that there’s an issue on my end. Pro Rank Tracker isn’t even tracking them properly because I’ve been looking at the ones that are ranking and they aren’t even there. I can’t find them doing a Google search, really weird. How can I start working on contacting prospects when I don’t even have any videos and I’m able to locate using Rank Tracker. Has this ever happened to you before? Please detail the best course of action at this point of time. Thanks so much.”

All right. Well here’s a couple things Justin. Number one is welcome the world of SEO. That’s part of the process. I’m not saying that to be a dick. I’m saying that because you know, that’s what happens sometimes, man. Sometimes you work on stuff and then you end up losing the asset. It sucks. It really sucks. It happens to all of us. Anybody that’s been doing SEO for any period of times has had it happen before and it’s probably going to happen again. We try to limit or miti- We try to reduce the risk of that happening as much as possible but it’s unavoidable 100% of the time. In other words, there’s always going to be times when you’re going to lose assets and it sucks.

My first point of advice that I would make to you, and this is something that I learned over time, is to not put all your eggs in one basket. I say that all the time on these guys, but what I mean by that is, instead of putting- I understand you created 50 videos and it’s across a network or a couple networks, whatever it is that you’ve got. You put all of your work into that and you even mention it in your comment, that you’ve been working on this for months, and I get that and I understand that because you want- That’s really dialing in and focusing. What I want to suggest, number one, is that you always are building new assets, constantly. While you’re waiting to get some of them to rank.

For example, once you’ve created digital assets, whether it’s a YouTube channel with several videos or a website that you’re going to use for local lead gen that you’re trying to rank in maps organically whatever, doesn’t matter what it is. Once you’ve created that assets, it’s going to take time for you to get them to rank, time and consistent effort for you to get them to rank, right. It doesn’t matter if it’s videos, websites or whatever. Instead of, once it’s built focusing all your energy on just getting that, that digital asset to rank, you should also always be continuing to build more assets because this is going to happen from time to time.

The problem with building an asset and then putting all of your attention into ranking that asset is if this happens you’re stuck, you’re left with nothing, right. You’ve lost it all. That’s apparently what happened to you, Justin. I can tell you from personal experience that I did the same thing. When I first got into SEO, I built two local lead gen sites. One was in the locksmith industry, the other one was a carpet cleaning industry and I built those two sites. They were awful, God looking back, they were terrible, but it’s all I knew how to do. I spent six months trying to rank those two sites. I ended up ranking the carpet cleaning site in Alexandria Virginia at number one but it took me six freaking months to do it and yeah, I was super excised, right, but I only had one asset that was monetizable at that point.

This Stuff Works

Later on when I started to get better at doing it and I was able to repeat the results, I still made the same mistake. I would build two or three tree service sits, once I got into the tree service industry which is a hell of a lot more lucrative than carpet cleaning I can tell you that. Once I got into the tree service industry and generating leads for that, I would build two to three tree service sites and then I would focus all of my attention on ranking those sites. Sometimes it would take me a month, sometimes it would take me 90 days, sometimes it would take me more.

What I should have been doing was building more and more sites at all times. I should have been building three or four sites per month is what I should have been doing. Every single month. Month in and month out because some of those assets would rank quickly with little work while others would take a long time to rank with a lot more work. Then I had multiple little streams of revenue coming in from various sources while I was working on the digital assets that were taking longer to rank. That made sense. If in the event anything were to get slapped, or penalized or de-indexed, which again when I first got started that happened to me a lot because I was always testing the limits. It wasn’t so catastrophic because I had other assets that were producing revenue or close to producing revenue.

My first suggestion to you would be, even though I understand you put a lot of work into that and that sucks dude, there’s no doubt, and I completely sympathize with you. At the same time, you should constantly be building new assets at all times so that this doesn’t happen again, so that’s number one. Before I move on, anyone of you guys want to comment on that?

Hernan: I just wanted to add something real quick Bradley to what you said which I think is super, super accurate. There’s something that every leg about, for example Terry Kyle that he would say, “In order to be efficient as an SEO, you need to be putting out as many properties as possible because right off the back you do not know what’s going to rank and what’s not.”

Bradley: That’s right.

Hernan: That’s true. That happens to everything. It happens to videos. It even happens to pages from within the same website. Some pages they will rank as some other stone, you know, and some pages going to rank for the wrong keywords. The point here is that you become a much more efficient SEO when you start focusing on the winners, that is when a page a video or a website is ranking on page two or page three for a charm, even before you started optimizing it, you know you have a winner. Some videos will rank like instantly and some others won’t. There’s some randomness into that which I think it makes a lot of sense. At some point, you’ll live and you learn, Justin. It is what it is. It’s better to be efficient with your time and keep cranking out those websites and double down on the winners.

Bradley: The other point of that that I want to- I’m sorry. Go ahead Marco.

Marco: If I could stop you for a second. I’m looking at this and I’m going to say that all isn’t lost, because he said he did have some ranking.

Bradley: They’ll probably come back.

Marco: Yeah. Near first and second page. Even if they don’t, he has really good intelligence on what’s ranking and what won’t. All he has to do is take these videos, make these on this channel, create two new channels, divide up the videos, re-upload them. I’m not sure the speed of upload. That might have hurt him. I don’t know how quickly he uploaded the 50 videos. I hope it wasn’t all at once because that might have had something to do with it. If his branded network and the supporting IFTTT networks are still good and he should check them and see, then all he has to do is reruns the videos in new channels for whatever it was ranking, just add supporting videos in that vertical so that he sticks that first page ranking and from that second page to first page. It may seem like all is lost right now Justin, and I can understand it happens to all of us. I’ve lost websites, I’ve lost- I mean Hernan knows I had one that was cranking out, making me some really decent money and then Google went in and said, “No. You can’t do that.” Then all of a sudden you got zero and you’re not making any money from it.

Hernan: Yeah.

Marco: Everything isn’t lost because you learn a lot from this. You learn what ranks, you learn what doesn’t. You also learn what not to do and so now what you need to do is you have the videos, you’ve already produced them, unlit them, push them into another network. If you want to build another IFTTT tiered network which this is video and it’s perfectly good, do that. Go into video powerhouse and push the videos. I mean, there’s tons of things that you can do with the information that you have. It may seem like all is lost and you’re depressed or whatever but you have a lot of good information that you can use man.

Bradley: It’s true. To kind of piggy-back on what you just said Marco because I totally agree, is you know, you should already have some data on the keywords that were ranking, which videos were ranking. Just like Marco said, you’ve identified through this process, at least the target out of your 50 keywords, you know which ones were performing the best. Those would be the ones I would duplicate and upload to a new channel first because those are the ones that are going to get you the results the quickest, okay.

Also like Marco said, you could just create a new channel and you could go actually connect the new channel to your existing IFTTT networks and just use the same networks. You don’t even have to build new networks. Again, like Marco said, unlist the videos on the channel that are not, that are not … You know your original channel.

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Here’s the thing, you’ve already syndicated those videos to your networks from the original channel, of which, for whatever reason, right now your videos aren’t ranking. Again, I suspect they may end up coming back. If they don’t, the point is they’ve already syndicated those so you’ve already got those in beds from those videos already out across the web, across multiple properties, multiple networks. There’s juice flowing into those, flowing into that channel, Even if those videos aren’t ranking, if you unlist those videos and then drop links in the description of the unlisted videos, to the new videos that you upload to the new channel, you can use the same videos to …

You don’t have to recreate the videos, just use the same videos, upload them to a new channel. Then point from the existing or the old channel with a link in the description to the new video, even though it’s unlisted it just means it won’t show up in the index anymore, but it will still push juice. You’ve already got some assets out there on the web that even though they might not be indexed or ranking, doesn’t mean that you can’t utilize them and help you to rank the new videos that you’re going to publish to a new channel. okay?

Lastly, what I want to say about that is, I wouldn’t’ wait. You know, you’re telling in this first paragraph here Justin, these are all the types of mistakes that I made as a newbie or early in my career I should say. Don’t feel bad and I’m sure a lot of you can relate. You’re talking about how you did 50 videos and you worked on them for months and all of this. Then you say, down here, “How do I start contacting prospects when I don’t have any videos I’m able to locate?”

My point is why would you go after 50 videos and I’m saying this like to everybody in general, why would you go after 50 keywords and 50 videos and work on that for months before ever trying to contact a prospect? My point is, why not work on five videos maybe and as soon as you get some results start contacting prospects, so you can start bringing revenue in because just like you said right here, “As time is of the essence, I haven’t made a single dime yet.” For months you’ve been working on this and you hadn’t made a dime. Don’t wait until you have 50 videos that are perfect and that are ranking before contacting prospects. Rank five videos. Out of the 50, you said some of them were ranking. Those you should have immediately started contacting prospects on and try to sell that service or rent them or however you were monetizing those videos. You should have done that so that you could immediately start generating some revenue that then you could reinvest back into building your infrastructure further.

My point is, if you wait till everything’s perfect, you may never make any money. It’s better just to start monetizing what is working for you as quickly as possible so you can start generating revenue and then reinvest that back in your business, as far as additional training, outsourcing services, maybe some tools, whatever it is. I’m not talking about shiny object syndrome, I’m taking about useful stuff for your business. Okay.

The best course of action, I think we outlined a couple good ones for you man, that would be you could use the same networks. What I would do is just go ahead and create a couple new channels, and again, spread it out, don’t put it all on one channel, go to couple channels if you need to. Tie them into your existing networks, that’s fine. You can have more than one channel syndicate to a single network, guys, you can do that. If you wanted to you could do that. Especially since you say, “time is of the essence.”

I would try, my quickest and hardest to get the videos that I already knew were ranking, back out on the web as quickly as possible from new channels and see if that helps. Then just go unlist the original channel but put a link in the description to the new video and that way you can push some of that existing juice that’s flowing into that channel from the embeds and the syndication over to the new video and you should get even better results, even faster, if that makes sense. That was a great question though Justin. I’m sorry that happened to you.

Which Silo Structure Should I Use For A Music Video Playlist?

Marson says, “Hey Bradley. Which silo structure would be more appropriate for music video playlist? Should it be mono-silo or keyword group or silo for tough keyword? The music type is highly competitive and there are loads of very strong channels to compete with. Any suggestions?

That’s a good one Marson. That’s not one I’ve ever- I’ve never dealt with anything in the music industry. To be honest with you I would just be giving you a wild-ass guess right now but I would have to look into it a little bit further but I would probably go with the mono-silo. Anybody that doesn’t know what we’re talking about go check out YouTube Silo Academy if you don’t know what we’re talking about but for mono-silo, that’s where you link from one video to the next to the next to the next. At the end of the chain in the playlist, you link back up to the first video and then you also always link up to the playlist. That’s probably how I would do it without any additional data, is what I’m saying.

If I were to look at how you were trying to silo or group the keywords or the videos, it might change my wild-ass guess, might change my recommendation to you. Just from, with very, very little data here, I’m probably a mono-silo would work really well for something like that but again I can’t swear to that without knowing more. Anybody else want to comment on that one?

Hernan: No. I think none of us actually makes anything music related which is funny because we are kind of [inaudible 21:50] in what we do. Yeah, I would say [inaudible 21:53] Bradley like. Also see what the competition is doing. I would [inaudible 21:58] mono-silo link I think. When you’re doing … I pasted the link for [inaudible 22:03] silo. It’s only seven bucks so you can check it out. When you’re doing pretty much any kind of channel you need to see your channel as you do a website. Definitely using a silo structure would help your YouTube rankings and your Google rankings way better but we will probably need to see what’s going on in the music industry which is big industry, by the way.

Bradley: Yeah. The mono-silo structure is very, very strong. I like to use that a lot. It’s quite a bit of work though. There’s manual work involved and actually collecting all the links from the videos in the playlist and then organize them and then linking from one video to the next to the next. I think that’s what Justin, I think did, in here, where he was talking about having 50 videos and then siloing them together.

If I’m doing a lot of videos because of efficiency reasons I won’t do a mono-silo. In that case I’ll just do a standard silo which just means all I’m doing is linking back up to the playlist and that’s it, from within the video description. The playlist itself links to each individual video within the playlist but then within the individual videos I put a link back up to the playlist, right. It’s essentially linking back to the top of the silo. When I’m doing a whole lot of videos in a silo, that’s the route that I go is the simple silo method because it’s so much faster to set up, because essentially it’s just a playlist link that goes into the video description. It’s not a unique link. I mean, it’s the same link in every video description in that entire playlist.

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Whereas with a mono-silo, you need the next video URL. In this video description that I’m editing right now, I would put the link to the next video in the playlist and then in the next video I would put the link to the following video in the playlist and so on and so forth. It takes more customization as far as the video description goes. It works really well but typically I will only do that if I’m dealing with a small number of videos and a particular silo. If I’m going to be doing multiple videos in one silo, then I’m just going to stick a link up to the playlist and that’s it because I’m trying to be efficient with my time.

Also test it. If you wanted to Marson, I would recommend setting up two different playlists with maybe two different music groups or music genres or whatever and testing and trying one with a mono-silo and one without and see what kind of results you can get. Again, that’s how we figure out what works and it’s going to be different for every industry, every keyword, it really is. You need to just play around with the multiple methods that are available to you to determine which ones are going to give you the best results.

Checking Links and Anchor Text Ratio Of An IFTTT Web Property

Dean says, “Regarding link building to IFTTT properties, how does one check what links in or anchor text ratio have been successfully built to a property if, for example, links have been bought from other organizations than Semantic Mastery because upon checking Majestic SEO, it would appear that little to none of the properties seem to get crawled by Majestic. Haven’t checked others. I use some of the Semantic Mastery IFTTT properties to check as mine are not old enough to maybe show data yet. I’m wondering if they ever will.”

Dean, a lot of those, because of the spam type properties that we post to with GSA and the various types of building tools that we use, they don’t crawled or indexed by Majestic and or Ahrefs. At least, I haven’t used Ahrefs much in the last two years because I’ve been pretty much using Majestic only but about two years ago when I was using Ahrefs more than Majestic, I noticed that Ahrefs picks up a lot more of the back-links than Majestic, it may have changed, I don’t know. I always noticed that Majestic didn’t pick up a lot of spammy or low quality links, they just won’t index them. You’ve got to imagine how hard it is on their servers to try to keep track of all of those.

I don’t know this to be true other than just from my own observance, but I think that if there’s a certain threshold that a link has to have in order for it to be included in the index, unless you manually force it. Which means for example, if you were to get the link report back for a service and then manually submit them to Majestic to be crawled and even then that doesn’t guarantee that they will be. As far as that, I mean, really the only think that you could do is go off the link reports that are provided to you by your link building provider, service provider, whoever is doing the link building services for you should provide you with the link report and then all I would recommend doing is taking … I mean, most link builders are going to submit that list of links that they build for you to some sort of indexer anyways.

Once you receive that report, what I always do, is I always go resubmit those links through my own indexers, my own indexing accounts. I’m making sure that they’re being crawled and indexed. Wait, let me rephrase that. I make sure that they’re being crawled. It doesn’t mean that they’re going to be indexed. Again, just like what we talked about. Dean, there’s a lot of people that ask questions about IFTTT network properties not showing the links from their IFTTT network properties not showing in Majestic or Ahrefs and we talked about that many times as well. If you have your websites connected to Google search console and you go look in the search console at inbound links or links to your site you’ll see the links from Delicious and WordPress and Tumblr and Deego and all of that, but you won’t see Majestic or Ahrefs. It doesn’t mean that those links aren’t there, it just means they’re not being indexed in Ahrefs or Majestic.

Hernan: Right. Yeah. Just to add to what you’re saying. The only thing that matters in that case is what Google is saying that he sees or it sees. That’s why we … Many of the IFTTT properties are data hub corners as well so they share data with Google. You can definitely see that on Webmaster. What I usually do Dean is to grab the top five competitors because I want to know page one and plug them in to Majestic or Ahrefs and see what kind of anchor tech they are using. Usually you will get a Tom of branded and long tail anchor texts from IFTTT.

Now if you want to sculpt a little bit the anchor text, you want to go with other link sources like for example press releases. Press release will help you a ton on that case. Just grab the top five and see what they’re doing on a page level and also on a root level. You want to see the root, which kind of back-links and the anchor texts they are getting and also the page that’s ranking. Usually, you’ll see that on the big websites you will see that the root is highly deoptimized, I mean like 80 to 90% of that, it will be branded or URL anchor texts, while the internal page would be much more aggressive, but it makes sense. If you have a big newspaper, the home will get back-links from, I don’t know, go visit the newyorktimes.com and then when you’re talking about a news in particular on an internal page, then people will link as an exact match. It makes a ton of sense to do that. That’s what I usually do.

Just because it’s not showing on Majestic doesn’t mean that they do not count because webmaster tools would actually report on those. You need to combine tool on that case. That’s my point.

Bradley: For most link building providers, if you’re going to be outsourcing your link building, they’re going to be building spam links essentially. Any good link building provider is going to ask you for the list of keywords and it’s going to be asking for a large number of keywords, especially for span tools. Like for example, if you buy, a link building service from us, what do we require? At least, two hundred keywords? Something like that, it’s a lot. The reason why is because … I’m sorry. Go ahead?

Hernan: Sorry Bradley. We’re asking actually for 500 keywords.

Bradley: Okay. I thought there was a range. Yeah, that’s a lot.

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Hernan: Yeah. That’s a lot. For any kind of link building products that you’re getting from us, we’re asking for at list 500 keywords. We give you the tools to generate those as well, based on Google suggest. For [inaudible 30:34] building, for IFTTT link building, they are all, yeah. 500 keywords at least.

Bradley: That’s because again, if we’re going to be building a mass quantity of links, we need a very diverse set of anchor texts and so that should be determined before you purchase the link building package. Those are typically things that you should look for from a reputable builder, you know, a spam tool link builder.

You’ll notice like on a lot of black cat forums and stuff where people run GSA blasts and stuff like that, they will ask for similar criteria.

Hernan: Yeah. If you go to Filer for example, those guys they will ask you for five keywords. All the links will look the same so, I will say get away from those.

Can IFTTT Pay Per Call Assets Be Used Just To Rank Videos (Without A Branded Website)?

Bradley: All right. Next question is Clark. He says, “When you are building a pay per call asset using IFTTT can you only rank videos or do you need to create a branded website as well? How does Google My business plan your strategy?”

No. Typically Clark what I do is I test stuff will videos first. It’s not always the case but a lot of the times I like to test keywords and new areas for example whether it could be new keywords, a new industry so I’ve got to test new keywords all together which I don’t like to do very often, I try to stick to the niches I already know. Or if I’m going into a new area that I haven’t been into yet, like a new location, then I like to test with videos and that’s just to give me an idea of what the competition is like and how easy or fast I can rank. That’s not always the case either though Clark and the reason I say that is because it might be simple to rank a video but difficult to rank a webpage. Likewise it might be simple to rank a webpage and difficult to rank a video.

My point is I don’t always do that but typically what I’ll do is I’ll use some sort of spam tool, video spam tool … Let me rephrase that. I’ll use a tool to create video spam to test for keywords. Then once I’ve identified some winners I’ll go in and build out some assets such as a local website, maybe a Google My business page or whatever. Again that’s not always the case, I use two different ways to test. I’ll either test with video spam or I’ll test with web spam, like straight up page spam like using like Lead Gadget or Serp Shaker or any sort of plug-in like, or sort of mass page builder like that to test those keywords.

No. Pay per call assets, they don’t have to just be videos. They can be whatever it is you want. As long as you can get something to rank in the search, that can generate a phone call, the call to action is to make a phone call, then you can get paid from it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a video, a Google My Business listing, so a maps listing. It could be just a website ranked organically, a Facebook page. It could be anyone of those things. Okay? Press releases can work wonders for pay per call. They really can if you can rank the press release in a high volume area. Press releases are typically a lot easier to rank than a website, so that’s something else that could be done. There’s a lot of different assets that you could rank for pay per call stuff. It doesn’t have to be just videos. Okay?

For the branded website guys, what I like to do is once … Like for lead gen especially … Just straight pay per call assets, if you’re talking about like using a pay per call exchange, I don’t worry about branding anything for that, I really don’t because I’m looking at volume for pay per call if I’m using a pay per call exchange network, which is exactly what we’re going to talk about today on the video marketing blitz bonus webinar. We’re going to be talking about using a pay per call exchange network. Okay?

If I’m doing pay per call where I’m working with a service provider personally or individually. In other words, if I’ve got a service provider that I’ve contacted that I’m creating an arrangement with, to where they’re going to be purchasing leads from me or they’re going to be paying per call for calls generated or whatever, then a lot of the times I will brand it. I’ll either brand it. I will either brand it for one of my own pseudo brands, I’m using air quotes right now. Pseudo brands which means like I’ll create a kind of brand name, then I can scale that out across multiple locations.

If I’m going to be building out a website, I’ll use sub-domains with the city name as the sub-domain. You know stuff like that, that’s typically what I’d do. Or, if it’s a pay per call service provider that I’m working with that wants like a long-term engagement or they’re going to be doing a lot of volume with me or whatever, then sometimes I’ll even build out branding assets based on their brand. I’ll still own and control the assets but I’ll still put their branding on it, that way … A lot of the times it’ll make the larger pay per call service provider. The service providers that I’m dealing with, it means them happier to have all their branding on it. It makes sense to do so but I still like to own the assets. Okay. Otherwise you’re just doing client work.

How To Find 200+ Keywords For Highest Link Building Packages When Using GSA?

Okay. Wong says, “Hi Semantic Mastery Tim. I hope you guys are doing well? I have two questions to ask today.” Excuse me. “Question number one, my money YouTube channel is only dating product review. When doing links to my IFTTT network, how do you guys find 200 plus keywords for the highest link building packages in the GSA blast for networks with current only one product to review post. Also is it safe to use link building from Serp Space to my money YouTube channel?” Okay.

For the keywords, what you want to do it, if you’re drilling down into a very very specific keyword or a product name or something like that, then you need to back up. Think about it from a wider angle. Take a wider view of it and look for the more broader, general, the more category type key words. In other words, what niche is that product in and what kind of broader terms does that product or keyword fall within? Okay. Then just go with the more general terms because remember what we’re trying to do with the link building service guys, the spam links that we build, is not necessarily … It’s to push juice into the infrastructure, right, into the network and into the structure. We’re trying to push juice into the structure. It’s not so much about the keywords. That’s why we always talk about going with real, real broad terms, generics. I don’t even use brand terms for the spam usually. I just like to use generics and URL anchors or naked anchors and then the broadest of keywords.

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For example, if we’re talking about tree service, as an example, we can go broader with home improvement and landscaping and gardening and hardscaping and you know those kind of things that aren’t necessarily the same as tree service but it’s a broader term. Another thing is and I know you’re talking about product review, but on a local level, if we’re talking about like down on a local level like say plumbers, Atlantic. If I was trying to rank something for Atlanta plumber or plumber Atlanta, whatever, then I would look for plumbing keywords, home improvement keywords, maybe re-modelling keywords, right. All of those types of things that plumbing can fall within but I wouldn’t be looking for plumbing repair Atlanta, not for those types of links. Those link building packages, I wouldn’t use any local modifier. I know you weren’t asking about local but what I’m trying to do it just illustrate how … You want to go with broader terms.

You can pick a broader topic that your topic falls within and use those as well, because again, all we’re trying to do is go out from like … Think of it like a funnel, guys. You’ve go the top of the funnel which is the widest and the broadest. Then you’ve got all the way down at the bottom, the exit point of the funnel. That is your most narrow, your most targeted key word, that’s what you want to rank for. What you want to do with the link building packages is always go with the top of funnel type keywords, the broadest of the keywords, if that makes sense. Maybe Hernan, can you comment on that because I know you might be able to explain it in a different way.

Hernan: Yeah. Just have in mind that … We ask for those kind of keywords but we also throw in the mix URLs and generics, you know. We don’t end up … I mean we end up using the entire list but we also mix it up with generics and URLs. The possibilities of two links with the same keywords, repeating the same keywords are like near none. My point here is that when I’m doing that and sometimes it happens where you see, a great tool called Keyword Shitter, that’s a tool that you can get access to from the form itself. It will redirect you to Keyword Shitter. They are using Google Suggest, to scrape all of those keywords but it happens to me also on foreign, you know. If your case is like a dating review, I would do dating, like the broad niche, so that you can have a ton of different variations of the keywords over there and that they’re still relevant somehow.

Bradley: Yeah. I’m going to show just a real quick demo of guys of this, just real quick and I dropped the link on the event page just a second ago. This is my favorite keyword tool of all time guys and it’s no doubt. I think it’s 57 bucks and I just dropped the link. Seriously it’s one time and it’s probably the best $57 I’ve spent online because I use this tool religiously guys. It’s a great tool. Something like dating channels only dating product review. I don’t know what the name of the product is. Guys. What is it? The Tao of Badass? Give me a dating product somebody. Title.

Hernan: Yeah. The Tao of Badass can do.

Bradley: Is it T-A-O Badass? Or- ?

Hernan: T-A-O, yeah. T-A-O.

Bradley: All right. You guys can see this. This is Power Suggest Pro and I put Tao of Badass in, which was be just a dating product. My point is, put your dating product in. Now look at this guys it’s already at 200 keywords and it’s only been about ten seconds. What this is doing is pulling out of the Google suggest terms that use that product review in there, that title. That’s something else that you could use as anchor texts, just these types of keywords.

The other thing you could do is go with other dating products, right. Other dating products guys because they’re in the same niche and I know it might seem counter intuitive to do that but we’re talking about going out three and four tiers with anchor texts. It does make sense because it would be a similar product that eventually leads down to the one product that you’re promoting. It does make sense to actually have some of those other product titles as anchor texts. Product names as anchor texts way out like tier three and four. Does that make sense?

Anyways, I’m going to stop this now but there’s 365 keywords right there and it was a only, a little bit over half-way done. Not even half-way done. Excuse me.

Hernan: You didn’t even use the wild card.

Bradley: Well, this has got the wild card with the [inaudible 41:48] on it. You could do all different kinds of stuff. Put the little asterisk skin and anyways, it’s a great tool guys. Pick it up.

Should The Link To Tier 1 Blog Be Stripped Off On The Tier 2 Video Syndication Network? 

The second question is, “Bradley and IFTTT SEO Academy. If we were using tier one IFTTT blog, RSS to syndicate content to tier two blogger blog, wouldn’t attribution link to your money YouTube video from your tier one blog, get syndicated to your tier two blogger blog and ift.com would create another attribution link to your tier one blog as well?

First of all, those of who that didn’t follow that question, don’t worry about it. I’m going to answer this for Wong but I can understand if everyone else just got a headache, I totally get it.

First of all IFTTT does not create an attribution link unless you code it in to the actual recipe itself, in the ingredients section, which is fine and we teach to do that. For example, and I know what you’re asking about here. When we syndicate from YouTube to a tier one network, in the recipes, the video recipes we always have via, right, so we say, “Watch on YouTube here.” And we use the YouTube URL and the anchor text is typically the title. It could also be the URL if you wanted, then we say via and then it’s your channel URL goes here, and the anchor text is typically either your channel URL, so a naked URL. Or you could put the channel name in there, or keywords, it doesn’t matter, you could code in whatever you want.

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Yes, on a second tier syndication that same description will be posted in the second tier blog sites as well. You will actually be getting a tier one link from the second tier blog properties. That’s fine though because it’s YouTube. It makes no difference whatsoever. When we talk about syndicating blog content to two tiers, we talk … In the training, I specifically reference this in the training that if you’re doing two tier syndication for blog syndication, for blogs, website content, then you want to only use an attribution link that points back to the post and not back to the homepage as well. You omit the homepage attribution and then you also need the related content sources as tier two triggers to help minimize footprint. You can’t eliminate it, but you can minimize it. For YouTube, it’s no issues.

My point is, yes, with a two tier network system for YouTube syndication, your tier one syndication is going to have a link back to your video be it a tier one embed, a tier one link to your video and a tier one link to your channel. On the tier two syndication, it’s going to have all of what I just mentioned. An embed, a tier one link to your video and a tier one link to your channel. It’s also, if you code it with the tier two recipes, right, you can also have an attribution link pointing back to the tier one blog, that’s syndicated to the tier two property. That’s fine because then what you’re doing is you’re creating like a little link wheel or a little network where you’re linking to the original source and to the first tier syndication point. You’re basically pushing juice into the video, to your channel and to the tier one blog, all at the same time. It makes no difference. That is exactly how it should look when you’re done, for YouTube syndication.

He asks, “Am I setting up my tier two recipe correctly if the above scenario happens or is there any mistake I should rectify?” No. That’s absolutely fine Wong. Again, there’s no footprint issues with YouTube syndication, so because of that we don’t worry about it. That was a great question by the way.

Can I Get My HTML Sites Re-Indexed Faster When Using Blue Chip Backlinks?

Okay, Ryan says, “I’ve been loving Blue Chip back-links. Do you do anything to get your HTML sites re-indexed faster? Thanks.”

Ryan, the best thing to do is just go submit them directly to Google search console. That’s it. You guys know the submit crawl URL. Just go to Google and type in crawl URL and it’s the very first link right up there. Or excuse me, the second link. Or if you put submit URL it will be the first link. If you just click on that, you have to be logged in to the Google account but you just drop the homepage URL there, do the capture and click submit request. That’s it, that’s all you got to do. Usually within about 30 seconds it’ll be indexed. It’s not always the case but usually. Okay. That’s all I do.

How Often Should Posts Have Anchor Text That Links Back To A Money Site When Doing T1 Blog Syndication?

Willy says, “When doing tier one blog syndication, how often should posts have anchor text links back to a money site? For example, first post has anchor texts to money site, second posts has anchor texts or naked URL back to money site. Should every post include a link back to money site? I’m thinking not every post.”

Well actually, Willie, I do. I put a link in every single post because remember the blog syndication … You’re blogging on site, in other words, your money site is where your blog is. When your blogging, when you’re creating a post, publishing a post to your blog, you want an internal link from that post to one of the pages on your site. You’re going to select a topic, then you’re going to post or blog about that topic and then within the link … Excuse me within the content body, you’re going to put a contextual link up to one of the pages on your site, that the topic was about.

The way that we do, we use blogging and IFTTT for SEO is to use the blog for link building purposes to rank the pages on the site. It’s not necessarily to rank the blog posts. If the blog posts rank, hey, that’s a bonus, that’s benefit, that’s all gravy. That’s extra cream on top. You know what I mean? What I’m trying to do with the blog essentially is to rank the pages on the site and I use the blog as my content marketing and link building engine, if that makes sense. I always link from within the content of the blog post to one of the pages on the site that I want to rank.

I do vary how I link to it, so it’s not always an anchor text link. Sometimes it’s naked URL, sometimes it’s generic like, “Read more.” Or, “Click here.” Other times it’s where it’s essentially like a curated post. Like in other words, I can create a post on my own site and actually curate a snippet, a couple sentences or a short paragraph from one of the pages on the site and then I can link using a more of a conversational type title to that as the source. Essentially I’m citing my own website as a sources for that blog post.

If you know anything about curating, whenever you’re giving attribution to the source a lot of the times you can use the title of that post or whatever article that you’re citing as the actual anchor text. I do the same thing with pages, so it varies. My point is, yes, you want some diversity in how you link to your pages from within your posts but just about. I would say, 98% of all posts that I do on all of my sites, do link to a page on the site at some point. All right.

Are Videos Clickable When They Are Syndicated Across The Networks?

Running out of time guys, only got a few minutes left but we’ll try to get through a couple more. Scott says, “When making the videos clickable, in order to take a visitor to a landing page through YouTube and having an associated website do the videos remain clickable when they’re syndicated across the networks? Or are they only clickable on YouTube but not Tumblr, Twitter et cetera?”

No, because it’s an eye-frame, the embed … A video that gets embedded on other properties is still YouTube. It’s still YouTube, just YouTube has eye-framed onto that page. An external annotation, or any annotation, it doesn’t have to be external, it could be linking to another video on your channel, whatever. Any sort of annotation, a clickable annotation link, should be viewable whether it’s syndicated to. It could still function properly is my point because it’s just an eye-frame of the YouTube video. You’re essentially piping YouTube into that webpage. That make sense?

Hernan: Yeah. I just wanted to add real quick that annotation, external annotations, will not work on mobile.

Bradley: That’s right.

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Hernan: You need to have that in mind where cards come into play. If you want to use external annotations and cards, because the cards will be seen on … They will be active on mobile and mobile is big right now. If you’re using external annotations, do a card or two as well.

How Many Videos Do You Put In A Youtube Channel?

Bradley: That’s correct. All right. Next question is, “How many videos do you put in a YouTube channel? I hear some put a max of 15 because YouTube does shut down channels and it hurts less to lose 15 videos in a channel that are making money rather than lose 100 videos in a channels that are making money.”

Well, I agree with you on your second point Scott. It certainly hurts less to lose a channel with only 15 videos than it would with 100. See what Justin Decarlo posting earlier as case in point. 50 videos on that channel and he hasn’t lost the channel but apparently for whatever reason the channel’s been demoted or whatever the case may be. My point is, yeah, when you lose 50 videos it hurts a lot more than losing 15. I agree.

I don’t know who told you the 15 number because I have channels with literally hundreds and hundreds of videos. In fact, I have a 100% spam channel that I use with hangout million to spam exotic car rental keywords and it has 960 some videos on that channel and there were 100% spam videos and that channel is alive and well and it has been for two years. No shit, two years guys. Almost a thousand videos on that channel and they’re total spin videos and it’s still alive today. The 15 videos thing is not, I don’t know who told you that … There’s certainly something to be said for limiting the amount of videos per channel but if you’ve got a channel and you’re not doing anything real spammy with it, chances are you’re not going to lose it anyways. It’s not always the case, I mean, again look at Justin. What we were talking about with Justin. Although that wasn’t terminated, at least not yet.

My point is I do recommend splitting it up guys, like trying to spread your eggs across multiple baskets, that way you never just lose one basket and then you’re done, you know, game over. You also have to think about what is the cost of time and energy and effort and resources, money, all of that, that it’ going to cost to build out additional networks and additional channels. You’ve got to find that happy medium somewhere and I can’t tell you what that happy medium is. It’s going to depend on you and how comfortable you are with risk and all that kind of stuff. Right. Go ahead.

Marco: Just something real quick. I’ve never seen anyone lose a channel unless you get really, really bad like trying to do 2000 videos in a day. YouTube doesn’t really like that. If you keep it within reason, you’re not going to lose it. If you save your video feels in case you do lose it, then you have a channel waiting to be made. Right because you have the videos files, you just upload, you know what ranks, you have all the intelligence, so again we go back to Justin. Losing it does not mean that it’s over. It just means that you have to go and redo, rethink and start again but you already have it built up so it’s a win-win, as far as I’m concerned.

What Is The Best WordPress Theme To Use For YouTube Video Embedding?

Bradley: All right. This is the last question guys because we got to wrap it up. Greg says, “What’s the best WordPress theme to use for primarily video embedding from YouTube silo?”

Greg, it really doesn’t matter. It’s completely up to you. There are some video type themes out there and seriously and what I would just do is go to Google and type in video WordPress themes, something like that. WordPress theme and I would just start looking for them. Now what you do want to look for and I would recommend and you can go through … That’s what I’ve done in the past is go through and just try to find something that I like, that looks good or whatever.

Something else that you kind of want to look for now is look for themes that are marked up with structured data or cemented markup, especially if you’re going to be doing video stuff. If it has video schema built into the actual theme, then that’s going to help you a whole lot because that’s really where the power comes in or the … You can get more power using as associated website for YouTube syndication and for embedding and stuff if you get video schema or video structured data, video markup on that theme. That’s what you really want to be looking for but really as far as what theme is the best- Here’s one that says video tube, I don’t know. You just have to go look through them and that would be a feature that I would be looking for right now, would be looking for anything that gives videos markup, that’s built into the theme. Or you could use plug-ins to do that and then pretty much use anything.

For example, Yoast has the video SEO plug-in which will actually add the video markup to every video on your site and it will give you a video site map as well, that’s marked up properly. I mean it’s expensive. It’s expensive as hell that plug-in but it is a good plug-in for video markup. There’s probably alternatives out there now too, you just have to do some digging.

I have a video SEO plug-in, you know Yoast video plug-in add-on, so I usually use that but there’s also some of the … let’s see there’s Pinboard, WordPress themes, those are pretty good for video. Pinboard, WordPress themes. This might be it here. Yeah. That’s what I would do. Just go look for different themes and try to find one that you like and then again look for structured data if possible, if not you can always add it with a plug-in later.

Okay guys. That was it for Hump Day Hangouts. Sorry we didn’t get to the rest of the questions but we had some good ones today so we appreciate that. We will see everybody next week. Video marketing blitz guys. You can see I’m moving my … Curtain was too damn hot. We’ll see video marketing blitz guys in just a few minutes. Otherwise the rest of you guys, we have Mastermind make up webinar tomorrow so we’ll see those of you guys tomorrow as well.

Hernan: Have a good one.

Marco: Bye bye.

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