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Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 92


Click on the video above to watch Episode 92 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.




Bradley: Our bearded leader, our other fearless leader isn’t here. Oh here he comes. Hey everybody, this is Bradley Benner with Semantic Mastery. This is Hump Day Hang-outs for August 10, 2016 episode 92. Wow.

Chris: Wow.

Bradley: That’s quite a milestone. I’m not sure if Adam’s coming or not, he’s going to be traveling to the Click Funnels Certification event, so I don’t know if he’s coming today or not, but we are live on Google and Facebook right now. As far as announcements today, I guess let’s run through and say hey to everybody first. I’m going to go right down the list in the order that I see them. Chris how are you?

Chris: It’s been good. Happy to be back in Austria. How are you doing?

Bradley: Yeah I bet man. Back on your home soil huh?

Chris: Yeah.

Bradley: We got Hernan here, what’s up Hernan?

Hernan: Hey guys, hey what’s up? Hey Facebook, hey Google Plus, hey whatever we are broadcasting this. It’s really good to be here.

Bradley: YouTube and you want to start naming off all the IFTTT properties?

Hernan: We can, we can, it’s going to take me a while.

Bradley: We’ve got Marco, hey Marco.

Marco: Hey man what’s up. Since I didn’t mention that last week right, I’m going to mention it this week. It’s warm and sunny in Costa Rica.

Chris: Still?

Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:17] That’s how I roll man.

Hernan: What happened to rain season man?

Marco: It’s the rainy season, what can I tell you?

Bradley: We’re like a ship without a rudder when Adam is not here you know?

Marco: Yeah.

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Chris: Let’s focus.

Bradley: As far as announcements, there’s just a couple announcements. Guys we’ve got, what were the announcements again Marco? I just sent them before, I didn’t write them down. I know we’ve got the Video Marketing Blitz bonus webinar next week guys, it’ll be immediately following Hump Day Hangouts so any of you that purchased Video Marketing Blitz through our link which is Abs Product Video. It’s a really good video product and I’m going to be going through a webinar next week and a case-study showing what I’ve been able to do with it in the last couple of weeks that I’ve been playing with it. That’s next Wednesday at 5:00 pm. What else did I say we’re going to talk about? Does anybody else remember?

Hernan: Nope.

Bradley: You see what happens? I don’t take notes.

Marco: Giving people the opportunity to sell our stuff.

Bradley: Oh yeah, that’s right. That was the other one. Thank you. Content King Pin, that’s the next product that we’re launching under the Mastery PR brand that launches on August 30th. It’s Tuesday, August 30th if you guys are interested in promoting that you can find it on JVZoo or I can drop the JV link on the page if you guys want to check it out and promote. If not, it’s going to be a really good product on content marketing and curation and video curation and all kinds of really good stuff so check that out as well. Okay, so that was it right for announcements? All right, cool. Well then I’m going to go ahead and grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. Let me make sure I got the right window here. Tell you what I’m going to do. I’ve got too many windows open again as usual, so just give me one second guys. Okay, we should be good to go. Everybody can you confirm for me that you’re seeing what you’re supposed to on the event page?

Marco: We can.

Hernan: Yep.

Is It Okay To Embed A Google Spreadsheet Into A Blog In IFTTT?

Bradley: Okay good. All right, we’re going to get straight into it. Marco Connell’s got the first one. Hi guys, quick one for you. “Let’s say I created a Google, a public Google spreadsheet with all of my IFTTT properties and their RSS feeds then embed this one into one of my blog posts it will syndicate through my TR1, and let’s say that I also snuck into the embed coding naughty little keyword. Am I in trouble?” No, not at all. That works really well. Marco, I’m going to let you talk about that one a little bit since that’s more your avenue.

This Stuff Works

Marco: Yeah, you know, as we mentioned before, all credit goes back to the source URL, so what you’re directing everything to is that spreadsheet and I’m thinking oh yeah that’s a Google spreadsheet, then it’s public, and everything’s there. Google can stem the abuse. I mean, your blog wouldn’t if it were being looked at that way. Since it’s embedded you’re actually publishing contact that’s in Google. This is for right now, so please, whenever I say anything don’t think that I’m telling you 10 years from now this shit’s going to work cause it might not work. Right now it’s working really well so go ahead, push it.

Bradley: Yeah it does, and putting the keywords in the spreadsheets is a good idea because, especially … There’s a couple ways you can do it. You can put the keyword and actually hyper-link the keyword within the cell in the spreadsheet which would kind of give you like a keyword anchor text, it’s not quite the same because of the way that Google Reader acts, but it still associates that keyword with the link itself. Another way you could do it is by separating your columns and putting let’s say keywords in like a left column for example and then your links on the right column so that you get the association is made. It’s another form of co-citation, in other words a citation link. When you have a keyword in close proximity to your link there’s a transfer of keyword relevancy there though that link based on it’s being close in proximity to the actual link itself, so you can do it either way. Yeah, it’s absolutely a good strategy.

Bradley: Yeah, let’s go one better then that. You go keyword, you go link, and then you go the Google shortened link, and then you’re giving Google all sorts of information. Wherever that’s embedded, anyone looking at that, any bot looking at that, Google’s going to take that as activity on that page on that spreadsheet but everything is going to filter back to the source. Then from the source if you have a link to the original website, to the thing you’re really looking to rank then the juice flows out and it comes back and it flows back out to whatever link you’re directing it to. You kind of have to play with it right? Remember how we’ve talked about the spider-web silo right? Where nothing works the way it’s supposed to inside the things that we manipulate and this is one of those things where you can direct it anywhere you want and the power, the trust, is going to be pushed in any direction. Inside wherever that file is contained, and it’ll go to all of the links that are contained within that file and to the final destination. I don’t want to get into too much more cause [crosstalk 00:07:02]

Marco: Yeah, I was going to say … man, shit.

Bradley: Hey Hernan, did you want to comment on that as well?

Hernan: Yeah, I wanted to say real quick that without giving away too much also you can get real nasty with embeds you know. If you embed that spreadsheet on some other places like Tumblr, then you can embed the Tumbler posts someplace else, but yeah, I’m going to stop that, because otherwise we are giving away too much. I don’t know if Mark is part of RYS Academy, if you are not, all of these nasty stuff is taught over there.

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Marco: Can I give away one since you guys all got to?

Chris: Yeah, go ahead.

Marco: All right, so another one would be something like you guys know you can embed Google Plus posts? So what you can do is take a drive file and create a Google Plus post with the drive link, make it a public link obviously, and then create a Google Plus post, and then you can embed the Google Plus post inside of a Word Press site, a Tumbler site whatever. You end up having multiple I-frame stacks originating with drive, then having Google Plus wrap that I-frame with it’s own I-frame and then you embed that inside of a Word Press or Tumbler post or whatever so you get multiple stacks and you’re talking about Google properties. Put that Google Plus post inside of a blogger blog, now you’ve got 3 Google properties or a Google site. Okay I’ve given away enough, I’ll stop.

Chris: Yeah. Enough.

Hernan: Come [inaudible 00:08:34] learn the rest.

What Is The Best URL To Submit In Serp Space’s Backlinks Service?

Bradley: Nate’s here. What’s up Nate? Greg says, “I want to spend some money and purchase the back-link service on Service Space. Would it be possible to get a clearer understanding on what URLs are best to submit in this case?” Yeah, Greg, pretty much all of them from your tier 1 network. Or if you’re going to, if you’re buying for a full future network you can actually spread it across all networks if you’d like. Typically what I do is I don’t usually, well, I always boost the tier 1 properties always, but I don’t always boost the tier 2 properties. Sometimes I do sometimes I don’t it just depends on if it needs it or not. I always end up taking whatever I build on a tier 1 network for a client or a [legion 00:09:17] site or whatever, then I end up sending it over to get the links built. I just have links built to all the home pro, the profile URLs, the home page of all of the different sites and the IFTTT network. That’s what I do.

Some people only like to build links to the “do follow,” you know, properties that provide do followings. I don’t think that’s natural looking, so I like to basically spread the entire link package out across all the properties in the network. Again, I do it to the home page because, you know, you get more effect if you were to actually take individual post URLs from the IFTTT network and build links to that, but then you’re limiting the link juice to only being effective for that one post. It doesn’t spread across the rest of the site. Now if you did some internal linking stuff you could, but that’s way too much manual work. For efficiency reasons and just for automation reasons all I do is take the profile links from the IFTTT spreadsheet right out of the column, I just copy all of the links right out of that column, paste them into the sub-space order form, and that’s it.

I just have all the links distributed evenly across those because then essentially what happens is every time a new post is published to your own site or to your own YouTube channel whichever, and it syndicates across the tier 1 branded network or the tier 1 network, it doesn’t have to be branded, all of the post are going to be on that home page right? They’re going to receive all of that extra juice from the inbound links pointing to the home pages. Usually the way that, you know, the blogs paginate which means it’ll show you know, like 10 posts on the front page before it goes to page two. Your post gets the benefit of all that juice flowing from the home page for sometime in the future until it paginates because of another post pushing it off eventually, which will happen eventually. Usually by then it’s settled in its rankings, unless it’s really competitive in which case you might want to build additional links to the individual post URLs.

This Stuff Works

I do it just strictly for speed and efficiency reasons. It’s just so easy to just grab once the network’s built I get a return from our builders, I just copy the call and paste it in the order form and generate my keyword list whatever, and then send it to get the links built to the home page and then I don’t have to think about it anymore, it’s done. I like to spread them across, evenly across all the properties because it looks more natural to have inbound links built to all of the properties instead of just a select few, especially ones with “do follow” links if that makes sense. What do you think Hernan?

Hernan: Yeah, I think it, yeah, I usually do the same and as you said, unless I need to specifically push a post, those posts that are page 2 or the bottom of page 1 that you want to push them upwards, unless that’s the case then if I want to build like general authority to the network that’s what I do as well. Now, you need to have in mind what kind of links we are creating to the networks. We are creating a couple tiers of links and that’s where the power resides you know, because we could be spamming the networks and that’s not the idea because those are branded properties and those are really valuable properties because they can generate a sale, they can bring traffic etc. The main idea here and this is when we developed the link building packages, the idea is that you’re syndication network properties they only get contextual backings that we can create with Turbo Web 2.0, GSA, FCS Networker, Zenno Poster Pro, all of the tools that can create a web 2.0 contextual, and by contextual we mean relevant piece of content and relevant context that’s surrounding the link.

Those are the links we are sending to the properties directly and then we are spamming those. We are spamming the contextual automated back-link. This spam comes like three or four hoops after the syndication networks. That’s how we are managing to do that and you need to understand also that there’s an amount of link that we’re sending. The mass of links is not being sent directly to the IFTTT networks but rather we are using buffers in-between.

Bradley: Right.

Hernan: Like you only get a handful of links per property and that’s on purpose. That’s on purpose because we don’t want to ruin them, we don’t want to burn them.

Bradley: Yep. The other thing Greg, keep this in mind too, the link building service is good for IFTTT networks, whether it’s tier 1, tier 2 it doesn’t matter, also they’re great for citations. If you’re doing local work and you … You can also point directly to YouTube if you’d like. You can do that. We will not accept money site URLs, cause we won’t, we’re not going to build spam links directly to a money site. We’re using spam tools, we don’t do it ourselves so we wouldn’t offer that as a service either. Citations are also a really good, press releases, any sort of tier 1 property is a good property to use for the link building service because just like Hernan just explained, we don’t spam them. I call it spam because we’re using a spam link tool, but we don’t through like kitchen sink spam directly at the tier 1 links. We put a buffer of higher quality spam links if that’s possible, between the kitchen sink spam and the tier 1 links. Our target URLs if that makes sense. Okay?

What Is The Timeframe Difference Between PBN BackLinking And IFTTT Network?

Okay Dean’s next. He says, “I’m used to linking PBNs and other links to money sites and I’m used to the time frame it takes to show progress. My question is, if I was to link the PBNs and others to a single PBN and link it to my money site or my IFTTT network, one branded ring that links to my money site, what difference in time frame is there for progress etc. Just that I’m scared to spend money linking to a PBN or IFTTT to find that it takes much more time slash money to get the effect showing on the money site’s ranks. Thanks guys.” There is a little bit more of a delay between, at least it’s not always the case, but most of the time unless you have an unusually powerful link that you find and you point it to a buffer site first, in which case you can see results very very quickly. For the most part whenever I’m building through a buffer site, so I’m building links to a buffer site that links to my money site, I find it is slower effect on the result than if it’s a direct link to the money site.

This Stuff Works

I don’t mind because it’s safer. It’s a safer approach that way. I don’t have a specific time table, I know it varies. Again, it depends on the strength of the links that you’re going to be pointing to, the actual buffer site. If it’s a particularly powerful link you should see a result and effect much quicker then if it’s a standard strength link or a weak link for that matter, so it really depends. Yeah, I don’t have, I don’t know that there’s a specific formula for that, I’ve never made enough detailed notes to be able to determine that if there is. Do you guys have any input on that?

Hernan: Well it used to be like if you pointed a PBN link to a website or a webpage it used to be like 1-2 weeks tops. Now things are getting slower because Google is drawing out updates every month, and you need to have in mind also Dean, that if you get like a really powerful back-link and you point it to a website or you get a 301 for example, and you get a nice drop from Blue Chip Backlinks and you point it, you 301 that to a website to a webpage. There’s a high chance that you will get the exact opposite effect that you are looking.

Bradley: Yeah, it’ll drop.

Hernan: Yeah. You will see a drop. That pay dent from Google. I think Marco shared with us or something like that. That’s on purpose as well.

Marco: It’s a trap.

Hernan: Yeah, you will panic and go back and eliminate the link and that’s exactly what they are aiming to do, to trigger that fear, quote unquote. That’s exactly why you want to take it easy on PBNs. I’ve seen better results, like better results, I mean like slower results but more consistent in time. Like for example right now if you point a link, a PBN link to a website you can see maybe in three weeks, maybe in four weeks you can see a bump, but then it slowly starts to go down again because it’s a dead link. It doesn’t have any social signals, any social interaction, any validation anything. Now, when you do that through an IFTTT network maybe it takes longer but the results are more consistent in time because you’re going through a buffer that has high DA, high trust flow whatever.

Bradley: Right.

Hernan: Have that in mind. If you’re in a rush do PPC because otherwise you will be messing up with your rankings because that’s exactly what Google wants to do.

Chris: I spoke about this two effects or I wrote about them back in December. Both the Google dance and what I called back then the death of the PBN, which is exactly what you are showing. If you buy a website that’s out there in the middle of nowhere and all it’s doing is providing a link back to another website then it’s obvious what the purpose for the website that you purchased and so that’s going to atrophe over time. It’s going to lose power over time. The way that we’ve overcome that, now Bradley does it a specific way, but another way to overcome it, another way to show social signals or whatever is to drop an IFTTT rank especially if it’s really powerful and get those social signals going, get curated content going throughout that’s related to whatever it is that you’re pointing the link to and then all of the sudden it becomes that much more powerful.

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When you do that, when you start link building, that’s when the Google dance might kick in. Not always, but it does. When it does you can’t do any type of link building. You have to leave it alone. You can’t undo it, you just have to leave it alone for at least 21 days to see where it’s going to settle because it’ll start … It’s called the dance for a reason. It’ll move up, it’ll come down, it’ll move up, it’s Google teasing you look what’s happening. Of course, we as SEOs tend to panic. Unless you know what it is that you’re looking at on that ranking ground. When you see that dance you know I’m not touching. I’m just going to go and produce content and do everything else that I usually do. I’m going to leave it alone for 21 days, which is 3, maybe 4 weeks until it settles back to whatever position Google is going to determine that it deserves. That’s when you decide the next step to do.

Now we’re talking about a time frame of a least a month from the time that you buy your PBN and you point it at your property and it starts dancing before you can do any other type of link building to the property. Or here’s a killer, if you get sand-boxed permanently you know that’s it, it’s all over. You’re not going to move past wherever it is that it’s dancing. In that general range that’s where it’s going to stay. It’s just Google’s way of killing, one of the ways of killing PBNs or catching SEOs. They spring the trap and all of the sudden you’re sand-boxed and you don’t know why. You keep pushing and you keep pushing and you keep triggering the Google dance until you permanently sand-boxed.

Bradley: That’s right. The other thing you can do, which is, it’s been working well for me to now for several months is also like for example when Marco said I do it a different way because I don’t build PBNs anymore. I just build, re-build expired domains so I don’t have to worry about producing content at all anymore. Something that works fairly well with that too is because we’re losing the ability to attach an IFTTT network in published consistently which gives that PBN site and what I call private link network site because I’m not using it as a blog anymore. It’s not a private blog site if I’m not blogging on it right? It’s a private link site and so since I don’t create a blog on those domains anymore I’m not publishing content and I don’t have an IFTTT ring around it so I’m triggering all those or providing all those signals that Google wants to see. There’s a hack, a work-around for that that I’ve been doing which is using Crowd Search.

Then at I send traffic signals though the private link, the rebuilt aged domain that I purchased I send traffic through that link to my money site or to whatever site it is that I’m linking to. Those are traffic or engagement signals. Even though it’s not getting the social validation and everything else that a PBN site would that would have an IFTTT network around it, I’m still giving engagement signals by sending traffic through the links from that private link network site so that’s another option. In case you guys haven’t seen the webinar we did on how to do all that kind of stuff, referral traffic using Crowd Search. If you just do a search on Google for Crowd Search demo 2016 you’ll see our video at the top and I did an hour-long webinar specifically about how I use Crowd Search for referral traffic, and it’s a very very powerful method.

Hernan: I put the link on the events page.

Should All Of Your First 20+ IFTTT Properties For YouTube Syndication Be Powered Up?

Bradley: Okay cool. Okay, Wong, he is new, he says, “Hi Semantic Mastery team my name is Wang.” I’m sorry, and he says, “I just joined IFTTT SEO Academy V2 and completed my first network. I would plus 1 that but I’m not logged in under this browser.” Somebody go plus 1 that. “I wanted to order link building services and service space to power up my IFTTT properties. I want to ask should I power up all 20 plus properties?” Okay, we just answered this question for somebody else. For YouTube syndication yeah, I recommend just powering up all the networks or excuse me, all the network properties. If you have a full tier 2 network for YouTube syndication, like I mentioned earlier I don’t always power up my tier 2 networks, the second tiers. I often do for YouTube stuff, but generally what I do for YouTube is I use test channels when I’m trying to get into a new industry or a new niche or new location or something. I’ll use test channels that have one tier 2, full 2 tier network around that channel.

If I identify some areas that I’m going … If I identify key words that I’m going to go after that have some level of competition so they’re not just slam dunks like I rank it instantly. I know that there’s some competition, I know there’s competition but I know that I can win. I can get there. I can get where I want to be with the networks. Then what I usually do is I build up a money channel for that particular industry or niche or whatever and I’ll end up stacking multiple full 2 tier networks on that one channel. I usually don’t go more then like 5 full two tier networks but that’s a lot because that ends up being like 20 IFTTT rings that goes through it, that every video gets syndicated to. Very very powerful. For YouTube syndication, like if you’re just starting out I would recommend without a doubt always boosting your tier 1. If you’ve got a full 2 tier network which you should for YouTube guys, for YouTube you should always use full 2 tier networks because you can. There’s no footprint issues, there’s no issues whatsoever so you ought to just be using full 2 tier networks for YouTube period.

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If that’s the case go ahead and start powering up those two. If I had to only choose one ring I would absolutely make it the tier 1 ring, but it’s definitely powerful to even power up the 2 tiers as well. Okay? Again, as I mentioned earlier, just do all the properties. It just looks more natural that way.

What Are The Long Term Effects Of Using Google Apps Emails For Branded Networks?

Greg says, “Quick question. Have you tested long-term effects using Google apps e-mails for branded networks?” I have not Greg. I’ve never used Google apps e-mails anyways so I really have no experience on that whatsoever. Does anybody else here tested that?

Hernan: Nope. No Google apps.

Chris: No, nope.

Hernan: I have used branded e-mails like Hernan@domain.com for …

Bradley: Web mails, yeah.

Hernan: Web mails yeah, but not Google apps.

Bradley: Yep. In fact, usually for branded networks guys, for websites, not for YouTube syndication but for blog syndication, I usually end up having the e-mails or all the accounts created using the web mail account instead of the Gmail account because what happens is in case, and very rarely do branded properties ever get terminated, branded networks do they ever, very very rarely do the Google accounts for branded networks ever get terminated. It has happened. Especially if I’m doing something particularly spammy with them. It’s very rare that that happens. In the past I’ve had it happen where I’ve had a branded network Google account shut down. What sucks is then when you have to rebuild a new, create a new Google account and then if you had signed up with the Gmail account for all of the other accounts you have to go in and change the e-mail address to the new e-mail address. It’s kind of a pain in the ass. I don’t do it anymore myself I just hand it over to one of my VAs if that happens, but it’s still unnecessary work.

If you’re building a branded network for a website and you have access to web mail then I create a web mail account specifically for building that network and then I’ll create of the, or have the VAs create all of the accounts using that web mail account. That way if the Google account were ever to get terminated for some reason or another it wouldn’t effect all those other accounts in the network. They would still have notifications and everything because those were all going to a web mail account instead of Gmail if that makes sense. Again, that’s just if you’re building your own networks, obviously if you’re ordering from us that’s not going to work. We’re just going to produce the network sites with using the Gmail account that we create. If you’re doing it for yourself then that’s an extra step that you can do to prevent additional work if you know, God forbid the Google account got terminated.

Would A 301 Redirect Fix Websites With Duplicate Content Issues?

Paul says, “Hey guys, I have a new client that has two sites with duplicate content on both. Site A has some ranking on first page but no metrics. Site B has good metrics but no ranking, so my question is if I take site A down will the simple 301 redirect to site B fix the problem of duplicate content and save the ranking on Google?” Well yeah, I’m not sure. Paul, without looking at both of the sites, if it’s an exact duplicate site then the on page is going to be the same, but I would look at the off page. You say one has no metrics and one has good metrics but it’s not ranking as well. There’s a reason why there. There’s a reason why. You say it’s got good metrics but it doesn’t mean it’s got a clean link profile. You can have a really high metrics but still have a really shitty link profile. That could be what’s causing it not to rank.

Just so you know when you do a 301 redirect the site that you’re redirecting is no longer index-able so it will absolutely clear any duplicate content issues because that page disappears in Google’s eyes. It gets redirected if that makes sense. What I’m trying to say is I don’t know, from what you’re saying if site A is the one that’s ranking and site B is the one that had metrics but it’s not ranking or it’s ranking on page 2, then what I would do is instead of redirecting site A to site B which you’d be like taking the one that’s ranking and pointing it to the one that’s not ranking that to me seems backwards. I would want to redirect site B to site A and monitor site A and see what happens just like we talked about earlier on this webinar, you probably will see a drop immediately but then after a few days or a few weeks you should see it come back and settle in if there’s not a problem.

If site B does have some, even though you say it’s got good metrics, it could have some issues with the back-link profile and that’s why it’s not ranking. If that’s the case it could cause site A to pull down too, but then all you have to do is remove the 301 redirect and theoretically site A should come back to where it was before you did the redirect to begin with. Right? That’s something you could do. Something else you could test is if it is an exact duplicate Paul, you could go into site B and set the canonical to point to site A and see if that fixes the problem. It does something similar to a 301 redirect but it’s not an actual physical redirect. It would leave both pages index-able, but Google would push all the credit from site B to site A or whatever you point the canonical to, if that makes sense. All right?

This Stuff Works

Scott’s got a slew of questions here. We’ll try to run through these very quickly. Typically we ask you guys to post you know, one or two questions at a time and then wait and post the other ones so other people can have a chance. We’ll go ahead and answer these.

Does IFTTT Support Instagram And Snapchat?

He says, “Hello, I noticed you don’t use Instagram or Snapchat which are two of the most popular sites on the internet which gets lots of traffic does IFTTT not support these sites? Are we missing out on a lot of traffic by not using these sites?” Well, IFTTT as far as I know does not support those sites. Besides that I just flat out don’t use those two sites. It’s just not something I’ve ever done, Instagram or Snapchat. I do have a Snapchat profile but I still haven’t even played with it yet, so I just don’t use it period. Guys, if you, I don’t know, Hernan, are those channels in IFTTT? I don’t even think they are.

Hernan: Well, sorry Marco. Instagram for example in [Esped 00:31:30] you can only post from Instagram to someplace else. Instagram being a mobile app it’s not allowed, it’s actually against Instagram terms to post anywhere else than on a mobile phone. You can post for example if you upload something to Instagram you can get it syndicated to Pinterest or to Flickr to Facebook whatever, to Twitter. Snapchat I’m not entirely sure. I don’t think there is, but I know there is a market there. We might go into the you know, the [rant 00:32:07] mastery that we want to do. Some of us might go through Facebook like, some of us might go through Snapchat, but there is no way we can post to these applications.

Marco: Snapchat is not in IFTTT I just checked.

Hernan: Yeah, Instagram it is but as a trigger not as an action we can post to.

Bradley: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used. You can build, I mean if you’re really into whatever social media property it is that you’re talking about, you can build an IFTTT network specifically for that. Just like we do with Twitter or [CR Cannon 00:32:47]. We did that. It’s not that we don’t use it, we do use Instagram, we just have someone that goes in there and publishes content for us right? We have our social media manager that does stuff there and Facebook and Twitter. It just compliments whatever it is that you’re doing. You can’t just make your blog ground zero and do everything from your blog because that’s not what the regular Joe does right? They’ll be going into Instagram …

Bradley: Well we try to do that possible. Things like Instagram and Snapchat are third party applications that you have to use outside, beyond your blog if you want to use them. There’s certainly traffic there, it’s just not something I’ve ever taken the time to learn how to do. That’s why it’s not in the training. If we were using it Scott, if would be in the training. Let’s put it that way.

Chris: Something that’s worked really well for me is … I had a project and this women, I mean her home is here Facebook page. She didn’t want to go bother with a blog. She didn’t want to do any of that. The way that we got around that is that we said okay, we’ll just make Facebook ground zero and we’ll make that the trigger for everything else and it’s worked really well.

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Bradley: Yeah, it’s not just about SEO it’s about driving traffic right?

Chris: The end result that you want if people visiting whatever it is that you’re trying to promote.

What Is The Average Time You Maintain A Website’s Ranking?

Bradley: That’s right. Okay, he says next question, “With the way you guys set up IFTTTs, tier 1, then having links pointing to IFTTT for power, does this tier 1 buffer typically keep the site’s videos more protected from Google updates? With these techniques taught how long do you guys maintain rankings for it on average?” Yeah, that’s in part in the training Scott I talk about the IFTTT branded or the tier 1 network acting as an SEO firewall and that’s in part another reason why we use it. It does protect the money site from additional link building stuff that we do. All the additional link building stuff that we do goes to the tier 1 networks or other tier 1 properties. They don’t have to be IFTTT properties guys. Those are just like you know, it’s just standard operating procedure for everything we build to have a network, but there are other things that we do. Whenever we are building links to our money, or to, whenever we are link building I typically don’t build, unless I am very very selective, I typically don’t build links directly to the money site I build them to the tier 1 properties.

Most of the time the IFTTT networks are also other tier 1 properties, like press releases and citations and things like that okay? That way we’re using them as buffers guys, and that’s like SEO or link building 101. I mean it has been for years. There’s nothing new about that. Does it protect from Google updates? Well so far, again, knock on wood, I’ve been using the IFTTT strategy now for 4 years, yeah 4 years, over 4 years now, and I haven’t had any issues with that. That’s exactly why I don’t … It does protect from updates. I do some nasty things beyond the IFTTT networks. In other words, outside of that I do some pretty nasty things and luckily those networks have been able to protect my site from any particular wrath you know what I mean? How long do they maintain rankings for on average? It depends Scott. It really depends on the competitive, you know the competition in the industry or the keywords that you’re competing in. That has a huge effect or huge factor on how long something maintains the rankings.

Also, if you’re in an industry where content freshness factor is important and you nee to continually publish, that’s key. Even it you’re in an industry that is not a particularly content heavy industry you still should be updating on a regular and consistent basis, so that means blogging. That’s what in part gives these networks their power okay? Even like a roofer for example should be posting at least one per week in my opinion on their blog because that’s going to continually update their network with fresh content, it’s going to continually feed Google those signals that it’s looking for, it’s going to continually post to their Google Plus page or their Google Plus local page, Google my business local page, so that’s going to feed additional signals to Google. That’s why I said you know, how long will at rankings be maintained from an IFTTT network? There’s too many variables for me to answer that question. It’s going to be on a case by case basis. Every case is going to be different.

Is There A Difference When Naming Links Without The Brand Name?

All right, next one. Scott says, “When naming links you always make it Get It Done YouTube, Get It Done Blogger. Can we just make the link?” Scott, you can name them whatever you want. Okay? Guys, those were just guidelines. I said that in the training, it’s just guidelines. You guys are free to change stuff if you’d like. You’re free to experiment and in fact I encourage you to experiment because that’s how you get good at SEO guys. Just following instructions is great to get started, but you should be doing tests on your own and testing and trying to learn cause that’s how you really get good at this stuff. Following instructions is really good when you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s a great way to get started guys, but you should be trying to create your own flavor of SEO so to speak. Scott, play around with that okay? You can just put YouTube blogger or whatever you want. You can name them anything you want buddy. Next one Scott …

Hernan: If I can just pop in, I encourage people to just push boundaries and do whatever you want just make sure that you don’t care about whatever it is that you are working on because if you care about it a …

Bradley: Don’t test with it.

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Hernan: Right, you’re risking losing it. Just make it something and just push it and hammer it and do whatever you can to it. Keep notes, keep good records, and this way you know well that definitely didn’t work cause I got de-Index so now you know what gets you de-index right? You roll back a little, may you try it a different way. The way that we do it, the way that we give it to you is how you can be as safe as we’ve determined though our testings, as safe as you can be. That’s not saying that you are completely safe, but dude, just push push push keep testing and keep going. It’s the only way to learn, the only way to learn is to break stuff.

Bradley: Here’s a trick. I used to test, create test properties strictly for testing, which was great cause I learned a lot and I still set up test properties now, but now when I set up test properties there’s a monetization aspect to it. In other words, I don’t just set up text properties specifically just for testing. I set up with the idea that if this test is successful I can make money from it. My point is you can set up like [legion 00:39:34] sites for example for testing because those are assets that you own, they’re not client’s properties right? They’re not properties that are already producing revenue for you. You can set up test [legion 00:39:45] properties for example or test affiliate campaigns or test CPA campaigns. Whatever you want just set up something with the goal of testing but also knowing that if the test is successful you can monetize it. There’s no reason in setting something up for testing purposes just to learn that’s great because you can learn so that’s the benefit.

If you can also make money from what you learned at the exact same time from that test property, you already put the work in, why not make money from it you know what I mean? That’s why I have a lot of [legion 00:40:15] properties guys that are outside of my main industry which is tree service that I set up just as test sites. It would actually produce revenue for me because they were successful, successful tests. I’ve also lost a lot of them. I’ve got more failed tests then I have successful tests I can tell you that.

Do You Have Notes For IFTTT V2 Videos?

All right, last one from Scott. “Do you guys provide actual notes or can you provide actual notes for IFTTT YouTube videos? I’ve noticed you do have perfect notes in the videos but they’re not provided on the sides.” Or on the side excuse me. “You probably give those notes to your outsources.” You’re correct Scott, I do. “Can you provide those notes?” No, I’m sorry Scott. Those are working procedures that I’ve developed for outsourcers and everything that is needed is inside the training already. The notes that we provide to our outsources are more proprietary because they have specific things that we do specific to projects that we work on and I can’t share those with you I’m sorry. I think everything in there, you’re the only person so far that I know of that has asked for that Scott, so I think that everything that is needed is listed in the description of the video, other then just literally written out step by steps which we call working procedures and those are proprietary so I can’t show those I apologize for that.

Is It Safe To Syndicate HQ RSS Feed’s Posts Through City Blogs? 

John says, “Have a multi-location client on WP Multisite. We’re using a tiered IFTTT network for the main, HQ’s root RSS feed with your plug in. Each location’s sub-site also has it’s own city themed blog and the HQ isn’t location specific.” Okay. “For the location pages is it safe to syndicate the HQ RSS feed’s post though the city blogs as long as we blend that with other location based content and use attribution?” Is it safe to syndicate the RSS feed’s post through the city blogs? I’m not sure what you mean. Are you talking about using the sub-domain city sites as syndication points from your main site? You could but why not just use your main site as the syndication point and feed it directly to your branded IFTTT network? Then point links back. You can build contextual links within the post to point to the sub-domain sites if that’s what you’re trying to do. Maybe I’m not understanding the question. Could somebody, am I interpreting that correctly guys, or is that, somebody else want to take a stab?

Hernan: Yeah. No, I think you correctly, I understand the same that you were saying Bradley. I wouldn’t know. If you’re doing a branded, well if you’re doing tiered maybe, but if you’re doing a branded network why would you want to blend them with other location based content and use attributions you know what I mean?

Bradley: Yeah. Typically what we do John, and we talk about this almost every week on Hump Day Hangouts so this is certainly one of our frequently asked questions. With multi-locations, and I don’t know anything about WP Multisite I’ve never used it never, so I have no idea with that. Maybe there’s something specific to WP Multisite that you’re asking that I’m just not understanding, but when I deal with root domains when I have multiple locations which I had a lot of those, and I [pre did 00:43:37] the locations on sub-domains where I used the city as the sub-domain name. Then what I’ll do is I blog through the root domain or my virtual assistants do the blogging through the root domain that covers all of the sub-domain sites. We’re only syndicating from the root domain to one brand of IFTTT network, and then what we do is within the blog post we set up silos on the root domain. Location silos, so the top level category will be a city. So each, every sub-domain site will have it’s own category on the root domain if that makes sense.

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For example in Virginia I might have a Fairfax category and a Prince William county category and Stafford county category something like that because I have those sub-domains already that I’m using as location sites. Then what we do is blog from the root and put the posts within the proper categories whenever I’m linking, building contextual links from inside the blog post to the sub-domain site because that way I’m still building links to all the sub-domain sites through syndication but I’m doing it from one blog instead of multiple blogs. It just is easier on the virtual assistants, I only have to maintain one rings, you know one IFTTT ring. If I find that anyone of the sub-domains aren’t getting, you know I’m not seeing the results as quickly as I would like, because maybe there’s more competition whatever, then I can always go in and build a location base, location specific IFTTT ring for that particular sub-domain and then start blogging through that sub-domain blog instead of from the root. I only do that when necessary and that’s only when the root domain blogging strategy does not work or doesn’t work as quickly as I wanted it to.

Like I said, when you got multiple locations it’s so much easier on a management level to manage when you’re just dealing with one network and one blog point. That’s typically how we do it. Okay? Excuse me.

How Fast Can We Put Videos Using Video Marketing Blitz In Branded IFTTT Network?

Clark says, “I have Video Marketing Blitz with it I can find hundreds of keywords that will rank videos on Google. My question is how many and how fast can we safely put videos into our branded IFTTT network?” Great question Clark. What I recommend is no more then 5 videos per channel per hour period. For example I’ve got a 2 hour when I’m going to be doing a bonus webinar next week after Hump Day Hangouts we’re going to do the bonus webinar and we’ll talk all about this, but my point is like right now with the testing that I have I only have 5 money channels. Each channel has it’s own IFTTT network. Every time I do the poking first through test channels that have no networks, they have no association with any other property on the web, they’re just strictly spam YouTube channels and I use them to test or code key words.

Once I’ve identified key words with will rank with no SEO work then I go produce those videos and publish them or whatever, upload them through my money channels. My money channels have networks around them. I limit it to no more then 5 videos in a 24 hour period. I’m sure there’s other people here that can spam the hell out of their YouTube channels, their money channels, and probably get away with a lot more then that, but I always try … I hate losing channels so I try to keep it 5 videos in a 24 hour period per channel and that’s it. That way I don’t lose the channels. Okay? Here’s the thing. Even if you were to pump out 10 or 12 videos or 15 videos on channel that has an IFTTT network around it in one day, you’re posting to your IFTTT properties your Word Press Tumblr 15 times in a day and that can raise a flag very quickly and get your accounts terminated. I hate rework guys, I can’t stand doing rework so I try to make my properties last as long as possible.

Any Thoughts On Tony Peacock’s Embed Network?

“What’s all the big hoop-la about Google’s change on embedded videos?” I didn’t know there was a big hoop-la Wayne. This is news to me. Huh, I would like to know what you’re talking about. If you can drop a link Wayne, I’d love to know what you’re talking about. We won’t have time to cover it today but if you can drop one in the Mastermind we can start a discussion there too.

How To Make Citation Unique For 2 Business Names Sharing 1 Address?

DC Glenn whoop der it is, okay, he says, “If I have two entities using the same address can I make one citation unique to one brand and the other unique to the second and get away with it?” Yes you can. Yes, okay, “I’m not really trying to run for local but I want my citations to pass quality dues back to my sites. Is there penalty for this method or is there a better way?” No, there’s not penalty DC. What you need to do though is the names are unique but the addresses are the same, so what you need to do is make sure the other 2 data points are going to be different as well.

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Usually we think of local as NAP, name, address and phone number, but there’s also web address right? That’s also part of it right? In my opinion the NAP itself includes the web address at least for what we are talking about here. You can share one data point across multiple listings without it causing any NAP issues. If you share two data points then it can cause problems. In your example here you’ve got two unique business names. They share the same location but if you have two unique phone numbers and two unique web addresses you should be good to go. I haven’t experienced any problems from that. As soon as you start sharing two data points then that’s where you start accruing just massive amounts of NAP issues guys. There is nothing worse then having to clean up NAP issues guys, and that’s why I don’t recommend any of you ever doing it on your own. What I recommend you do is hire somebody to do it. There’s several services out there. My favorite for citation clean-up is Loganix. Loganix has a citation clean-up service, it’s about 500 bucks but it’s the best I’ve found for the US market anyways. Okay? Okay, Hernan’s yelling at me, he took over Adam’s position. Give me a 5 minute warning.

Hernan: Somebody has to do it.

How To Have Multiple YouTube Channels In Same IFTTT Account?

Bradley: [Two saw me buy houses 00:49:43] with IFTTT and YouTube. You stated that she could have multiple YouTube accounts tied to the same IFTTT account. No. You can have multiple YouTube accounts tied to the same IFTTT network but you have to have, you can only have one channel, one YouTube channel to any one IFTTT account. You can have one IFTTT network and have, you could have 5 different channels feeding into one network if you want, but each channel has to have it’s own IFTTT account and then the network properties all have to be connected to each IFTTT account if that makes sense. Okay? “When you do that do you have to add the recipes over again to the YouTube channel that you just added?” Well yeah, because each IFTTT account, remember, it’s a 1 to 1 ratio YouTube to IFTTT, the network properties that we syndicate to those can be shared across multiple IFTTT account but you have to recreate the recipes every time. You don’t have to create them all you have to do is copy them from the spreadsheet that we provide to you. Paste them and just edit a couple ingredient details and that’s it. Yes, every IFTTT account will have to recreate the recipes. Okay?

Difference Between Curation Mastery And Content Kingpin

[D’Ante 00:50:55] “What are the differences between the old curation course and the new content king pin course? I know that if I buy the old one I will get the new one for free, if I buy the new one what information in the old one is lost? Asking this question because of the price differential, thank you.” [D’Ante 00:51:06] that’s a great question. The original one called Curation Mastery that also included some outsourcer training stuff on how to outsource the content marketing part of it. Since we just developed Outsource Kingpin for Mastery PR, we launched that last month, was that last month guys? It seems such a blur to me any more I think it was two months ago at the end of June. I was at the end of June.

Hernan: Yeah it was the end of June.

Bradley: Basically the new version which is Content Kingpin, it’s been updated. There’s obviously been some changes, there’s been additional content added, some additional things that we’d done, but also we removed the outsourcer part of it because now we have Outsource King Pin which is a separate course. [D’Ante 00:51:51] if you haven’t already purchased Curation Mastery don’t. Just wait. Content King Pin is going to be released in 3 weeks and you can purchase that and you’ll have everything you need. If you want the outsourcing training that’s a separate course now, it’s Outsource King Pin. Which by the way, if you’re going to be doing the content marketing business guys you should be outsourcing that. It’s not something you should do. You can literally make money for just managing projects which is so easy to do once you learn how to train oursourcers to curate which is really simple.

Content King Pin when that launches at the end of this month you guys can pick that up, put your VAs through the course, use your account I don’t even care, buy your account put your VAs through I don’t care, that’s fine, train your VAs how to curate and do content marketing for clients or your own sites whatever. Just pay them to do it. Don’t do it yourself, you don’t need to.

Chris: You can share our stuff with your VAs you just can share it in [black cat 00:52:49] forms.

How To Use YouTube RSS For Syndication?

Bradley: Yep. I’m sorry. Okay, we’ve got one more question we’re going to answer and then we’re going to be done. Kevin says, “Can we still use a normal YouTube RSS feed from our channel to our IFTTT ring since YouTube changed the RSS feeds to take the embed out? And it’s only a link not sure if that’s right, how do we use YouTube RSS feed for syndication then?” Yeah Kevin, we don’t recommend it anymore. Since YouTube changed their RSS feeds and they’re no longer embeds they’re just links, no, we don’t recommend using those. All I recommend for the YouTube RSS feed is just submitting it to directories and aggregators and that’s it, and you know like pingers. That’s all I recommend doing the YouTube RSS feed because now if you buy, if you get Lisa Alan’s Rank Feeder, RSS authority sniper and rank feeder, her rank feeder application will actually create the old style YouTube RSS feed with the embeds and everything that are syndicatable embeds. If you want that functionality again then you have to subscribe to Rank Feeder. It’s a great service though. As far as using YouTube RSS feeds for regular syndication stuff now, no I don’t recommend it. It’s not worth it. They don’t embed anymore.

All right, I think that’s it. Sorry guys we couldn’t get to the rest of the, there’s only a couple more anyways, but we got to wrap it up. We’ve got Master Class starting in 5 minutes, so thanks for everybody being here. We will see you guys in Master Class in a few minutes those of you that are here, those of you that are not we’ll see the rest of you next week. Okay? Thanks everybody for helping out.

Hernan: Bye bye guys.

Chris: Bye everyone.

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