Click on the video above to watch Episode 85 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
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Adam: Cool. We are live. Hey everybody, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode number 85 and today is the 22nd of June, 2016. I’m going to kick this off, real quick. We’ve got some really cool announcements coming up, but I first, obviously want to go around and say hi to everybody. Hernan, what’s up man?
Hernan: Hey Adam, hey guys. What’s up? It’s really good to be here.
Adam: Marco, what’s going on?
Marco: Hey, what’s up man? Raining in Costa Rica, but nice and warm.
Adam: Nice. Bradley, how about yourself?
Bradley: Good, man. I’m finally getting this Facebook live video thing working right, I think. Somebody go to the Facebook page, our Semantic Mastery Facebook page and check it. Tell me if the audio is coming through correctly, this time. I think it is. I played with it, earlier today. We’re trying to simulcast on Facebook live at the same time.
Adam: Yeah, I feel you. I’ve been playing around with that and so, I can see the same look in your face. You’re looking off to the side and trying to figure it out.
Bradley: Here’s the thing, let me grab the screen for a minute because I’m going to try to display this on both. I’ve got my big monitor, which is a big 32-inch monitor, and I’ve got everything divided into 4 compartments. Let me show you what I mean. It’s a bit messy, trying to handle all this on my own. You guys seeing this?
Hernan: Oh, my God.
Bradley: Have you seen my desktop?
Hernan: That looks good.
Bradley: Here’s the Chrome window. Here’s Firefox because we always end up needing it for searches and stuff like that. Here’s my Hangout window and here’s my OBS software, so it’s like this big mess.
Hernan: That’s nice.
Bradley: I’m good, besides that. Just a little bit, trying to multitask and do a webinar at the same time’s, a bit difficult.
Adam: Yeah, I think the audio is working.
Bradley: Okay. Awesome.
Adam: Good deal. I’m going to shut that or I’m going to go crazy and forget where I’m at. I don’t know how you do that on 1 screen. Anyways. All right, announcements. Hopefully, everybody listening, heard about the contest we’re having. If not, then you’re going to hear about it right now. I’m going to drop the link, shortly. Sign up. That’s the short version. It’s pretty awesome.
It’s stuff we value at over $9,000, and that’s just not a made up number. That’s literally, the value. I think it’s closer to $10,000. We’re giving away a MasterMind membership for an entire year, a Master Class membership, a IFTTT SEO Academy 2.0, as well as some of the Freedom Journals from Entrepreneurs on Fire. Not kind of, a pretty cool opportunity. This is one of those contests, if you share it, you get more electronic entries into it. Yeah, and so you have a better chance. It’s a drawing, but it’s based on how many entries you have into it.
I’m going to go ahead and drop that link in, right here. Then, if you are listening … This is probably, a good time to talk about it. If you’re listening on Facebook right now or you’re watching this, where you want to come to, is the Google Plus, the event page. That’s where you can ask questions, you can interact, and that’s where we’re going to respond to things. We want you to come over here. Bradley, did you drop the link to the event page on the Facebook?
Bradley: In Facebook, I did, in the Video Title area because there’s not a description area when you create the live event. I don’t know if that’s going to come through, if that’s going to be clickable or anything.
Adam: Sure, but if you’re watching this, it’s, and that always takes you to the most current one. We don’t recycle that or redirect it until, at least the day after the event. Anyways, if you’re on Facebook and got a question, head over there,
Bradley: Perfect.
Adam: Yeah, and then you can also subscribe on the event page by clicking on the little ticket icon, or you can just go to our YouTube Channel and click on subscribe, and that way you’ll get notifications. If you can’t attend live and you’ve asked a question, you’ll start getting updates on when our content comes out and you can go back and look for your answers.
Then last, but not least, we have a launch on the 28th. We got a really awesome product coming out that, Bradley worked together … I don’t know. Bradley, do you want to talk about it? I’ll let you talk about it. It’s on the 28th and for Semantic Mastery, it’s low-key, but we’re pretty excited about it.
Bradley: Yeah, so we formed a partnership with Zane Miller, who’s a YouTube ninja. I learned a lot of my stuff that I know about YouTube, through Zane. He’s kind of, a partner … Not kind of, he is a partner now, Mastery PR We went ahead and formed another company and he’s a partner in that. Him and I collaborated together on creating a product on how to outsource. Between Semantic Mastery and my local client consulting business, we manage about 30 VAs. 26 or so, are full-time, 4 are part-time. Because of that, I’ve gotten really, really good at outsourcing and being able to put people through, what we call, a hiring funnel and then train them and manage them.
I did a training on that because something that we get from our subscribers or members of our various memberships all the time is, questions about outsourcing and how people are flat-out, just unsuccessful with it on a regular basis. Because of that, we wanted to put something together, to help people get started with outsourcing better.
If you want to be a real business owner, you have to be able to delegate work, so that you can remove yourself from your business and have it still produce money for you. That’s really what we did with Outsource Kingpin. It launches next week on Tuesday, under the Mastery PR brand. That’s the new company with Zane as well. Semantic Mastery isn’t going anywhere, guys. It’s a different audience altogether. Check it out. It’s going to be really cheap. 47 bucks to start, $67 after a few days. Then it’s going to be an evergreen product. I don’t like closing launches. I think that’s dumb, personally. It will be $97 on a regular, evergreen pricing. Just get in. If you’re planning on getting in, get in while it’s cheap. That’s what I’m saying.
Hernan: Yeah. To add to what you were saying, Bradley, I’ve used the system, because here’s the deal. There’s a system that we are using, to get outsourcers. I always get that question, too. “Where do you get the outsourcers from?” That’s not the real question to ask. The real question is, “How do you get the best outsourcers?” Once you get the system in place, it doesn’t really matter where you get them from.
There’s a system in place, and I have used that system over and over again, to get outsourcers for other projects or other businesses, whatever. I think it works amazingly well for, as you were saying, to put together a business from scratch because that’s the main deal here, so that you can focus on your business, instead of the grunt work. I think it’s a really, really cool opportunity. This is a product that should be valued, in my opinion, for 4 figures because it’s a business in a box. Then again, we are deciding to price it like that and I think it’s a really, really cool opportunity.
Bradley: Yeah.
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Adam: Nice. All right, well I think that wraps that part, up. You guys got anything else? Did I miss anything?
Bradley: I don’t think so.
Hernan: We’re good.
Adam: All right, let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, so I can focus in on 1 window now?
Adam: Yes. Yeah.
Bradley: This is definitely confusing. There’s too much damn activity. All right, all right, I’m going to get right into questions. Let me, for those of you watching the Hangout, grab the screen. Let’s see. We’ll go here. Okay. You guys can confirm that, the screen is showing in Hangouts as well?
Adam: Hold on a sec. I don’t see it.
Bradley: I’ve got so many windows open, I don’t know which one I’m looking at.
Adam: Yeah, I don’t think that’s it. All I’ve got is, a black screen right now, on the Hangout.
Bradley: Oh, you know what? We did this, the last time and that’s because I think OBS is using that feed.
Adam: Yeah, it doesn’t like Chrome.
Bradley: That sucks. All right, well that’s okay. What I’ll do … Just give me 1 minute, guys. We’ll swap this out. This will make it easier. Just a moment. Bear with me. Growing pains, while we learn new technology. You know what I mean?
Adam: Yeah.
Bradley: All right, so let’s go to Firefox instead. Now if I grab that window, you guys should be able to see that. Just a moment. How about, now?
Adam: Good to go.
Bradley: Hot damn.
Adam: It works.
Is It Okay To Build State Wide YouTube Channels For All Businesses In Different Niches And Silo Out Per City?
Bradley: Some behind the scenes action here, guys. Multi-tasking. All right, so let’s get into this. Mark O’Connell, he says, “Hey guys, do you ever build statewide YouTube channels for all businesses in different niches and silo out per city, instead of niche with the playlists? I want to do it for the whole of England, which is smaller than many states in the US. Is it too general, to have multiple niches in a city playlist, or would countrywide be too much, as England is pretty small, so most countries only have 1 main city. Excuse me, most counties only have 1 main city. Would like to silo with cities instead, and build 5, 2-tier networks for it. Even if it couldn’t rank videos, this would be good for additional embeds and could, maybe be used as my own link network possibly, or is this a waste of time? Thanks.”
I personally, would build niche channels that would cover the entire country. In other words, I would have, for example, a home improvement channel or home improvement services channel or something like that, so that you could cover Plumbers and HVAC and landscapers and all that kind of stuff. Do it across the whole country and silo by location, then. I would still try to keep the channel themed in some way, though, is what I’m saying. Even if it’s a broader theme, where you could have sub-categories underneath of it, I would still … Themed channels just perform better, that’s what I’m getting at. That’s why we hammer away with theming everything, the way that we do, guys. You get better results.
Not saying you couldn’t do it, the way that you’re saying, but here’s the thing. One is that, your channel, that’s putting a lot of eggs in 1 basket, which I would be concerned with, because if YouTube ever decides they don’t like you for some reason and they terminate your account, it could really hurt your business. At least, if you have multiple YouTube channels, preferably themed channels, then you’re spreading your risk across multiple channels, instead of all on 1.
Anybody that’s been watching. Mark, you’ve been following us for a long time, I know. You know that I like to spread my risk. I do not like to put all my eggs in 1 basket, ever. Personally, I would say, it would be better to go ahead and still build themed channels that you could use to target the country. You could still silo out by city or county/city, if you’d like. Remember guys, you can have more than 1 type of playlist. What I mean is, you could have a playlist for plumbers. All plumbing videos from the entire country could go into it because the common theme there is, they’re all plumbing videos.
Then you could also have a playlist for a particular city and have multiple types of videos in that 1 playlist because the common theme is, the city. 1 video can be in 2 playlists. It might make sense to have a plumber plus city video in a plumbing playlist and then also in a city playlist. It might make sense to do that. It really just depends on how creative you want to get with your silos. I like to theme things, as much as possible. I’ve got some location-based channels that don’t perform as well as niche-based channels do. I tend to, try to stick with niche themes over location themes, if that makes sense. What do you guys think? Any of y’all have a take on that?
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Hernan: No, I agree with you. My experience is the same. I have had greater results with niched channels instead of location channels. I can vouch on that. If you’re making a channel around … I’ve made a channel in the past, around lawyers and it has outperformed everything location-related that I’ve done as well. For example, I have a California YouTube channel and I try to niche by location, and it’s harder. I don’t know why.
Bradley: It’s harder because the content … The only common theme or denominator is, the location itself. It can have vastly different topics though. That’s where the difference is. At least when you’re doing a niche themed channel. Again, let’s just say it was a plumber’s channel, a channel for plumbing videos or whatever, then every video that you add to that channel is going to reinforce the plumbing theme.
If you’re doing location-based, even though everything might have a common denominator of, it’s the same city, all the businesses or all the videos have the same city keyword in the title or whatever, you’re filling the channel with vast, a whole bunch of different types of content. That in itself, it dilutes the overall theme. Remember guys, relevancy is very key. It’s very important as part of the semantic web. Trying to reinforce relevancy should be your key objective.
All right. Ryan says, “Is it okay to use the same group” … Oh, wait a minute. I think there was a second part. “Even if it couldn’t rank videos, this would be good for additional embeds, and could maybe be used as my own link network, possibly, or is this a waste of time?” Those networks would be good for additional embeds, absolutely, for just SEO, for your videos, period. I don’t know about, for private link network, not really. You’d be syndicating YouTube videos, right? YouTube videos get syndicated out and really, you’re just driving link equity back to the video itself. Then the video might have links to whatever your target URLs are, but there are going to be no follow links. Doesn’t mean that, that’s not valuable. I’m just saying, as far as a link network, I don’t see that being really relevant as, if it’s a YouTube network. For additional YouTube SEO, yeah, of course it would help.
Is It Okay To Use The Same Group Of PBNs To Link To Multiple Money Sites?
Ryan says, “Is it okay to use the same group of PBNs, to link to multiple money sites? If each PBN links out to a different authority sites, will that get rid of the footprint?” Ryan, it is okay. However I recommend that, if you’re going to be using PBNs, to link to multiple money sites, that you go with the curation route of curating content as your posts for your PBNs. Then, using your money sites as curated content, because there’s 3 types of links that you can put into a curated article. That’s why I like using curated content on PBNs because you can bury your target URL. It looks completely natural, to put your target URL in a post that’s curated.
Here’s the 3 different link types. There’s the traditional, contextual link type which would just be you selecting a keyword or keyword phrase or whatever, and linking out to your money site, among curated pieces of content. That’s number 1. Number 2 is, to actually curate from your money site. In other words, grab a snippet of text from your money site, from the page that you’re going to be linking to, and use that as curated. Put it in block quotes, cite the source, and that’s your backlink when you’re citing the source, which would be your money site.
Now remember, if you got a PBN curated post and it’s going to have, let’s say, 3 content sources or 3 pieces of curated content to make up that post. You have your own opinion or your own commentary that you inject into that curated post, in-between pieces that you’re curating. You open up the topic or the article or the blog post with your own opinion, where you’re announcing what the article’s going to be about. That’s in your own voice, that’s your own commentary or your VAs. You know what I’m saying.
Then you curate some content, you follow-up with some commentary, open up the next piece of content. In other words, you introduce the next piece of content, you curate the next piece, same thing. You do that, all the way through and then you add a conclusion. It can be done very, very quickly on PBNs, guys. We have Philippines VAs that curate PBN posts for us, and they do, at the rate of about 3 per hour. 1 every 20 minutes. If I’m paying $4.50 an hour, that’s $ 1.50 per post. It’s really, really cheap.
The 3 main types. Number 1, contextual link. Number 2 is to curate your money site content, so that you’re citing the source. The third one is to add a recommended resources or related reading, related content, something like that box at the bottom of the content. What you see on most big blogs, where it’ll say, “Recommended reading or similar articles or you also might like that type of thing.” You put a box and you link out to several other articles that reinforce the topic of the blog post. You can put a link to your money site there as well, among others.
Typically I will say, we put 5 related article links at the bottom of the article. We could put our money site link in any 1 of those 5 link spots. Does that make sense? Now we can … Again, if you’re going to be using PBNs, to link to multiple money sites, as long as you’re switching up the type. Here’s where you don’t want to do it. If you just got a standard blog post that’s from a content farm. It’s probably shitty content, number 1. It’s got a contextual link to your money sites and a link to Wikipedia or dot-gov site, which is what everybody and their mother does, that’s in SEO, and maybe a YouTube video. It’s plainly, a PBN site.
Somebody could reverse map out and start identifying what your money sites are, that way. When you’re using curated content, it becomes much more difficult because now, all of your posts are outbound linking and citing sources and linking to related content. You’re now, a needle in a haystack. If that makes sense.
Hernan: Yeah. I love that approach, Bradley because it reinforce co-citation which has been discuss with Lisa Allen. The main idea is that, your website gets linked among authorities. That gives you authority. Another thing that you can do, Ryan as well is, to hide a bit of this footprint, you can link to your Tier 1 links, like your IFTTT. For example, you can leave a link to a tweet, where your link, when you’re linking to the page that you want to rank. You can leave a link to, let’s say, a Google Plus post.
That further dilutes your footprint because you’re linking back to tier 1 and I have seen amazing results by linking to tier 1 properties. In particular, to those posts that have been syndicated out from your IFTTT syndication network. If you are powering those with PBN links, you’re further diluting that footprint because you’re linking out to a blog post or to a tweet. That’s in itself, an authority link and a link that will provide you with link [shoots 00:19:41].
Will Changing An Existing Schema Affect The Current Ranking Of A Website?
Bradley: Yeah. Okay, next question is Kevin. I got a question about the schema type that he’s using. Right now, he’s using physician markup on the homepage and nothing on the inner pages. Considering changing it to organization schema, as it is more accurate, a more accurate reflection of my site. “Can I just delete the physician markup and change everything to organization markup, keeping my same as location et cetera, or will that ruin ranking and ruin the good standing I have, with the Semantic Web police?”
No. I would say, if that is your proper … If organization better fits, which it looks like it probably would in your case, because it’s a national search and review site. Yeah, I would go ahead and switch it out because you’re actually doing the Semantic Web, a favor, if you’re updating data to be more accurate. To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure. I’m not going to sit here and lie to you. I’m not 100% sure, if it will affect your rankings or not. I don’t think that it would. In fact, I think it would probably be an improvement, if that is the case that, that organization more accurately represents the business. I’m not 100% sure.
Marco or Hernan, have you guys seen, when you change a schema type, has it affected rankings?
Hernan: No, I’m not entirely … No, I don’t have data to back this up. It could, but again, if reflects …
Bradley: It would be temporary in my opinion.
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Hernan: … right, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like a 301. You’re changing something that Google had indexed, and fitting it with something else. I think you should be fine. Maybe what you could do is, before changing that physician, maybe grab a page or 2, internal pages and add the physician markup in them and see what it does. Instead of changing the homepage in one swoop, that could potentially harm your entire website rankings, you could do it on phases, without spamming of course, because you will have physician on the homepage.
That’s schema, but if you’re adding JSON-LD to the header, then you will be repeating physician on the inner page. That’s a no go. If you’re adding schema, you can get rid of a schema inside of a, or add physician inside of an internal page and see what it does. Once you’re sure …
Bradley: If he’s using microdata instead of JSON-LD, which …
Hernan: Right. Right, right, right. If that’s the case, then yeah, or you can change it for, let’s say, a week and see how it behaves, and then roll back. You can always roll back.
Bradley: Yeah. My point is, you do not want to do the second part, which is where you add both schema types. You do not want to do that. You want to select one. I always recommend, guys that, you try … With Semantic Web, guys, you want to be as accurate as possible. Even if you have something that is working. For example, the business types, the type markup is always evolving, they’re always adding new ones. If you build your site today and you pick the best category for type that’s available. 5, 6 months down the road, they now have a very specific category that better represents your business or your website, then I recommend that you always go and update the data. You want to try to be as accurate as possible. Data purity, that’s what the Semantic Web is all about, is data purity.
If you’re going in and updating it to be a more accurate representation of what the business or the website actually is. Again, I don’t have any data to back this up, but it might bounce a little bit, dance a little bit because they typically, always do, when you do any sort of changes. My guess is, it would come back stronger and long-term, you’d be in a better position, in my opinion. I don’t have any data to back that up, Kevin. You just have to try it, but do not add double markup because that’s basically, structured data spam. You don’t want to do that. Hopefully, that was an adequate answer.
How Are The T2 Networks Setup In IFTTT?
“Hey guys, happy Hump Day,” Gregg says, plus 1. “If you have a network of accounts branded around a person’s name.” Network of accounts branded around a person names, “Pushing content to its own set of web properties. I understand the diagram that says, that triggers from tier 1 to blogger tier 1. What I’m missing is, how the tier 2 networks are setup on IFTTT?” Oh, no. You guys want to see me puke about this?
Adam: No. Adam to the rescue. I’m pulling the link right now.
Bradley: Yeah. Oh God, Greg, we have hashed this out.
Adam: I got some good links for you. It’s good because people have asked it, so we’re going to give you several good links that you can go through.
Bradley: We’re going to do a data dump on you, Greg, and drop 15 different explanations of this, on you because this gets asked repeatedly and I have answered this question 15 different ways. You’re going to get all of them, buddy. One of those answers will be sufficient for you.
Adam: Let’s see, so yeah, I’ve got that on. Greg, I’ll tag you in the post and drop you some links.
Bradley: Yeah. I’m not going to go through an answer of this question because we’ve got 15 answers on the page now, already. Yes, you use the exact same recipes that are in the account workbook template, guys. If there was a separate set of tier 2 recipes, they would have been included in the account workbook template. We gave you everything you need. You have to set up your tier 2 triggers that are triggered by your tier 1 RSS feed. Your blogger RSS feed would trigger tier 2a, your Tumblr RSS feed would trigger tier 2b. That’s it. You have to add related content sources in, and we’ve been over that 1 million times as well. Greg, just go through the training links that Adam just dropped on the page, and you should have your answer.
How To Make Sticky RSS Feed Posts To T1 IFTTT Network Properties?
Rob says, “Hey guys and gals, what’s doing?” Okay. “Hope you’re well. My question is, can anyone tell me how to make IFTTT RSS feed posts from my money site be designated to sticky, when I syndicate to my tier 1 network properties? Goal, I want my money site feed posts to stay at the top of my web 2s, staying above the non-sticky RSS feed post, other relevant content, which eventually rotate off the page.”
Okay, there’s some problems with your question, Rob. Don’t take that, the wrong way. What I mean is, the premise of your question is a bit off. Why I say that is because first of all, your tier 1 network properties should only be syndicating your content and nobody else’s. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, here. You must be feeding related content into your tier 1 network from other content sources, which is no, that’s wrong. It’s not the best way to do it because, why would you want to dilute your tier 1 branded network with other people’s content?
Hold on a minute, before everybody says “Well, you just said it’s okay to curate content.” Yeah, it is, but when you’re curating content and publishing it from your money site blog, it’s being syndicated from your blog to your tier 1 branded network, with all the backlinks pointing back to your money site. Essentially, you’re still citing other people’s content, but you’re not just blatantly feeding other people’s content to your tier 1 branded properties. That wouldn’t make any sense in my opinion because you’d be diluting your brand.
When you’re publishing content from your own blog that gets syndicate … The only thing that should be on your tier 1 networks, guys, is your money site content or your money channel content, if it’s a YouTube network. That’s it. You shouldn’t be syndicating other people’s content on that. You can if you want, but you’re diluting it. Why would you want to dilute your brand? Does that make sense?
The related content feeds are tier 2 stuff. If you’re adding related content sources to, it’s only when you’re using a 2-tiered network on blog syndication that, that’s even necessary, in which case it’s absolutely necessary. Then you would be feeding related content as tier 2 triggers only. Read Greg [Dierberg’s 00:28:04] question from the previous question. Go through the stuff that Adam just posted on the page and it’ll explain it, a little bit better.
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As far as your RSS feed, you cannot by default, through WordPress, you can’t … At least as far as I know. I’m sure somebody could probably find a plugin that does this or something, but as far as I know, the native WordPress feed function will not allow you to make anything sticky or make any posts stick into the feed. It’s just going to take your most recent post. That’s up to you. If you go to your settings reading, you can determine how many posts display in your feed. By default, it’s 10. That’s typically, what most of them are, will be the 10 most recent blog posts will be displayed in your feed.
Now, Lisa Allen has Rank Feeder. Rank Feeder will enable you to make custom feeds and put sticky posts in those feeds, so you can always check out RSS Authority Sniper 2.0 and Rank Feeder, and probably accomplish what you’re trying to do, using that. Anybody want to comment on that? I thought I heard some mumbling.
Hernan: No, I was mumbling because I was about to say, yeah, Lisa Allen’s tool. I’ve been using it for YouTube, and it works really good. Works really, really well for YouTube. I haven’t tested for money sites, but having co-citation on your YouTube videos will definitely give you a ranking boost in YouTube and Google.
Bradley:During the webinar that we did, which that’s still available, guys, to watch, as far as I know, right Adam? I think that’s still available to watch. Okay, yeah. I’m assuming you already dropped the link, but go check it out because you’ll see in the webinar we did with Lisa that, she ranked for in-stream ads tutorial against the likes. She outranked ReelSEO and Digital Marketer and Virool. It’s insane, what she was able to outrank with 0 backlinks, with just co-citation. Absolutely incredible, what she was able to do there.
That’s not the norm Individual results may vary, let me disclaim that, because that is not the norm, but it’s very impressive when you see a post with 0 backlinks, outranking Digital Marketer and ReelSEO, Virool. Come on, that’s insane. I was really impressed with that, so check it out, if you haven’t already seen it.
How To Boost HTML Sites That Were Rebuilt Through Blue Chip Backlinks?
Okay, let’s see. Ryan says, “Hey Bradley, do you do anything to boost the HTML sites that you rebuild through Bluechip Backlinks, like FCS, GSA links?” Not normally, Ryan, because the whole point of me using those rebuild HTML sites is, the ease of setup. I find stuff that already has really good, really relevant inbound links to the domain that I’m purchasing. Then I just slap it up in about 15 or 20 minutes time, and I’m done. That’s what I like about building, what I call the private link network versus a private blog network is, they’re so much easier to set up, it’s a lot more efficient.
However, there are certainly cases where I’ve taken one of those sites and added additional link-building campaigns to that site because I wanted to boost it or whatever. It’s not in the standard operating procedure for me, to setup a link campaign for those. You certainly can, though. Depends on what your bandwidth is.
How To Use IFTTT To Boost Existing Branded YouTube Videos?
Lance [inaudible 00:31:37] says, “Hello, I have a question about getting my IFTTT network to benefit videos. I previously posted to my business brand, a YouTube account. I have already included the YouTube like recipe, so I tried unliking a video from” … Let’s see, I just lost it. “I tried unliking a video and then liking it again, to hopefully trigger the syndication of the video across my IFTTT network. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to work.”
Damn, that sucks, Lance. I’ve never actually tried that, so I’m glad that I know, it does not work. “I’ve tried contacting support about it, but they don’t seem to know what to do.” If you’re talking about IFTTT support, it’s terrible. It’s free, what do you expect? You know what I mean? As far as I know, I’ve contacted them before via Twitter, and that’s the only way, and it’s just been really, an unpleasant experience. “Can you offer any input? I’d like to try to find a way to still syndicate my previously posted videos, without having to do it all manually, if possible?”
Yeah, I understand what you’re saying, Lance. This is what I do, typically is, I have another set of networks set up. The cost-effective way is, if you just have the 1 network that you want to use, again. In this case, it’s a branded network. You want to re-syndicate videos to that network that have already been syndicated, and then you did the like recipes which re-syndicated them. Now you want to do it again, for another boost. That’s fine. Let me tell you how to do it.
Set up another Blogger account or a account. You can use a self-hosted WordPress site, but you don’t need to. You could use a free site. Set up, just another blog account, Tumblr, WordPress or Blogger, and then just set up recipes using the same recipes that are in the IFTTT recipe workbook. Use the RSS 2 recipes, to set up a whole set of RSS 2 recipes for your tier 1 branded network.
For using your RSS feed from the Blogger account that you just set up. Then all you do is, just create posts on the Blogger account with the videos. It’s a little bit manual, but it’s a hell of a lot better than some of the alternatives, and that’s what I’ve done. I’ll have a secondary Blogger account. By the way, you can have multiple Blogger accounts underneath the same Google account, so you can just use whatever your tier 1 branded Blogger account is. Just create another blog in that account.
Then, all you’ll do is, go back to your YouTube channel, just copy the embed code and the title. You can copy the description if you’d like, however I recommend that you stick to the type of descriptions that we have set up in the recipes for YouTube, which is just linking back to the video itself, and the channel. Just publishing the post in the Blogger.
Blogger will automatically publish through IFTTT, back to your network again. Does that make sense? The only time that Blogger account will publish content is, when you are actually posting. It’s not like you have any other content being posted to that. I use it, just as a re-syndication trigger point, if that makes sense. You can do it with blogger, self-hosted WordPress,, it doesn’t matter really. Just pick one and set it up.
Again, that’s something a VA can do, Lance. You could set it up, give a training video to a VA and tell them what you want them to do. Hire them, 4 hours or something, to sit down one day and go through 30 days worth of videos and post them onto your Blogger account, the secondary Blogger account which will re-syndicate them across your network. Does that make sense? It’s not something you should be doing, is my point because you can create a quick video showing how to do it once, and give that to a VA, and have them just repeat it over and over and over again, for all the videos in your channel.
Look at this, I’ve got 15 windows ringing me now, guys. Pardon me. In case you want to know how to do that, step-by-step, how to outsource that, Outsource Kingpin will be available. Shameless plug.
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Hernan: We don’t have a waiting list for that, no? We will be sending an email anyways, to our list.
How To Perform Video Keyword Research If You Are A Newbie?
Bradley: All right, Lowe says “Hey guys, happy Hump Day,” plus 1 that. “Can you spend some time on keyword research for videos, please? In some previous hangouts you mentioned that, some keywords just may not rank. Question, how do you qualify good keywords from, that’s just not going to rank keyword?” Lowe, I wish there was some tool that would tell us. There are some tools out there. You can put in a list of keywords and it will go out and tell you if there’s any videos already, on page 1. That’s a pretty good indication that you can rank a video for that keyword, if there’s already a video on page 1. There’s also a lot of keywords that don’t have any videos on page 1, but it’s because nobody’s ever tried. You know what I mean? They’re just poor SEOs.
That doesn’t mean that, just because there’s not a video, that you can’t get one there. Unfortunately, that’s about the best indication that you can have, without testing. Personally, I always just test. The way that I’ll do it is, I’ll use certain testing tools. I’ve used Hangout Millionaire for that, for a long time, but then Jeffrey Evans came out with Buddy VIP, which is like a YouTube keyword poking tool.
To be honest with you though, Peter Drew has one that he’s … He was also the developer of Hangout Millionaire. He’s got a program in beta right now, called Live Rank Sniper, and it does exactly what we’re talking about, which is test keywords. It’s in beta. I have access to it. It’s really good, and I would hold out until that’s available, and I would definitely jump on that because that is going to give you … Without a shadow of a doubt, it will tell you whether you can rank for certain keywords or not. At least, give you a much better indication.
What’s cool about Peter Drew’s tool, Live Rank Sniper. When it’s available, we’re certainly going to notify you guys of it, because I think it’s a great tool. What it does is, it goes out and sets up live events via YouTube live events for all the keywords that you put into the tool or the software. Then, what it’ll do is, it will go scan the search results because remember, when you create a public YouTube live event, it indexes and it will rank, even if there’s no video there. It’s just a grey thumbnail image because it’s a scheduled live event, scheduled for, in the future.
This thing goes out and sets up all these live events, and then it’ll go back and scan the first 2 pages of the search results for the keywords that you submitted, and look to see if you have a live event, ranked. A scheduled live event that hasn’t even been broadcast yet, ranked. The ones that are ranked, then you can go in and right from the software, upload the video and it’ll livestream it, just like Wirecast would. It does all the testing, before you ever upload 1 video, is my point. It saves loads of time. That’s a great, great tool, guys, It’ll be coming out soon. It’s in beta right now. I will definitely be bringing it to everybody’s attention, when it’s available because I know, a lot of you guys would find it very useful.
Testing is the answer to number 1. Unfortunately, there’s not really an easy way, as of yet. Even that route still requires a little bit of work. Just because something didn’t rank on page 1 immediately, doesn’t mean it can’t rank. “How do you know when you were just wasting time?” Because typically, what I will do is, I’ll try to rank a video … Instead of just trying to rank a video for 1 keyword, I usually target 5 to 10 keywords. I’ll do all 5 to 10 videos at the same time because I’m using tools to automate this. Like I said, Hangout Millionaire, now Live Rank Sniper. It makes it easy for me, to test multiple keywords. I try to get, out of 10 keywords, maybe 3 or 4 of them will rank and the rest of them won’t.
Then what I’ll do is, if they don’t rank on page 1 right away. Guys, a lot of them don’t, then it requires a little bit of additional SEO. A lot of the times, just especially if you’ve got multiple syndication networks set up, like what I do, it’s just a matter of time for those web 2 posts to start indexing or getting recognized by Google at least, before you start seeing movement.
What I do is, I’ll syndicate a video through the networks and then I just let it sit for about 10 to 14 days. Usually by then, it has surfaced to where it settles in, at a pretty good place. Then if I need to do additional SEO work to that video, we have a multitude of things that we do. After about 30 days … When I first upload, I wait about 2 weeks and then go and check it. If it needs additional SEO work, then I’ll do additional SEO stuff. Again, there’s a multitude of things that I can do to the video at that point. After about, another 2 weeks. A total of 30 days from the time that I uploaded the video or live streamed a video, if it hasn’t ranked, I move on. I usually have other videos because of the batch of keywords that I tested. Instead of just doing 1, I test, usually 5 to 10.
Out of those, I usually will end up having a couple, maybe 2, 3, 4 videos that will end up ranking within the 30-day time period. Not all of them will rank. Rarely, sometimes they do, but it’s very rare. That’s why I like to do batches of keywords, because then I have multiple videos to rank. Instead of wasting all my time on 1. You asked, “When are you just wasting time?” You’re just wasting time, if you’re just working on 1 video, you’re wasting time, number 1. Number 2 is, like I said, I don’t spend a lot of time on any 1 video because the systems I have in place, seem to work. If they don’t work within 30 days, chances are, it’s not going to work, it’s not worth any more effort. Hopefully, that will help.
As far as keywords for that. Guys, the best tool in the world, for keywords, for YouTube especially, in my opinion, and it’s inexpensive is, Power Suggest Pro because it has YouTube suggest. It’s a YouTube suggest scraper and you can scrape keywords from YouTube suggest, very, very quickly. They’re really long tail keywords and it’s a really, really good tool for that. Power Suggest Pro. I’m sure Adam probably, already dropped the link.
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How Do You Embed Video Rich Snippet Generator For Schema.Org Markup With The Blog Post On WordPress?
Paul Fussell says, “Hi guys. My question is, how do you embed video rich snippet generator for markup with the blog post on WordPress?” Paul, you switch to the HTML editor and you paste in the code. However, that said, there are a lot of WordPress themes that will strip that HTML code out, the microdata markup because it’s foreign to WordPress. A lot of themes will strip that out. You’re better off, using JSON-LD … Excuse me, for video rich snippet generator, you’re going to need to use microdata. In that case, you need to add … You either need to have a theme that does not strip it out or you can add … I believe, there’s a plugin called Raw HTML that you can add to WordPress. Let’s go Google this, real quick.
If you have this plugin added to … WordPress plugins, Raw HTML. You have to test this because I can’t remember if it was this one or not. I know what you’re talking about, Paul. When you add microdata, a lot of times, if you switch … Here it is, right here. The short code’s right here, that say Raw. If you use this plugin and then you wrap your microdata text in these short codes here that say Raw, then WordPress won’t, by default, remove the formatting, if that makes sense.
Go try this and try microdata. Just wrap them in those short codes right there, that say Raw. Install the plugin and try that and then test it, because that should keep the microdata intact. I know what you’re talking about. It’s a pain in the ass. Some themes do it and some themes don’t. Apparently, you have one that is.
Marco: I would also suggest, not to get carried away with microdata because if you just have a blog … You can see how much information, something like Twitter, feeds through microdata. If you see something like a [T 00:43:41] site, which we use a lot. How basic the Google requirements are, for a regular website or maybe a blog, then you’ll see that you don’t really don’t need to force-feed all sorts of microdata, for Google to understand what it is that you’re doing.
Some of it is expected. You could do a video, you could do your same as and your company information. If you get carried away and you start wrapping everything and doing everything with microdata, at some point, you could be tagged for schema spam. You have to be really careful. Don’t just go overboard and don’t think that microdata in itself, and doing that is going to rank you because that’s just 1 section of the algorithm that you’re feeding.
Bradley: No, but it does help. I was trying to, but I’m not logged into Firefox, so it won’t let me comment. I was going to drop this link, but go to Sistrix. Some of you that are watching this, that are wondering what the hell is video rich snippets, video microdata, guys. This is a video object generator here. You can generate video microdata here. It does help a lot, though. It’s something that obviously, you have to do manually each time, unless you’re using a plugin that does it, which there are plugins that will do that, markup videos for you. Which is what I recommend you do, if you’re doing a lot of it because it will automate it for you.
Certainly, I understand what you’re saying, Marco that, you can get carried away with it. I do think that, having video marked up properly is beneficial. It’s really helpful, especially because you can get the video to show up in the search results with your URL. Your blog URL next to it, instead of YouTube. Okay, all right, next. I forget where I was. See if I can find it.
Adam: Bob is next. There you go.
Is Ranking Multiple Niches In The 3-Pack Possible From 1 USPS Address?
Bradley: Local Lead Gen 3 Pack. “In my neck of the woods, there are a couple of big companies who are in multiple niches.” Okay, yeah that’s pretty standard. Question, “Is ranking multiple niches in the 3 Pack, possible from one USPS address for Google verification, using a different subdomain or pages, using different phone numbers per niche, directed to different clients?” Yeah, probably you can. It can get messy though, very quickly. The best way to do this … I used to do this years ago, when I used to use UPS stores. I don’t, anymore. Oh, a USPS address. Okay, that’s different. That’s the way I go, now.
For that, because they’re inexpensive enough, I just buy a separate PO Box per business. Per business that I’m setting up. It’s only because it’s inexpensive enough. Depending on where you are. I know in some of the more rural towns, guys, I can get a 12-month commitment to a US PO Box for $64 or $68, something like that. It’s under 70 bucks for an entire year. Other more metropolitan areas, it might cost me $180 for the year, which is what? $15 a month. To me, it’s just part of the cost of doing business for each business that I set up or each lead gen site that I set up. I use a different PO Box for each.
Now, years ago, when I was using UPS mailboxes, I would just talk to the owner of the store and tell them that, whatever the street address was. Let’s say, my box was 101. I would say, “I’m going to have 101a, 101b, 101c. Each one of them is going to be a different business name, but they’re all going to be shipped to the same box, just with a different letter as a qualifier.” That used to work well, but again, personally because PO Boxes are cheap enough, I just buy a separate PO Box for each business. That’s how I recommend doing it because it’s just cleaner that way. You know what I mean?
Because your address is more unique at that point, and is less likely for it to have it cause any peer citation issues, number 1. Number 2, it’s less likely to get smacked by Google, in my opinion. Just don’t be cheap, Bob, is all I’m saying. I’m not saying you are being cheap. It would be nice, if we could do that, and you may be able to do it. I just don’t risk. I haven’t attempted that with PO boxes and I don’t think I ever will.
What Are Best Practices When Using Video Powerhouse?
Okay, we got just a couple of minutes left. Michael says, “Video Powerhouse, best practices over the past few days. For years, we’ve discussed a variety of procedures and tools that can be applied to ranking videos. I’m getting confused as to, what to use when. Please comment on your best strategic approach to making a competitive local video like Best Plastic Surgeon in Seattle? As an example, launched 12 videos using Hangout Millionaire, live events on a YouTube Channel with a 2-tiered IFTTT network. Would you say, you send wire now or wait a few weeks for the G-dance to play out?”
I would wait. That’s what I just mentioned earlier, Michael. I usually wait about 14 days, 10 to 14 days, before I do any additional SEO work after something’s syndicated through my networks. I always wait, before I do anything else because a lot of times, it just needs some time, guys.
Let’s see, we’re going to wrap up here. I’ve got somebody beating on my door, downstairs. Isn’t that, a bitch? We’re going to have to wrap it up here, guys. We’re out of time anyways, really. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to wrap it up right now, guys. Apologize for any of the questions that we didn’t get to, but close enough, right?
Hernan: Yeah, we might get to maybe 1 or 2 on the podcast.
Bradley: Yeah, okay. Thanks everybody, for being here. No masterclass or mastermind this week. We will see you guys next week, for Hump Day Hangouts again. Thanks everybody, for being here.
Hernan: Sounds good.
Marco: Later.
Hernan: Bye.
Bradley: Bye.
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