Click on the video above to watch Episode 80 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
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Adam: Hey everybody, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode 80. Today is the 18th of May, but only until midnight. So we are here … I heard that. We got the whole crew on today. What’s up Bradley?
Bradley: Just, we need one of those du-du-du.
Adam: Yeah, just maybe the sad horn, wah-wah-wah. All right so Chris, how’s it going man?
Chris: Excellent, how are you doing?
Adam: Can’t complain. Finally getting some sun here, it’s the middle of May. It’s starting to act like spring. Hernan, how’s Barcelona?
Barcelona is nice. I have the carpet on the wall right here, and it’s really nice. We’re getting summer here too, so great.
Adam: You got to post some more pictures man. I like seeing the travel pictures.
Hernan: Yeah, it’s definitely something to do.
Adam: Cool, awesome.
Bradley: Is hanging rugs on the wall a Barcelona thing?
Hernan: Yeah. Probably yeah. Apparently, I get here and it was like that. I’m assuming it is.
Adam: That’s his temporary sound studio.
Bradley: Got it, for acoustics.
Adam: Marco, how’s it going man?
Marco: I’m still in paradise man.
Adam: Good deal, good deal. I take it the weather’s a little bit better. No storms today?
Marco: It still rains in the afternoon, I’ll get a rainstorm, but it’s the price you pay for the life you live. It’s cool.
Adam: Awesome. Hey Bradley, what’s up?
Bradley: Many, I’m trying to multitask and type on the events page while at the same time [crosstalk 00:01:37].
Adam: I was about to say, well keep going. I’ll run through some announcements, and then we’ll get going here pretty quick everybody. Real quick I wanted to let everybody know our mastermind webinar in two weeks is coming up, so we have mastermind has private webinars every two weeks. We’re going to have Lisa Allen back on. She’s launching, and I don’t want to butcher the name. Bradley do you remember, is it Rank Feeder, or is it …
Bradley: Rank Feeder, yes.
Adam: That’s it, yeah, okay. She’s going to come on and be talking about co-citations and some other stuff. Eventually we’re going to talk to her, and see if she’s okay with pushing some of that information out. For now it’s just going to be with mastermind, and then we’ll see what we can workout later.
We’ve got a really cool contest coming up. I’m just going to show you the back of something that somebody could win. Not just somebody. We’re going to give away several, and there’s going to be some additional prizes, including some memberships to our various courses. That’s going to be coming up here int he short term, hopefully here in the next couple of weeks. Once me and Hernan get things hammered out.
Then, we’re on episode 80, so it’s a little ways off, but we’re going to have fun on episode 100, but episode 104 is going to be the true two year anniversary. We’re going to have some fun stuff going on with that. Obviously it’s still a couple months away, but just wanted to let everyone know we’re going to be doing something special. That’s is for me, does anybody else have anything?
Bradley: As far as announcements, yeah I got one.
Marco: I’m not giving anything away today.
Adam: Nothing free from Marco today.
Bradley: The contest by the way guys is going to be really cool. Is it a contest or just a sweepstakes, or do we know yet?
Adam: Yeah, we’re working out the details. That’s why I didn’t, we’ll tell you more when we have it. I just wanted to let everybody know to … You’ll hear about it. We’ll send out an email at least, or mention id on the Hump Day Hangouts.
Bradley: The only announcement I have is, guys I just posted on the events page, I’ll grab the screen here in just a moment, but there’s an article that came out on ReelSEO, and it’s talking about the YouTube’s audience reach between the demographics 19 to 49 year olds. YouTube is reaching more 18 to 49 year olds than the top ten prime time US TV shows. The article in itself can be used as a way to up sell your clients on selling them for YouTube ad management. It’s a great article, and so I posted it on the events page there, so that you guys cn go click on it, save it, whatever, bookmark it. If you do any client SEO work, or you have clients period, you might want to send them an email with a link, and a summary of what this article is, and a link over to this article. Pitch them on the importance of taking advantage of YouTube advertising. Because it’s so dirt cheap, and it’s not hard. It’s not nearly as difficult to run YouTube ads as it is Google AdWords, like regular AdWords for Google Search.
It’s a great way to generate additional revenue for your own business, as well as get some results for your clients. I dropped that link on the page. I’ve sent it out to mine already, and I’ve already had two of my clients call me up and ask me more, to give them more information about YouTube ad management for them. Like I said, you can use it as a way to pitch them a soft pitch by sending them some information that’s going to validate the fact that if they’re not advertising on YouTube, they’re missing out on the younger demographics for their businesses. Which I think is pretty amazing that YouTube is actually getting more viewership during prime time TV time then even the top ten shows are for that demographics. To me that’s pretty incredible. Anyway, I dropped it there.
There’s also a link underneath that for Justin Sardi’s Video Ads Crash Course, for anybody that doesn’t know how to run YouTube ads. It’s a $97 course. Great, great course. Justin Sardi’s the one who taught me how to run YouTube ads. You can pick that up there, and in fact, any of you that are worried about … That don’t want go purchase another $97 course or whatever. What you can do is actually send this article out to your existing client base, and see if anybody bites. If they’re interested in it, then you can purchase the course. Because you know that you’re going to sell them on a YouTube ads campaign anyways, if that makes sense. I just wanted to share that with you guys. All right, anything else, or should we get into questions?
Adam: Yeah, let’s rock and roll.
Bradley: Okay, let’s do it. Hopefully you guys will find that helpful. I already clients.
Adam: What I meant to say was, let’s get into it, Woo! I’m working on my webinar.
Bradley: Yeah, anyways, I’ve had two clients come back already and ask me for more information. By the way Wayne I want to say thanks for that dude, I’m going to have nightmares.
Adam: That reminds me of Mimi for the Drew Carey Show, it’s been a few years.
Hernan: That’s actually, Bradley demographics, so.
Would You Build Links From Reregistered Expired Domains To Branded IFTTT Network?
Bradley: Tim says, “Hey guys, hope you’re all doing well. I just want to thank you guys for the weekly hangout real quick. It’s been super helpful, and very informative. Keep up the good work guys.” You’re welcome, I will plus one that. “Okay, so my question is about PBN’s. Every now and then when I scrape expired domains I find some with clean back link profile, clean anchor text profile, just everything about this domain screams register me, except for the who is history. When I check these domains on you can clearly see they were re-registered at some point, and used as a PBN, or had Chinese/Japanese content on it, or it had been used for domain parking. Let’s say I buy these domains, and I’m able to re-index them, so no Google penalty. Would you build links from these domains to your branded IFTT network, or not even do that, because these domains are too risk to use in your opinion?“
Yeah, to build links from those to your IFTTT network should be fine. What I would recommend doing, personally I won’t buy a lot of those domains. Just if I see that they had been re-registered and used as a PBN at some point, or they got Chinese characters on the way back machine, any of the pages from the way back machine, or something like that. Then I typically won’t use them. Only because a lot of the times they won’t index, because they have some manual penalty, and that’s why they were dropped to begin with. The person that re-registered them to use as a PBN, or for a spam site. The only reason they probably dropped the domain is because it was most likely the index. It’s going to be difficult for you to get it re-indexed again. Unless you rebuild it to a previous state, and then submit for a re-inclusion, or reconsideration request, for re-inclusion into the index. Again, that’s a lot of additional work that I just will skip all that, and just not purchase those domains if I can clearly see that there was some history like that, spam history.
That said, I’ve also purchased domains that have no indication of spam history, and then I buy them, and I register, or put a site on them, or rebuild way back from the, the html pages. Then when I submit it to search council it’s already, it’s been, it’s received a manual spam action penalty, so it’s be de-indexed. What I’m saying is, sometimes when you’re buying domains, if I know, if I can verify that there was a history of spam at some point, I would generally just not purchase it all together. That said, sometimes even the cleanest of domains will have a penalty, and you won’t know it until after you purchase it. If you are able to get it re-indexed, then yeah, there’s no reason you can’t use it. I just wouldn’t link directly to my money site, just because of the history. I would link it to a first tier property instead. Anybody else want to add to that, or can we move on?
Hernan: Yeah, I just wanted to say real quick that you will find a ton of domain, that they will use, as you were saying, as PBN’s before, but Google really went down chasing those domains, that you will find beautiful domains that they already indexed. That’s why, that’s exactly what you were saying. I had the experience that add in a persona, and restoring that domain, and they look really good, and if you add a nice GGP mad work to them, you know you make them look legit, real legit. Usually most of the times you will get that domain back, like re-indexed. You need to take that extra work to make it appear not as PBN anymore.
Bradley: I’ve only got about a 60% success rate on getting domains that had manual spam actions reconsidered. When I’ve submitted a reconsideration request I’ve only had about a 60% success rate on that. To me it’s more work than it’s worth, so I just try to avoid them. Although, like I said, there’s sometimes I’ll buy domains that there’s no indication at all that they were ever spam, and once they’re re-registered they’re automatically in penalty, and that’s there’s nothing you can do at that point except make the attempt to have it re-indexed. Right, otherwise you just abandon it, and move onto the next one. Which I’ve done that as well.
What Link Velocity To Use For Blue Chip Backlinks To Build A Private Link Network?
James says, “Hey y’all I have a lead gen site for home service contractor that started climbing the rankings from zero listings to now on page three to five for multiple keywords in city with a population of nearly one million.” Good job James. “I’ve achieved this by purchasing your branded IFTTT network setup, and I post it to my blog at least once per week. Going great so far. I’m about to purchase blue chip back links to start building out a private link network, and slowly dripping highly relevant links to my site. Bradley, what link velocity to suggest for this type of back linking?“
Well, there’s a couple of things I would say. Obviously it’s going to depend, it always depends. That’s my standard answer for any SEO question is it depends. However, I can give you some guidelines or parameters based on what I do. Number one is go look at the competitors. Who you’re competing against, take a look at their back link profile, and get an idea. Remember a lot of local sites guys, don’t typically … It depends on the niche, and your city, and everything else, but a lot of them don’t have a boat load of back links. You got to take a look at the overall back link profile of your top, the top ranking sites, and then get idea of how many links you think you’re going to need based on those other numbers. Then you want to start building them out in a way to where you’re not … For example, you wouldn’t want to build 30 links in a week. 30 back links from a private link network in a week to your site, unless you were competing with sites that hundreds and hundreds, or even thousands of links, right? In that case you might be able to get away with.
If your competitors are only dealing with 100 back links, or 80 back links, or 120 back links, somewhere around there. Then you might want to start going 2, 3, 4 links per week, but I would take it really slow in the beginning. Because if you’re buying blue chip back links, if you’re buying domains from blue chip back links that are really relevant, and have really good metrics, you’re not going to need that many links for you to get some significant results. I would, personally, I would start off with 2 or 3 links maybe right off the bat. Just make sure you’re not hitting the same anchor texts. You want to have like a brand link, a naked URL, and perhaps a keyword link. Then give it some time, and wait. You’ve got to be patient when you start building links like this, because when you build the links you got to wait a couple of weeks, monitor the results, and then go add a couple more links.
You don’t want to go to fast, because then it will look unnatural. You just have to be patient, and it sucks. What I find is that a lot of times, especially when you’re using really high quality domains that you’re purchasing, is that it ends up taking a lot less than you think it will. For the most part, for you to be able to get the kind of results. As long as you’re buying good domains when you do it. You’ll find out that even though the waiting sucks, because you’ve got to be slow. You can still end up getting the … I’m sorry I got distracted by all that noise.
Hernan: Sorry about the boinks.
Bradley: No, worries. Anyways, if you have really high quality domains, you might think it’s going to take me 20 back links that I’m going to have to purchase these domains, and rebuild these sites. You end up being able to achieve the results with only 12 back links. Because you were patient, and you waited, and those actually took effect. What’s good about that, is then you have some … Let’s say you had already purchased 20 domains, or that was your intent originally. Now you’ve got essentially eight domains left in the budget for backup, or for reinforcements when you need it, if that makes sense. You don’t want to, remember guys, I always talk about using the bare minimum to rank stuff, so that you always have reserves. You always have stuff left in reserve in case you need it. Anyways, hopefully that makes sense. You want to add to that at all, Hernan or anybody?
Marco: Nah, I think that you nailed it.
Hernan:Sorry Marco, but the anchor text is one of the most important points to control right now. I think you explained that real good job.
Bradley: Yeah, I mean I would start with just a brand and a URL anchor, and then probably one keyword anchor of some sort first. Just to prime your site, because you’re going to be pushing some juice into it. Some decent equity into it from those three links. Then from there you can start using some variations of the keywords, and things like that in order to start pushing that relevancy.
Is It Good To Rotate Too Much Keywords In IFTTT Networks?
Earl says, “Am I making a rookie mistake? On posts for clients I tend to put in two links to their sites. One is from a rotating list of keywords we want to rank for, and I also include one branded link to their company name. Then they are shared via IFTTT to our networks. Since I’m asking a basic question, let me continue with, am I making a mistake by rotating keywords too much, some clients have quite a few, or should I be hammering one to three main ones until they stick?” No, keep rotating Earl. “We post at most once a week, sometimes only once or twice a month, and already have something of an established presence.”
Yeah, I wold still just keep rotating. That’s much more natural. It’s going to give you an overall diversified anchor text profile. Which is going to be better for your site long term. I wouldn’t start hammering away on one to three terms, that could get you into trouble.
Hernan: Yeah, in fact, I think that one of the best way to go in this case is to not use the same keywords twice, linking to an internal page. Let’s say that you want to rank for red juice You will use different variations every time you’re posting to that particular page. As you would find naturally online, because it’s really hard to, two people will link using the exact same anchor text. You can use variations in LSA For the different links as well. That usually works really well. If you are posting to, if you’re scheduling 10 posts, and all of them you want to link all of them to the same page. Which you could do if you drip feed them over the next three months or something, you can use different anchor texts every time, so you have 10 different anchor texts but variations of the same anchor text. That usually works well in my cases.
Is National Type Of Authority Better Than Local County Or City Wide Authority When It Comes to Lead Gen Sites?
Bradley: Cool, okay Mark says, “Hey guys I’ve got a question. When you’re building lead gen sites, do you prefer a more national type authority site, or a more local county, or even city wide type site? Thanks.”
I usually do regional type sites. I’ve been a bit more ambitious in the past, and wanted to go after national type sites, but those projects always end up petering out at some point, and I might monetize some of those projects but they’re only … They only scale to a certain point, and that may just be because I’ve lost interest in the project. You know what I mean? My point is the national type sites, there’s a lot to consider with those sites ahead of time. You’ve got to try to think, because you’ve got to plan for those long terms. Because those are massive, massive sites, and it’s going to take you a lot of work to build those first of all, but second of all to maintain them. You’ve got to be able to scale your infrastructure and all that. Personally I like to stick with either city sites, or regional sites. A few times I’ve done some state wide sites for clients that cater to an entire states.
For the most part I stick with more regional, so there might be like for example, Norther Virginia. It’s an area that has multiple counties right outside of Washington DC. Most of my clients, they service all of the Northern Virginia area, so we end up siloing their sites out using counties, and in cities, and that sort of thing. Hopefully that makes sense, but I prefer more regional type sites personally, just because they’re a bit easier to manage than a big, big site. Although it’s really up to you.
Hernan: Yeah, and it makes a little sense to attack a project like that. Because that way, when you can rank locally or regionally, it’s usually easier than to rank for national terms, or to rank for 50 different states, or something like that. You will actually end up making more money initially, or making some money initially that you can then reinvest in the project to keep growing it. As you were saying, scaling, and that usually keeps the motivation strong. You know what I mean? Otherwise you are planning for the long term, and you have to keep the fire going. Even one year and you are still not seeing results. Which is normal case scenario when you are planning for a big national sites.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: Also if I can just add this. National sites usually have regional offices, and the one thing that most people fail to do when they’re going after a national site, is to establish that trust and transparency of having one central office, and then whether it’s a franchise, or whether it’s regional offices, extending. They have a lot of trouble, because then you’re dealing with multiple locations, and how do I get maps for multiple locations, and that’s part of the process. It’s something that you have to think about, and you have to figure out how you’re going to do that.
What Are Some Good Examples Of Elevator Pitches For Semantic Web And IFTTT Networks?
Bradley: Cool. Okay, let’s see. Rick Dawes says, “Hello, having difficulty explaining the concept and benefits of semantic web, and IFTTT networks succinctly. I’d like to be able to discuss the SEO and traffic benefits without being to wordy or nerdy. Can you give examples of elevator pitches?”
Yeah, well because Rick, the thing is if you’re trying to explain semantic web, as soon as you say semantic web, your clients eyes, I guarantee you, gloss over, and they’re daydreaming at that point. Because they have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. All you need to do with you’re talking to a potential client, or a prospect, or whatever about this, is just talk about the benefits of content marketing on a regular basis and updating social media. Because that’s something that they can understand, and they most likely already are aware of the fact that they should be marketing, and producing content, and updating social medial regularly, and they’re probably not. At least that’s my experience with the type of businesses that I deal with. Is they already know that they’re supposed to be doing this stuff, but they don’t.
Part of the reason they don’t is they don’t know how, or they think it’s too difficult, or they don’t know what we know. About how we can set it all up and automate it. I just talk about that benefits of having regular content that’s relevant to their industry, and that their audience would potentially like to consume. That will also have the SEO benefit, and the updating of the social media benefit as well. I talk about the benefits that they’re going to receive, and I try to dumb it down to where it’s not technical at all. Because as soon as you start mentioning technical terms you’re going to lose your audience. You are going to lose your prospect. If that makes sense.
Hernan: Want to hear my pitch?
Bradley: Sure.
Hernan: I’m going to positively effect your bottom line. How I do that is up to me. If I don’t do it, you don’t pay me, period. I mean it’s really that simple. When you can bring it down to those terms, where they can see, “Okay, so he’s going to make me money, and if he doesn’t make me money, then I can get rid of him. If he does make me money, I want to keep him.” You let them do all the thinking. You don’t have to do the thinking for them. Deliver the pitch that way man, and it’s a whole lot easier dealing with the client. Because that way you’re dealing in terms that they … They understand money. Everyone understands money. It’s just how you come across in delivering that message of how you can make them money.
Bradley: One of the things that I, I like to ask questions when I’m pitching. I like to ask the clients questions and lead them into thinking that it’s their own decision. For example, I’ll say Mr. Business Owner, I’m sure you’re aware of the fact that you should probably be marketing on social media, and updating, and interacting on a regular basis. Am I right? No, yes, yeah. Well is there any reason why, or what does your marketing situation look like right now? What are you dong for social media marketing, and are you active on Twitter and Facebook, and blah-blah-blah? I let them start to tell me how poor their marketing is. A lot of it, sometimes they’ll say, “Oh, you know occasionally I’ll put a Facebook post up, and blah-blah-blah.” I’ll say, yeah, but can you really expect that produce any results if you’re not active on a regular basis, and updating content that’s timely, and blah-blah-blah? By just asking them to reveal what they’re currently doing, it forces them to realize, through them telling me what they’re doing, that they have a sub par marketing campaign.
Their marketing is not where it should be, and so it makes the sale so much easier. That’s why, again, I don’t talk about the technical stuff. I just talk about the things that they probably already know they should be doing, that they’re probably not doing really well, and I let them tell me about how poorly they’re doing it. Then that’s when I can very easily say, well I can do this, or I can do that. I can update your content. We can provide the content marketing services for you, so you don’t have to do a damn thing. All the stuff, and that’s usually where the sale comes from.
Adam: Yeah, I was thinking too, I like the way Bradley started off with that, about going in, basically getting the yeses, but doing mini closes. Do you want this? Yes, of course, I mean frame this correctly, but what do you want? Is this what you want? Is this how you want to beat your competition? Get them to be agreeing with you, and then go in, and think of it just from a closing standpoint. Even though you’re just telling them about something. You have two choices, do you want to do this, and be future proofed, or do you want to do this and fall behind? I mean that’s one option for closing. You have excuses or you can move forward. If you have excuses today, that’s fine, and you don’t want to do it. That’s great. Then you’re going to have to make your own elevator pitch. Because nothing we’re going to say is going to work exactly for your business.
I would create the one paragraph thing you pitch people, an then if they say, “Okay, I want more details.” That’s when I would have a PDF or something ready to go, and be like we’ll send it over to you, you can read through it. Kill them with details. Don’t sit there and tell them all about it. I don’t know why anybody would do that, but you need to tell them clearly what the benefits are, and then do a closing on it. Here’s your two choices, you can either be future proof and move forward ahead of you competition, or not. Again, that’s just one. Then back it up and say, “Hey, I’ll send you this PDF I wrote that explains this type of stuff.”
Bradley: Yeah, and then you get them on your email list anyways, because now they’re warm leads, and you can send them auto responders to sell them down the road if they don’t purchase right away.
Adam: Yep.
How To Test The Effectiveness Of New Links?
Bradley: R. Bacon, he says, “Bradley, you often recommend testing whenever you try something different. Can you give some suggestions on the best ways to test the effectiveness of new links?” Well, no I don’t test new links, as far as you can do it. For example, if you were to purchase an expired domain, rebuild the old content on it, had great metrics, blah-blah-blah. You could poke somebody else’s site with it, or a web two site or something like that if you want. In fact Terry Kyle even did a short training, I think it’s on his blog, so I think it’s available for anybody. Where he talks about doing that, buying an expired domain that has good metrics, topically relevant to what it is that you’re going to ultimately be linking to.
Find somebody else in that industry of, or another similar type site or whatever, that is back on page two or three, something like that. Page three, and then point the link there with just a redirect by the way. You don’t even have to rebuild the old site, you can just do a redirect to that site that that page that’s on page three, or whatever like that of Google Search results and just monitor it. See if it jumps. It was back on page three so it’s not going to hurt, and then if it does jump, and you get let’s say it jumps from page three to position fourteen, you know that that link had a positive effect on it. Then at that point you can remove the redirect and redirect to your own site.
What I would suggest doing is at that point rebuild the domain and then just put a link from that domain over to your money site. You can poke other peoples sites, they don’t have to be your own, but if you already have some digital assets in that particular industry that are web twos, or whatever, you can always test them on those first. Personally I don’t do it. I don’t do all that, because it’s just too much time, and I’m too impatient. What I do is just purchase the domains, rebuild the sites, and then put a link to my site, and monitor the site that I link to. Which is my money site, and see what effect or changes it had. Sometimes it doesn’t have any effect. I got to be honest, but sometimes I get significant jumps just from one link.
You can definitely poke other peoples property’s, they don’t have to be your own, or you could setup, like I said, some web twos are something like that. If you don’t want to … But again, if you just build it and point it to your money site, if you’re already ranking really well, and you’re worried about it potentially causing harm. Then yeah, go ahead and test on other sites. If you’re not ranking yet anyways, what harm is it going to do to point it directly at your money site, and then monitor the results? If it didn’t help at all, or it actually caused it to drop a couple spots, which it may. Because that’s the typical Google dance guys.
Remember that’s what I was talking about earlier when he was, Tim or James, was asking about link velocity. Is you don’t want to go too fast. If you point a link at your site, and it could drop two or three spots right after pointing link to it, but give it some times. Give it a couple weeks. Because it’s just doing the normal Google dance at that point. That one link might have made it drop two or three spots, but in two weeks time it could be positive five spots. You got to give it a little bit of time. That’s why personally I don’t test on other people’s … I don’t do that testing new links, just because it takes too much time for me, and I’m too impatient.
Will Link Juice Be Transferred Automatically From Non-Canonical URL To Canonical URL?
Randy says, “If I build links to a non canonical URL, will that link just be automatically transferred by Google to the canonical page, and the canonical page will rank well, but the non canonical will never be found in the search engine results?” Bingo Randy, and I’m going to move right on to the next question, because that’s going to open up a whole lot of questions, but you’re right on target buddy. That’s exactly what would happen.
What Is The Best Starting Strategy For Generating Leads?
Chris says, and we talk about that in the mastermind, we’ve done training on that specifically, how to do that very strategically. Chris says, “If you are starting a new campaign for generating leads for a new client, let’s say in something like home remodeling, what would be your starting strategy in a nutshell?” Go to two tiered network around a lead gen website and branded YouTube channel. Now I don’t put two tiered networks around websites, only YouTube channels. I’ll tell you in just a moment. “Also do you have a product that best covers lead gen fulfillment plus sales?”
Probably the only thing that we would add, like inside of the master class we talk about a lot of lead gen stuff, and we setup a lead gen site, and how to find the service providers, and all that stuff. That’s all available inside the master class Chris. As far as what I would be doing, again, it’s exactly what I did in the master class. We took a brand new lead gen site, I mean I started the campaign from scratch. It was part of the master class. It spanned about, I don’t know what, six or eight weeks. I’d say, yeah, six or eight weeks is how much we covered that. It was brand new. We bought a brand new domain, we registered it, we build a brand new word press site, brand new IFTTT network, started posting content. Two or three posts per week, ordered a pack, citation pack, build the Google Plus local listing. We bought a PO box and used the street address option, so we had a physical location and address. Then we verified the Google Maps listing, and just did exactly what my normal launch strategy is for any lead gen site. It was all covered in the master class.
Very simply it’s just you find the niche first. That’s where you get, you spend most of your time up front trying to identify and find a profitable industry to build lead gen sites in, but number two, is try to find low hanging fruit. The easy ones to rank for guys, so that you’re not beating yourself up over months, trying to rank a stupid site that may or may not be very profitable for you. Most likely, if you’ve done your research correctly, you’ve selected the proper industry, you’re going to make money. I like to find the easy stuff, and for example, in the master class the city that I had selected, it is a growing city. It’s growing very, very rapidly, but it’s small. The competition level wasn’t real high yet, and it was in the home remodeling industry by the way. The exact same industry you just mentioned. I was able to rank it to, into three pack for four out of my five keyword phrases in the eight weeks, starting brand new. With a brand new site, brand new everything, and it generates me money.
That’s what I prefer going after the low hanging fruit guys, instead of going after the big cities. Start generating some revenue, build some momentum from having success. One success begets more. Success begets success, so you start having little successes, they’ll start to snowball, and you can start going after the heavier, or the more difficult terms, the bigger cities. That kind of things. Really it’s really, in master class we covered that in depth. I’d recommend that you come join us, and check it out over there.
Do You Remove Yoast Markup When Adding JSON LD In The Header?
God, that photo is awful. I’m going to scroll up just to get it off the screen. Chris Chapman says, “The Yeast SEO plugin had some markup in site header.” Yes it does. “If I want to add JSON LD markup manually do I remove the small amount of US markup or leave it?”
Well, if you clear the fields inside the Yoast plugin, the settings, like where you add in your social media URL’s and that stuff, then it should clear the code anyways. Other than going in and editing the plugin files, which I don’t recommend doing. Especially Yoast, because Yoast updates so damn much, the moment it updates it’s going to rewrite the code. It’s going to overwrite your edits anyways. I don’t recommend that you ever edit the plugin files. If you just clear the fields, and you’re going to add your own JSON LD, it should be okay. All right?
Can The Jsonld Markup Be In The Site-Wide Header Including All The Local Data And Same As Attributes?
Can the JSON LD markup be in the site wide header, including all the local data, and the same as attributes? Yes. I thought I heard the local markup information should only be on pages that is also on the page. Not that’s not true. You can put it in the header. In fact that’s typically what you’re going to do if it’s a normal type website. If it’s a site that has multiple locations, physical locations attached to the one site, then you wouldn’t want a site wide JSON LD markup. Because you would have individual specific location pages, and you would want the JSON LD markup for that location, only on that location page. If you had something in the header, then you’d have conflicting local business data markups. Because you’d have two. You’d have one for the site wide address, and then you’d have one for the location. For multi location properties, you’re going to want to put them on only those pages. In fact you could do that silo wide if you had siloed your site, there’s ways to do that too. For most businesses you’re going to just do site wide, and that would be go in the header. If you’re using JSON LD markup, obviously.
Is 15 SameAs Attributes In The Markup Too Much?
All right, I have 15 same as attributes in the markup. Is that too many? Thank you. Nah, I mean if they’re all the strong properties, and semantic hubs and stuff like that, no it should be fine. Oh that’s awful, thanks a lot Wayne.
What Are Your Thoughts On Keeping/Creating Long Urls That Match Long Titles?
Dana says, “First off thanks to Marco for a great webinar on Monday. Awesome stuff. Question, what are your thoughts on keeping/creating long URL’s that match long titles word for word when we create new pages and posts? I notice the Yoast plugin now takes long titles and chunkates the URL’s to just a few basic words from the title when new pages post, or created. Which is preferred method these days?”
I’m going to say the shorter URL’s. I personally like shorter URL’s, and I think there’s been some testing on that, or some surveys, like search metrics in MOZ and stuff like that to test that. Often time the shorter URL’s, there’s correlation between shorter URL’s and higher rankings. That doesn’t mean that that’s the case. That’s not proof but there’s a correlation across large sets of sites that they’ve monitored or measured. Personally, as far as I’m concerned what Yoast does is just remove the stop words now, like and, of, it. Those stupid stop words, but I don’t mind, I don’t care if it shortens the URL. Sometimes when you have a long post title, the URL is stupid long anyways.
Hernan: Yeah, I think that shorter URL’s are easier to remember for your audience. They are also easier to link to. If you think about it, it would make more sense that a shorter URL will have more links, or more visitors just because it’s shorter URL. Instead of having it the entire title, I usually go for the keyword maybe, or something shorter. Because it’s usually easier for the visitor to go that way.
Bradley: Daniel says, “We hang rugs on walls in Russia too.”
Hernan: Cool.
Bradley: It’s in Spain and Russia. John, it’s posted in the mastermind buddy. The replay of the webinar that we did on Monday, it’s posted in the mastermind, so I believe it’s in the training updates section, so go check on it, you’ll see it. I just posted it I think Monday evening.
Is It Worth The Hassle Of Sorting Through The Incoming Crap To Keep The Trackbacks & Pingbacks On Your Moneysite From Your Own Syndication?
Dos says … Oh cool, we’re almost done. This is perfect guys. We might wrap up a couple of minutes early. Dos says, “Is it worth the hassle of sorting through the incoming crap to keep the track backs and ping backs on your money site from your own syndication?” No, I just turn that crap off. In fact for the most part … Well, it depends on what it is that you’re doing, but for most of the sites that I manage I put the disable comments plugin on. Which removes that all together anyways. Because if we’re going to allow comments on any one of our websites, we usually put in something like the discuss plug in, or some sort of social media commenting plugin, so that it … WordPress comments suck guys. I mean they’re just, it’s terrible. Those track backs and ping backs, that’s a bunch of crap. It’s a wast of time, so I just use the disable comments plugin, and just completely remove WordPress commenting function from WordPress all together. I just ignore all that stuff.
Do You Use Sitewide Links?
Yeah Ryan, I would just no follow it, and yeah it absolutely diminishes. It used to be, I don’t know if it’s changed, but I just assume that it’s still the same. Is that if you have multiple links from the same domain, that Google’s only going to count like the top five links from that site. Whatever it deems are the most beneficial or whatever, to completely are ignored. If that makes sense. If you get 20,000 links from one site, then those are absolutely site wide links. I would first of all no follow it. Even if you, I certainly would do follow it, because that can get you into trouble. As far as I know, at least it was this way a couple of years ago. It may have changed, and I haven’t done any recent testing on this guys, to prove it one way or the other, so don’t quote me on it. It could be, it used to be where I think five links counted, and anything beyond that was just completely ignored. Do you have any data to back that up, Hernan?
Hernan: No, we’ll need to retest that.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: I think it was around that. Around five, we will need to test back. Because that was last thing we knew, five links.
How To Use Scrapped Domains In IFTTT?
Bradley: That was 2014, I remember it. When I did that test so. It’s been a couple of years, but I just assume it’s the same. Side wide links, and anytime I know that I’m going to get a site wide link I no follow it anyways. “Liking blue chip back link so far. I feel a great strategy is just to register scrapped domains, redirect from registar to a IFTTT property and move on to the next one. Can you share some of the way’s that you guys are share some of the ways that you guys are using these domains?“
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing Ryan. If I can get sites that are really topically relevant to what I’m going to be linking to, then I’ll rebuild those sites, and then with the downloads. I’ll rebuild them as html sites, and then I’ll hack a link into the front, the first page, the index.html page, and pointing to my money site. If it’s, it they’re questionable, or they’re not 100% relevant to what I’m going to be linking to, but they have the topical relevancy. Excuse me, the proper topical trust flow category. When you guys, searching domains, if you’re using Majestic, you’re going to see that the very first topical trust flow category that they show in that middle section. Where they show topical trust flow and then the number. That’s what they call topical trust flow category zero. That’s the one that’s given the most weight. That domain is weighted, or leaning towards that particular category more than any of the other ones.
A lot of the times, if I were … For example, if I wanted to build a tree, and I was looking for the business/construction and maintenance category as my topical trust flow category for the domains that I’m purchasing. I might find plenty of them in the plumbing niche and the HVAC niche, but not a lot in the tree service niche. It’s the same topical trust flow category that I’m going after, but the domains that I was … If I purchased the plumbing domain, an expired plumbing domain that had high trust flow metrics with the business/construction and maintenance as my top level topical trust flow category, then it still is a powerful, valuable link to me, but I don’t want to link from a plumbing site directly to my money site. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done it, and I still do it when I’m lazy.
I would rather take that, and redirect that URL … Either rebuild the domain and point a link to a tier one property instead of direct to my money site. Because now I can actually push or inject that topical relevancy into the link. Because I’m taking a plumbing site link, pointing it to a tier one property that’s about tree services, that’s then linking to my tree service site. The link from the tree service tier one property is going to inject relevancy from the tree service content over through that link to my money site, if that makes sense. My point is, is yeah. If I’ve got really topical trust flow category matches, and the topical relevancy of the domain that I’m purchasing matches what I’m going to be linking to for my money site, then I will go ahead and build direct links to my money site. If it doesn’t, but it’s the proper topical trust flow category, then I will use a buffer site. Which is typically going to be one of my tier one properties.
By the way, if you have PBNs, remember you can do to boost this … Think about this Ryan. You can take, you can find a domain that is topically relevant to your domain, your money site. Rebuild that domain, right, put a link on it from the home page over to your money site. Then find a bunch of other domains that are in the same topical trust flow category, but may not be 100% relevant. Purchase them and just do 301 redirects, registar redirects, or HD access redirects, or even C panel redirects, you could do that too, the PBN site that you just built. The first domain that you purchased for link bulding. Does that make sense? You can basically boost the hell out of that one, because like for example with the tree service industry, a lot of the tree service sites, it’s difficult to find good expired domains in that niche. I find a lot in the business/construction and maintenance niche.
It’s, so what I’ll do is occasionally when I find a landscaping site, or a tree service domain that I can purchase, then I’ll point that to one of my tree service sites, and then I’ll take bunch of the plumbing sites, and HVAC sites, and roofers sites, and stuff like that, and point them at that one domain. I’m basically powering it up, but I’m not pointing it direct to my money site, because the topical relevancy wasn’t there. Hopefully that makes sense. Great question by the way Ryan. Great question.
Adam’s yelling at me in slack so. Earl says, “Have you checked out Lisa Allen’s RSS authority sniper?” Yeah, that’s what we’re going to have her on about Earl, and on June 2nd in the mastermind we’re going to have her on. We might end up cutting out the webinar with her from the mastermind, and making that publicly available. We probably will, because she’s going to be talking about RSS authority sniper 2.0 and Rank Feeder, and they’re both really, really good products. If you can wait a couple weeks we’re going to have her on, but yeah it is it’s great. It’s a good product.
Randy says, “Can you show that in your Majestic account?” Well, we’ve got to go but let me just, let me pull up one thing real quick. We’ll go through this very quickly I promise. Let’s look up, let’s just go to Twitter. Right here, this is what I’m talking about. For most of the stuff that I work in guys, I work in a lot of the clients I do SEO stuff for, and lead gen sites are all in the homes services industry, so it’s business, with the sub category of construction and maintenance. These are your topical trust flow categories in here. You can see business, construction, and maintenance. This is the category that I typically am looking for when I’m buying domains, because I can use them for pretty much all of my money sites, if that makes sense.
Whatever you see right here in this first position, this is what they call topical trust flow category zero. If you were download a back link report, then the way that they sort it in the CSV file, it’s always going to show you topical trust flow category zero, that’s going to be first, and that’s going to be this number here with the category, so that’s going to be the one that it’s weighted the most. Hopefully that makes sense. All right guys, we got to wrap it up master class [crosstalk 00:46:20].
Marco: If I can just, if I can just add a little bit on this topical trust flow. You can manufacture your own.
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: You don’t have to rely on Majestic’s metrics. Go and manufacture your own. Because as long as everything you’re doing it’s themed, and relevant, and topical, and you’re posting regularly. You can build up your own topical trust flow in you niche. I mean we’ve show that in [inaudible 00:46:39]. How you can do that. [crosstalk 00:46:43]
Adam: Awesome.
Bradley: Okay guys thanks. Master class starts in about ten minutes guys, we’ll see you all over there. Those of you that are in master class. If you’re not, well come join.
Adam: Yeah, and we got some good stuff for master class today. What are you talking about Bradley?
Bradley: Oh yeah.
Chris: We should tease that a little bit shouldn’t we.
Adam: Hell yeah.
Bradley: I’m updating the crowd search training, although that’s probably going to be made public as well. I’m going to be going through a whole other … Last time we did crowd search training webinar about it was over a year ago I believe, and so I’m redoing it. A lot of stuff has changed since then, so today we’re going to do an actual formal training on how to use crowd search.
Adam: Cool, awesome product.
Bradley: Yep. Okay guys, thanks everybody, we’ll see you in a few minutes.