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Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 75



Click on the video above to watch Episode 43 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.




Adam: Hey, everybody. Welcome to your Hump Day Hangouts. Today is the 13th of April. This is “Hump Day Hangouts; Episode 75.” We are now three-quarters of the way to the century mark. We still don’t have Hernan. He’s missing in action, but hopefully he’ll show up again someday. We do have Chris, Marco, and Bradley. We’ll go down the line and see what’s going on. How’s it going Chris?

Chris: Hello everybody. Doing great here. Good to be here.

Adam: Marco, as usual, how’s the weather treating you?

Marco: Warm and sunny, man. I can’t stand it. I can’t wait for the rain.

Adam: It’s coming. That’s tough. Bradley how about yourself? How are you doing?

Bradley: Really upset that Hernan is not here again, and that you guys are going to have to settle for us.

Adam: No Hernan. Maybe we can get him if he watches this, which I guarantee you he will be. Hopefully, he can start posting some more pictures. I think we were getting like pictures, pictures on Facebook and stuff, and then it’s gone quiet. That might be because of his internet connection.

Bradley: Since Hernan might be watching this later, I just want to give you this.

Adam: We miss you buddy. Let’s roll through some announcements real quick, and then I think we’re going to dive into it this week. Real quick, if you got our email this morning, we were telling you about the Summit Webinar, the free webinar for video marketing tomorrow. Bradley, if you want to talk about that real briefly. I’m going to pop the link in here. You guys can sign up, but it’s a free expert panel that Bradley is participating in tomorrow.

Bradley: There’s a Video Marketing Summit. It’s called, “The Video Mastery Mini Summit” that John S. Roads is hosting. He’s putting it together for tomorrow. It’s a 2:00 p.m. eastern. There’s going to be several panelist on there. I’m one of them, Todd Gross, Felicia Slattery, Ben Littlefield, and Ray Laine. Ray the video guy, he maybe on as well.

I guess it’s like speed dating. We’re each going to be given about 15 minutes to just talk about what each one of us are really good at. Obviously, there’s going to be an offer at the end for something really cheap. Most of you guys already have IFTTT SEO Academy. That’s what I’m going to be talking about is how to use … It’s for video stuff “How to use IFTTT syndications networks for video SEO”.

Again, this is like the offers that are going to be made are incredibly discounted. It would be worth anybody that’s doing video SEO stuff to come check it out tomorrow and see what’s available, because, again, there’s several people are going to be talking very briefly about whatever, and then making a ridiculously cheap pitch at the end. If you guys are interested in that, come check it out tomorrow.

Adam: Cool. I promise you, we did not come up with that URL shortener. I have no idea where that comes from. We did not do that. That was given to us. Always you guys, if you don’t have a Search Base account, please head over, sign-up. Free account to sign-up. I actually had somebody asking me, “Hey. How do I get these discounts you guys were talking about with Serp Space?” You get them by signing up. Then we send out emails from time to time as deals come up. If you’re signed up to our email list, you’re good to go. Head over there. Once you join, you’ll be set for the discounts. Then we’re going to be rolling out some more stuff in the near future. Hopefully, we’ll see you over there.

Chris: Sweet.

Adam: How about you Chris, anything else or are we ready to roll?

Marco: IFTTT SEO Academy rules.

Adam: Of course, it does.

Bradley: There goes Marco again. All right cool. I think we’re pretty good to go on questions now. No other announcements, right? We’re ready?

Adam: I just saw the picture you posted.

Bradley: Well, I had to post something. I’m going to go ahead and grab the screen. We’re going to get right into it. I’ll take the entire screen. Hopefully, you guys are seeing everything okay.

Third Party RSS Feed For Non-Wordpress Sites

We’re going to start right with Mark O’Connel at the bottom. He says, “Hi, guys. Quick question for you. If a client has an RSS feed that only post a small description and that’s it and it wasn’t WordPress, would you get them to ask their webmaster to make it full post feed? Have you ever created your own unique RSS feed? There are software out there that create RSS feed. Is it possible to create an RSS feed from another URL and put it on my own domain or sub domain, put a robots.txt file in it and no index it as well and use that for the blog syndication? Thanks.”

Mark, I have run into that problem, but I’ve always gone directly to the developer, whoever is managing the site and ask them to change the feed. In fact, I’ve met with resistance on that a couple of times where the web developers have said like, “Why would you want to do a full text feed? That can cause duplicate content issues.” I’ve had to argue with them and say, “Just do it.” You just stick to building websites and I’ll stick to doing SEO, okay?

Seriously, I’ve had that happened on a couple occasions now. I’ve just had them change the RSS feed output to where it makes a full text. I don’t know about the other option that you mentioned. Is that something that you’ve done before, either Chris or Marco? We’ve created an RSS feed.

Marco: Say that again. I’m sorry.

Bradley: In his question, I would go directly to the webmaster or the developer and say, “Hey. I need the RSS feed to output full text post instead of just summaries.” He is saying that there are software out there that also create RSS feed. Is it possible to create an RSS feed from another URL and put it on my own domain or sub domain to use that for blog syndication? Do you guys have any experience …

Marco: I have never done this, but, yes, you can actually create an RSS feed from … Anything that has content can become an RSS feed. This is absolutely plausible. I don’t see why not. Especially we’re doing … It’s a little underhanded, but, yeah, absolutely. I might try it myself. The only thing that I always tell people is, “Test it.” The only thing that you can do is test and see what works and what doesn’t, and how Google reacts to it.

Chris: I’ve done it in the past. It was like feed blending and get my own custom-made WordPress plugins just had pretty much a spider behind it and just search for specific kind of content. I haven’t done it for like a year or so. No idea if we get a penalty or not right now.

Bradley: Like I said, I’ve always just going to the developer and said, “Look, this is what we need. Make it happen.” Then sometimes I have to argue with them to convince them why they should do it, but that’s how I’ve always done it. I haven’t tested the other method, Mark. Just test it.

If you have a way to do it on your own that doesn’t require a lot of manual work, the thing that I would see … Foresee as a potential problem would be, if you had to go up and update the RSS feed manually, which would suck. You know what I’m saying? Like if you had to insert new items manually into the feed output of, like if you’re using some sort of third party RSS feed generator. If you get the developers to just create either … They could even create a second version of the feed. If their main feed outputs a summary, you could have a second feed created that just uses a different slug, that would output the full text post feed, the full text post, which then you could use for syndication. That’s typically how I do it because it requires the least.

Remember, the more third-party stuff you start using, the greater the chance of something breaking down. In my opinion, it’s better to go straight to the source and get to the actual feed updated on the blog itself.

This Stuff Works

How Does Search Engine Bots Perform in Terms of Caching, Indexing, Timing, and Ranking?

Next one. Sky says, “I used to think when the cache data change on the SERP, search engines results page, the search engine that had crawled, evaluated and assigned the ranks core. I recently noticed the description tag was not updated in the SERPs even after a new cached version was displayed in the SERPs. The cached version displays new updates made to the web page. The description was my old version and it wasn’t rewritten by the search engine. Can you please cover the bot process indexing timing and ranking evaluation? Thanks.”

First of all, Sky, I wish I could. If I knew that much, if I knew exactly how the bot process index timing and rank evaluation work within Google, I wouldn’t be sitting here teaching you guys how to do any SEO stuff, because I’d be counting my money and running my empire. Honestly, I can’t answer that. I don’t work for Google.

I can tell you that I have also experienced the same thing where … I’m not sure what causes it, but sometimes the title tags or the meta descriptions don’t get updated like they’re supposed to.

Sometimes it’s weird. I’ve seen Google reorder the title tags from my sites and I have rhymer reason as to why they’ve done it. I’ve gone back and checked the SEO titles. I’ve checked the meta descriptions and seeing that they … For whatever reason Google decides to display it however the hell they want sometimes.

In my opinion, it’s a fluke. There might be something behind it, but don’t know what it is. I just usually just ignore it, and it ends up fixing itself at some point. I know that when they come … When they refresh the database so whenever they refresh the results, it’s supposed to update, but I think its different data centers that perform different functions. Just because the cache has been updated, it doesn’t mean what’s displayed in the search results is going to be updated, because that could be another data center refresh entirely. Does that make sense? They’re not always synced up. In fact, they’re usually not synced up is my point. You want to say anything about that, Marco? I think you had something about it, too, didn’t you?

Marco: No. Not at all. I’m totally with you. There’s absolutely no way for us to know timing. If we could, we could pin point the timing and then the rank evaluation that’s conducted during the bot process, I would be right there with you sitting on the beach, drinking Mai Tai or whatever, and talking about how we have the stuff killing it all over the web. We’d be able to take over just about any niche. You name it. We would take over, because we know exactly how the process works.

Most of all we do is a good guesstimate and spend tons of time looking at patents and the way that Google does things. Through tests, we can infer certain things. There’s no way to know. There’s just no way.

Bradley: Yes. I mean, as I said, Sky, I’ve noticed that there is like the cache … The refresh rate is different depending on what it is that they’re refreshing. You see stuff that’s just as out of sync all the time. I see it fairly regularly. I just chalk it up to being just part of the process, and so I just ignore it. Most of the time, this stuff will fix itself anyways. It will refresh at some point.

How to Rank Amazon Product Pages in Google?

Randy M. says, “What’s the best technique for ranking specific Amazon product pages and Google for your clients for specific keywords?”

I don’t do any Amazon stuff, but I can give you my best guess, but I haven’t verified it, because I don’t do any Amazon stuff. I would assume that if you have Amazon product pages, because it’s an Amazon page, essentially, on the Amazon.com domain, it can withstand probably an enormous amount of abuse.

My assumption would be that if you were to just build a shit ton of back links to it, preferably high quality links if possible, but you could probably even get away with quite a bit of spam, too, because I’s an Amazon page. Now again, I cannot say for sure, Randy, because I don’t do any Amazon stuff, but I know that the Amazon domain itself is … What is it? A perfect domain authority of 100 … I mean, it’s Amazon for god’s sake. It should be able to withstand a lot of abuse. That’s what my assumption would be, is that you optimize the page as much as you can, which I don’t know, because I’ve never set-up an Amazon listing. I don’t know how much you can optimize the page itself, but then also probably just build literally a ton of boat load of backlinks to it. That would be my opinion. Marco and … I don’t know. Adam, do you have any common experience for this Amazon stuff?

Adam: No. I haven’t tried Amazon man.

Marco: Yeah. Not with the product pages, so I don’t want to say something, like you said, haven’t tested. Not for product pages?

Chris: When you had that question, I was like, “You can transfer it within Google or in Amazon?”

Bradley: He says Google. That’s what I’m saying. As far as for Google, I can’t speak to the Amazon algorithm, but for Google, I would imagine you should probably be able to rank it with just optimizing the pages as much as possible, like I said. Again, I don’t really know what the extent of the optimization of the actual listing page is. Then I would just build a bunch of back links to the page because, it’s an Amazon domain so you should be able to get away with pretty much murder for that.

How to Recover from Google’s Search Engine Penalty?

Greg says, “Hi Bradley. I have a tough SEO question. My website used to have good page one positions last year. Google gave it a same content, no value manual penalty. Okay. Google has rejected four reconsideration requests over the past six months. Last week, I got a second spam thing content penalty.”

It’s time to change domains Greg. That’s all there is to it. “Six months ago, it did only have five pages. Since then, I’ve added 15 pages, a one thousand word about us page with original images, three original videos. We interviewed three different SEOs, etcetera. Pages are 800 to 2500 words. It has no affiliate links. All is original content.”

It’s just your domain is like the bastard child. Google, for whatever reason, just does not like your domain. I would just switch domains. “One SEOs advice was not to fight Google, start a new site and redirect this site to a new domain. What direction would you suggest?”

Yes. That’s what I just said. I would absolutely just clone the site. Slap it up on a new another domain. Then I would go ahead and redirect. As long as you know you don’t have a back link penalty, then I would redirect the old pages to the new ones. Just make sure that your backlink profile is clean. If it’s not, then I would probably setup some double 301 or something like that to where you’re not … Which we can’t really get into on Hump Hangouts. I would just make sure backlink profile is fairly decent before doing a 301 redirect from page-by-page.

For example, if you have one page that have a particular spammy backlink profile built to that specific page, then I wouldn’t 301 redirect that directly to the new page, if that make sense. I would end up maybe redirecting it to a buffer site first that had a link to my page, so that you lease the buffer site would be getting the bulk of the bad, the potentially negative SEO juice.

I don’t know if that make sense. Let’s see, “Would you 301 inside over page the new domain?” Yes, if the backlink profile was decent. Only redirect the most important pages. For example, if you were to take a look at all the different pages, like the backlinks on a page by page basis. If you’ve got pages than don’t have any backlinks or have very few or insignificant backlinks, there’s really no need to 301 redirect that all, because there’s no need to push the juice over, because it’s such insignificant amount of juice. It’s not necessary.

Yeah. You can just redirect the most important pages. Again, just pay attention to the backlink profile and make sure it’s clean. “Double redirect. I heard of this, don’t even know what it is.”

You could come talk to us in the Mastermind. We’d be happy to talk to you a little bit more about that.

“Is there a way to completely delete the current site and start a new site with the same existing content on the new site?” Yes. You would just clone the site and put it on new domain. Start a new site using the same existing content on the site. Yes. You just clone the domain. Clone the site. Install it on the new domain. Then you’re essentially deleting the old domain.

“Will the negative black market has carry over and contaminate the new site?” It shouldn’t. It should be a domain specific penalty.

“If I redirect it to another as a sub domain, will it contaminate the other sub domains in the root main?” Look. If you’re worried about the old domain redirect … If you redirect the old domain to the new domain, there’s a chance that you could pass the penalty to the new domain. It won’t be instant. It will take some time for it to catch up.

That’s why I recommend if you’re going to do it, that if you do it on a page by page basis and set them on a domain-wide level, and that you would only select your most important pages provided that they have clean back link profile. Anything that you would think is questionable, whatsoever, don’t do a 301 redirect to the new site. Put a buffer site in between. I don’t care if you use wordpress.com, Blogger, or Tumblr, whatever. Put some sort buffer site in the middle and redirect to the buffer site. Then have the buffer site pages pointing to the pages on the new site, the new domain. That way you’re cleaning that juice through that buffer site.

The penalty wouldn’t pass to the new domain if you don’t have a direct 301 redirect to the new domain. If you had a two-step where its redirecting to a buffer site first, and then the buffer site is just pushing juice to the new site, the penalty is not going to pass to the new site. At best or at worst, they would actually just penalize the buffer site, which is why you use like a high domain authority or Web2Dot or type site.

This Stuff Works

If you brand redirect to sub domain … Honestly, this will confuse more people answering this question. If you’re in the master class, we could talk about that in the master class, but that last part, trust me, that’s going to end up having a lot of people scratching their heads.

Is it Good to Use a Sitemap in Resurrecting Expired Domains on Amazon S3?

Jeff says, “Question 1. I’m resurrecting expired domain on Amazon S3. Is it advisable to use a sitemap? If so, can I just generate a site map .XML file as usual and submit it to search console? I tried this with my first site. The Google kept rejecting the sitemap. What am I missing?” I don’t worry I bout site maps for HTML sites, Jeff. If you want to go through the trouble, then certainly, I’m sure it could help a little bit. Honestly, I don’t go through the trouble. It’s too much extra work for such an insignificant amount of benefit.

It’s diminishing return, guys. Spending your time creating site maps, XML files and trying to work that out, if there’s an easy way to do it, sure use it. Why not? If you’re having trouble with it, just move on. To be honest with you, if you’re resurrecting the old sites, you should be able to. Once the site has rebuilt, you should be able to scrape the URLs from the pages that are available. Then you could even use a crawler or a domain crawler to do that very quickly and scrape all the pages, the URLs, and just hang them or submit them to an indexer. That’s all you need to do.

“Do I remember you saying these sites had dynamic IPs?” Yes, Jeff. Amazon S3, if you’re hosting HTML sites using Amazon buckets, the IPs will change. They’re dynamic IPs. It’s interesting because you can let go do like an IP check on one of your bucker URLs. Then check it 20 minutes later and the IPs will change. It’s interesting how often they change. I don’t know if it’s a set schedule or what, but they change often.

Should We Use Page or Category as Buton Link in the Navigation Menu?

Marcus says “Hi, guys. Your simple silo video is very helpful for the navigation menus. Should we use the page as the menu button link or the category? Both have the same name.

Michael you would use the page. The reason why is because the category page is nothing other than an index page. It’s just like a blog index page. If you click on a category page, all it’s going to do is show the post on that are within that category. Depending on your theme, it’s either going to show a snippet with like a “read more” button, or it’s going to show the full text post. Either way, it’s just an index page. When you’re setting up the silo and if you watch the simple silo structure videos, you’ll see that I talked about … As far as I’m concerned, the category page is pretty much useless for most type of websites. If it’s specifically just a blog, then it makes sense to have a category page. If it’s just a normal type of website like a local client website or some sort of website for business, a category page is typically useless.

What you do is you redirect the category page to the top level page. They shared the same slog. The only difference is they’re separated by the category in the URL. Does that make sense? Let me just plug this is up for a minute, so you guys can see what I’m talking about. You guys are seeing my full screen. Correct? Ralph?

Marco: Yes. We are.

Bradley: We’re going to say “red widgets.” Let’s say this is your top level page, but it’s also your category. You’ve got a category called “red widgets,” but then you’ve got your top level page, which is essentially what you want to be the top of the silo is also named “red widgets.’ They share the same slog. You can do that with categories and pages.

The category page would look exactly the same, except it would have the category URL. This is the only difference between the two. In my opinion, this particular page itself is nothing, but an index page that will display all the post within the red widgets category. In my opinion, it’s basically useless. What I do is 301 redirect this URL to this URL, so that if anybody were to ever try to click on that red-widgets category, it’s going take them to the red widgets page anyways. It basically eliminates the category pages. Hopefully that was clear.

What Anchor Text to Use When Linking the Homepage?

“On the sub domain website for the links linking the home page of the sub domain down to the top level pages and back up to home page, what type of anchor text do you use? Do you use the most important keywords?” Not sure what you mean why the sub domain makes any difference here on this, Michael. Honestly, I’m not really quite … I don’t really follow the question there.

Marco: To me, it reads like it just you could take the sub domain out that question and it should be the same as how we’re reading it, Michael, I think.

Bradley: My opinion, if you have red widgets as your top level, and then you’re going to have, let’s, say big red widgets, small red widgets. Let’s say, let’s do another one. Let’s do red widgets with polka dots. Let’s say that these are your top level category or your top level turn, the top of your silo is going to be red widgets. You can link. These are all supporting articles or supporting pages and that could even be post, depending on whether you use this simple silo structure or complex silo structure.

At any point when you’re linking from here, the best way to do it is just to make sure that from your red widgets page that you have a link down to each supporting article within the content, preferably contextual link, but you can even have like a little bullet list and say “For more information about all the widgets, about other widgets, red widgets types or whatever, click here.” It have like a little bullet list. It doesn’t matter.

My point is on this top level page you want to link down to your supporting articles. You can use the exact matched keyword if you’d like. It doesn’t really matter. It’s an internal link. You can get away with using exact match anchors as internal links. It’s not going to be a problem.

Then from each one of your supporting article you want to link back up to your top level page. Again, you could use exact match keywords. You could use the brand name. You could use whatever it is that you want to link back up there. It could just be a generic like, “To find all about all the red widgets, we provide, click here.” It could be either here. It could be that whole entire sentence. You know what I mean?

It doesn’t really matter. It’s an internal link. What you want to do is you just want to make that you’re linking from you top level page down to each supporting page. Then each supporting page links back up to the top level page. If it make sense to, if in the content, if in the big red widgets content you mentioned something about red widgets with polka dots, then you could do what I call a “lateral link” or a “horizontal link” from big red widgets over to red widgets with polka dots, because it’s all in the same silo.

What you don’t want to do is link from anyone of these supporting articles or the top level article over to the blue widgets silo. If you do link over to that effort for the users, for visitors of your web site, it might make sense to link from within the red widgets silo over to the blue widgets silo for navigation purposes. If you do so, it’s okay. Just make sure you’d now follow that link, so that you don’t bleed this theme. Hopefully that was clear.

Does the Anchor Text of an Internal Link Contribute to the Overall External Anchor Text Ratio of the Website?

On the internal link’s anchor text count towards the entire site overall external anchor text ratio. Now, Michael, as far as I know, it doesn’t. It’s an internal link, so Google treats those differently. I’ve never seen a site penalized from over optimized internal anchor text links. Yeah. They are seen differently. As far as I know, they’re seen differently, because I’ve actually tried to do that in the past where I was testing. It’s been about a year and a half now, but I was testing … I built a whole bunch of pages and used the exact matched keyword to link to the top level silo page from every other page. I didn’t build any external back links, and the site still ended up ranking fairly well even with no external back links. What am saying is it didn’t cost any negative problem.

Guys, by the way good on page for a lot of like … Especially, local stuff guys, good on page is like, if you have a really strong on page, you can rank with next to zero back links, if your site structure is set-up properly.

How to Index Multiple Cloud Boss Sites?

Earl say, “Have over dozen new sites on cloud box via blue chip backlinks for a various projects now could use a quick one-on-one on indexing?” The best way to index is … The most effective way is to submit manually to Google. Obviously, it’s not something you want to do if you got a bunch of them. The best way is just go submit directly to Google. Go to Google and types submit URL. Just type in “submit URL.” It’s going to be this on.

Believe it or not, they actually ranked Bing in Google’s own search results. That’s funny. Do you guys see that? Google actually ranked Bing above them. That’s interesting. You can do the same thing for Bing and Yahoo, too, by the way. Why not? That’s the quickest way to do it. You have to be logged in there with your search consult account or a Google account in order to do it. That’s the quickest or most effective way.

If you want to automate it, then I wouldn’t recommend probably backlinks indexer. That’s probably the only one that I would submit money besides to directly. A lot of the other indexing services, I would submit back links to, but not money site URLs.

Something else you could do is if you have a good Twitter account that’s active, it’s got a lot of followers, you know that kind of thing, especially if it’s themed, if it’s relevant, then you could tweet those URLs out. It’s incredible how quickly something will give index when you tweet it. That’s another method.

Is Helpful to Add Lower DA Local News and Blog Sites into the RSS Feeds in a Local Blog Network?

Chris has a question. “For a local blog network, is it helpful to include some local news sites and blogs spiced into our RSS feed even if the local sites are lower? Yes. I could care less about domain authority. Yeah, you can do that. I mean absolutely. For example, a lot of the … My curators who curate for my local clients, there’s obviously, like, for example, plumbers don’t … There’s not a whole lot of like stuff to blog about for plumbers. Do you know what I mean? Like you reach a point where it’s, “What the hell else can we right about?”

What I’ve trained my curators to do is to subscribe to the RSS feeds using something like Feed Me or Feed Reader to a lot of the local newspaper sites and any local blogs, any local directory sites that have a blog, anything like that, so that they can constantly be scanning for local news stories that they can curate to tie back into the local plumber that’s in that area. It’s like there’s no shortage of content when you start tying in local content, because it doesn’t have to be niche-specific if it’s geographically specific. That’s my point. You can do either or both if you can, if you can get local news stuff about plumbing and you’re tying it back into a plumber site, that’s ideal, but how often does that happen? You could tie local site stories back into the blog or you can tie plumbing stories back into the blog, but that’s a pretty good method to do. You can do that.

Can the Network Properties be Branded with Only the Subdomain Part of a National Brand’s URL?

For national brand site, can the network properties be branded with only the sub domain part of the URL?

In this case, the root is a generic category and the sub domains are very distinct from each other. They could easily stand on their own. I’m not 100% sure about what you’re saying, Chris. If you are creating essentially sub domains that are like sub-niches of a particular niche. If your root domain is covering like a broad niche, for example, and you have sub domain sites that are covering sub-niches that are more specific to that particular sub-niche, then absolutely, you’re going to have separate networks for each one of those. They’d be a little bit more narrowly themed. Each network will be a little bit more narrowly themed. They’d all fit into the boarder category, but they’d be like narrow themed, narrow, very specific type of networks for each sub domain. Yeah, you can do that. I don’t know if that’s answering your question or not, but … You may also interpret that differently than I just did.

Chris: Not I.

Bradley: We’re going to move on. Jess has two questions. Looks like three.

Chris: He said to refresh, because he edited it.

Eliminating Trailing Slash from Interlink Property URLs

Bradley: Okay. Let me refresh them. Why do eliminate the trailing slash from interlink property URLs? Jess, it doesn’t matter. If you want to leave the trailing slash on, do it. I just take it off, because it looks prettier without it. To be honest with you, it’s an SEO hack. It’s just because it looks prettier that way. For example, when you add your URL to a Google Plus page, my business page, or either a local page or a brand page, if you leave the trailing slash on, the trailing slash displays on the page at the top where the profile images right underneath the trailing slash space. It doesn’t change anything. It just looks crappy in my opinion, so I just take it off.

This Stuff Works

Best Practices in Separating Branded Blog and Persona YouTube Channel

Regarding separate networks for blog, branded, and YouTube channel persona, I appreciate maybe going to great lengths in IFTTV2 to clarify best practices about this. Is it assumed that the branded YouTube channel associated with the blog will service this was for their videos to be embedded into posting a blog and be syndicated to the personal networks? No. I can use any YouTube channel I want, but it just seems to make more sense that the branded YouTube channel associated with the blog would be where the videos were … It doesn’t matter.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter, Jeff. If you wanted … I see what you’re saying about … You say, I ask because I have … It was all geared up using aged YouTube channel I bought to post the videos for more authority, but leaves a blog with a n associated branded YouTube channel, we’re basically nothing will be happening. My question is, why can’t you take the aged YouTube channel and brand it to your blog brand? What’s stopping you from doing that? If you created a brand new channel when you set up a network that you branded to your blog, what is stopping you from just taking your aged YouTube channel and re-branding it and just not using the other channel that you set-up?

That’s my point is like I don’t … If you have an aged YouTube channel, you can rebrand it. If it already has a custom URL, so what? It would be nice if you could … I don’t know that it does or not, Jeff. I’m just assuming that an aged channel might have a custom URL already. You can still rebrand it and still put your own images on it and theme it to whatever theme you want, so you put your own channel art on it, and you optimize it for … That’s what I would do. If you have an aged YouTube channel, that’s what you should do.

I think I remember you asking something about the other YouTube channels that you create. Guys, remember, we create YouTube channels for every network even if they are persona-based, whether they are branded or not, it doesn’t matter. If the reason we do that is because on the YouTube about page for the channel is another place that you can link up all of your profiles and everything, it’s a Google property, too. That’s why we do it. Even if we’re never planning on using the YouTube channel that we’re creating for that network because we already had a YouTube channel that we were going to use to syndicate to that network, it doesn’t matter. We create it anyways, because it’s just another place to tie all of your properties together. It’s another target URL for back linking purposes. It just strengthens the network.

I don’t know if that answers your question, Jeff. I hope it does. You can just rebrand the aged channel, and the one that you already created for your associated website, I mean, like, for example, you can take the aged YouTube channel and associate that with your website, even if your other channel was already associated with it. It doesn’t matter. When you go into your channel settings and advanced and you can create the associated websites, you can do like external annotation links and all that kind of stuff. You can associate one website with more than one YouTube channel.

How to Generate Content for a Website with No Blog?

Ryan says, “If a client has a website, but no blog especially local business, what’s the best way to generate content on auto pilot? Create a sub domain and syndicate authorities with attributes? Something else? Thanks.”

Ryan, if you’ve got a client website with no blog, what I typically do with that situation is I tell the client that we’re going to install WordPress on a sub domain that we’re going to use as the blog. It will be like blog.clientdomain.com, or newsclientdomain.com, or something like that. That way I get access to the sub domain blog or my team does, so that we can produce content and use that as a content distribution engine. That’s what I like to do.

IFTTT Packages in SERP Space

Malcom says, “Interested to hear more about the various different IFTTT package you sell on SERP Space.

We can go take a look real-quick. This might be helpful to others. Let’s go to the marketplace. IFTTT networks. The single tier IFTTT network, this is just one ring. If you purchase just one ring, it’s a tier one ring, it can be branded or it can be persona-based. It’s up to you. It’s entirely up to you. We have the single tier two network, which I’m not even sure why we have that here, to be honest with you, because it’s pretty much the same thing as a single-tiered network. It would be a tier two network, which means it would be triggered by either the blog, or WordPress, or Tumblr RSS feed. That’s it. I’m not really sure why that’s there.

The three-tier two networks that’s if you already have a tier one branded network or whatever. You have a tier one network already, and you want to go back and add three, the tier two networks. Then that’s what this is for. Actually, you are buying three rings here instead of buying a full two-tier network, which is four rings. You are just buying these three outer rings.

Then lastly, there’s the full two tier network, which is where you get the tier one ring plus the tier two rings and all done for you. Typically, this is what people will order if they want a branded tier one ring, and they’ll send us the information that they want us to use when building that branded network. Then these will be the three supporting rings.

Guys, I highly recommend, and I am going to repeat this every week. I swear. I recommend if you are doing blog syndication, you stay with a tier one branded network only. If you’re doing YouTube syndication, I recommend always going with the full two-tier network, because why not? You’ll get more power out of it that way. In fact, you can stack as many full two-tier networks on a YouTube channel as you’d like, and you’d just get more and more power.

Spliced RSS Feeds Submission

I created four spliced RSS feeds using Chimp Feeder in Feed.Informer, but I only included one of my own feeds in each spliced feed. I see that I will end up with too many feeds. Can I simply not use those splice feeds? I have already created and go back and start over and create new ones putting two or three of my feeds into each mixed feed. I knew that this … I’m not sure of creating this. It’s already submitted those feeds, anyway. Eddy, if you haven’t submitted them anywhere, then don’t worry about it. Just go back and create new feeds to your liking. That’s all. It’s not going to hurt anything. If you created those feeds and haven’t submitted them anywhere, it doesn’t matter. Even if you did submit them somewhere, you could always go back and create new feeds and resubmit. That’s not an issue at all.

You must be talking about for the advanced RSS stuff, because that’s the only place where we splice feeds as for the advanced lessons.

Chris: Yeah. That’s a good lesson to check out, too. I know you talk about that, but then the training, like looking at the frequency of publishing, so you don’t end up the more you’re just swamped with other posts.

Bradley: Yeah. That’s in the advanced RSS training inside the IFTTT SEO Academy. That’s what he’s referring to here, guys. Otherwise, you don’t need to splice feeds.

Silo Structure for Advanced Link Building

Jenny says, “Good afternoon, guys. I’m just wondering. Is it best to build a … What is the best way to build a proper silo structure for advanced link building?” Actually, we covered that. We’re running out of time. I would like to draw out a thing, but we really don’t have time for that, unfortunately. What I talked about here is the best way to do it. The thing about this, if you remember what I said, if this is your top level page, and these are supporting pages, or they could be post, depending on what type of solid structure you use, if you’re linking from here to each one of these, so you have a contextual link preferably within this page for each one of these that links to each one of these, and then from each one of these, you link back up to the top level page, and you can laterally do a …

You can link laterally or horizontally to the other articles within that same silo if you’d like. It’s not necessary if one of the other pages or it comes up naturally in the conversations, so to speak, of the page, then you can link over to it, but you don’t need to force it. It’s unnecessary. For …

Chris: Sorry about that. We actually have two YouTube videos in our Semantic Mastery channel in YouTube.com/semanticmastery. They deal with simple silo structure and complex silo structure. You covered it really well and kind of go about it. Once you set that up, it’s just purchasing a link building package from us. I won’t hammer it to this.

Bradley: That’s the point is that once you have a proper silo structure in place, then when you’re building links to anyone of these pages, all that link equity, the inbound link equity or link juice is going to flow up through the silo to the top level page. What it do when it hits the top level page? It flows back down to each of the supporting pages in which case they are linking back up to the top level page. It creates like recyclable … It’s recycled link equity. It basically traps the link juice into a loop where it recycles it.

That’s what makes the silo structure so powerful. I think there’s a term called “buoyancy.” They call that “buoyancy.” If you’re building links to any one of these pages here or even to the top level page, that’s going to cycle through. It’s going to go through that entire silo. It’s just going to keep circling back through and back through. That’s what powers it up. It makes the whole entire silo stronger.

We’re running out of time really quickly, guys. We’re going to wrap it up in about 7 minutes. Richard says, “I just recently got my hands on you, guys, IFTTTV 2. Only two words to describe; bad ass.”

Chris: Thanks, Richard.

Bradley: Thank you, Richard.

Marco: Do you have one for me too?

Semantic Mastert Course Certification

Bradley: Yeah. “Do you have anything similar to Mathew Woodward PBN sort of certificate course?” No. We don’t have any certification courses where we give you certification. We could make something up, though. We could put a …

Marco: The ranks.

Bradley: We could put a gold star in a piece of a parchment and merit …

Chris: At least pretty handy with that Snag It image editor.

Bradley: We have the mastermind. If somebody wants to hang a certificate on the wall, just reach out to us. We’ll come up with something. Do you have anything similar to offer like Jacob King? I’m not sure what Jacob King is to offer, to be honest, Richard. Sorry. If you don’t have any other previous resources to offer, do you recommend me going to them and purchasing from them in order to learn and further my knowledge? Or do you think it is a waste of time? I can’t speak on what it is that they do. I know that the traditional PBN courses and I don’t know what Mathew Woodward looks like. I have no idea. I’m not saying anything bad about his, but I know that a lot of the traditional PBN training out there are outdated. In my opinion, they are …

Although PBN are still effective, their days are numbered in the way that we have been taught to use them. They can still be used effectively if you do it properly, which required embracing the web 3.0 or the semantic web, which is something that we try to teach inside of this minute mastery. I can’t speak for those other two courses, because I don’t know what the content is about them.

When will you guys teach us how to use GSA X Room or FCS network or in scrape box if ever?

That’s a great question. We get that question a lot. It’s certainly not something I’m going to do, because I hired that work out, so I didn’t have to learn how to do it. We have some people that could probably contribute to that. I don’t know that we were ever get to that, though. If there’s enough demand, we will.

Chris: Maybe we’ll do this. Hernan is going to be listening. Maybe we’ll put up the page and … Because we’ve got the people to do it, myself included. Maybe we’ll put something up and say, “Hey. Here’s what we think. Here’s how it’s going to look like. Here’s what we’re going to cover. Price is going to be X, Y, or Z. If we get 100 people onboard, well do it. If not, maybe we’ll approach it that way. From time to time, we get people asking just like Richard. Maybe it’s time we cover some of this stuff.

Bradley: I’m just saying I’m …

Marco: What are you looking … Yeah, Bradley. If what he’s looking for is to further the knowledge, then what I would say is come join the mastermind. You have people in there, not just guys who are “do-it-yourself guys,” the one-man-band. We have people in there who run agencies. We have people in there who are top-notch SEOs, I mean, just people who are fabulous with videos, with websites, with programming. You have this like-minded community of people all who are all wishing to build their business, to expand, always looking for more information. We have a community that shares. They are always sharing and talking. I would just suggest they come on over to check-out the mastermind.

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Curating Third Party Content in Branded Tier 1 Network

Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s where you should be, Richard. We do a ton of stuff in there, like it’s always evolving. Rick says … I tell you what. We’re going to wrap up. I’m going to try to get through these next four very, very quickly, so that Adam doesn’t get mad at me. We’re going to wrap up as soon as we get … I’m lucky if I can get to them quick enough. Rick says, “Is it safe to syndicate related content from authority sites to my tier one blog accounts and place the NAP and then link back to my site within the IFTTT recipe? This is in addition to the content that I publish on the money site and syndicates to tier one blog property? Essentially, every syndicated article on my tier ones include NAP and they link back to my site from other related sites as well as my own.”

I wouldn’t do that, Rick. The reason why is why would you want to be publishing other people’s content on your tier one branded properties, which is an extension of your brand? In my opinion, that’s your golden frame, like you should keep all content on those specifically generated from your blog. If you want to use a related content from authority sites, that’s absolutely fine. But what I recommend that you do is you curate the content from those authority sites into blog post that originate from your blog that will then distribute them out to your networks. Therefore, all the content on your tier one network is 100% originated from your blog even if your curating authority content from other sources. That’s what I would do. Personally, I do not like to clutter up my branded properties with any third party content, unless it’s curated content, which means it originated from my blog, so that if anybody clicks on the post from any one of the tier one properties, it’s going to bring them back to my site, so that somebody else’s site, if that makes sense.

Full Post Shown in the IFTTT Syndication Network

Gail says, “In the Curation Mastery Course, it talks about the fact that WordPress automatically truncates the post and prevents the keyword from potentially getting syndicated, the point of causing a penalty. What I don’t understand is when theew supposed syndicated out to the tier one IFTTT branded network, they show he full post. Thus your anchor text appears, anyways. What am I missing here? Because my WordPress feed is truncated, but the full post with anchor text shows in the IFTTT networks?”

You are not missing anything there. If you are syndicating your content and it’s showing a full text to your blogs, that’s great. Just be aware of that. Guys, if you are just using a tier one branded network for your blog syndication, then you’re only got three full text post that can be republished; Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress. Now, you can use Weebly as a second tier post. It can’t be triggered from RSS feed. It has to be triggered from one of your blog properties. Medium. You could use medium, too.

At the very, very most, you are going to have three to five links sharing that same anchor text. Just keep that in mind when you’re creating links within the content. Just keep that in mind. As long as you know that, now, if you start using multiple, tiered networks and all that stuff, now, you’ve get some more things to be concerned about, but that’s why I recommend over and over again, and I’m going to do it again right now, to just use a tier one brand of network for blog syndication, because that eliminates so many of the potential problems that come from trying to use tiered networks.

Optimizing Category and Tags 

Come on. Get off there. Let’s go back. We got two more. There all says, “Dumb question, but one I think would be a damn good point and help with all WordPress sites on tag pages and category pages. Is there a way to optimize those with keyword rich text.” When also stop dup content issues … I mean, just like a post not like the standard put in text, not like the standard put text in, but with H1 headers and images, this would or potentially give a WordPress themes on hugged untapped SEO.

Sherry, what I recommend you to do is just note index those pages. You can set that up typically within your whatever your SEO plug in is. You can set that up. You can set-up templates like templates for the category pages and whatever, and the tag pages if you want. Usually, the SEO plug ins will provide you that option to like you can optimize, like the titles and things like that.

To be honest with you, I would just know index them unless you know what you are doing with tag pages, which we talked about in the mastermind and how to use tag pages with canonicals to do some pretty ninja SEO stuff, but it’s not something that typically I would recommend people doing, unless they are a little bit advanced with SEO. Just know index them. You could leave them to follow, but no index. That’s all I would do.

Burner App and Yahoo Mail

Ryan, last question, guys. I had been using burner up numbers in the past and notice that Yahoo Mail doesn’t take it, and it recognizes as an invalid number. I’ve been wondering if Google secretly is able to detect burners, which could potentially flag your account as suspect.

Ryan, I use burner to verify accounts all the time, and I’ve never had an issue. Maybe there’s some team in Google that is watching to see if burner app numbers are used and at some points are going to come whack your sites, but I really don’t worry about. As long as it works. I haven’t had any problems with it. Guys, if you need phone verified accounts and you can’t do it in your won, just buy them. There are people out there that cellphone verified accounts. Just go buy them, because it’s a pain in the ass doing it yourself, anyways. Still need to do some testing, but I’m wondering if anyone foresees any issues with this so far. I haven’t had any problems, Ryan.

Not been using Burner Up for over a year to verify accounts. Most of my VAs do this stuff for me now, but when I do use it, it hasn’t cost me any problems.

That was it. No Masterclass today, guys. That’s next week. I guess, we’ll see everybody next week. Thanks guys.

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